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Final Orders

Teachers and Administrators Subject to Discipline

Oregon Revised Statute 342.203 requires the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission to circulate a list of all teachers and administrators whose licenses have been suspended, revoked or who have been reprimanded or placed on probation. If the decision to discipline has been appealed, the teacher or administrator's name shall not be placed on the list until such decision has been sustained by the Court of Appeals or until the appeal has been dismissed.

The Ethical Educator & Professional Practices - Describes professional conduct required of educators.

 Final Orders

Final Orders
Abrahams, Neil Martin Portland Public SD 1JRevocation2007-08-06
Ackerman, Jerry Joseph Beaverton SD 48JPublic Reprimand2009-08-10
Adair, Elizabeth Erin -Deny Issuance2003-05-09
Adams, Rolf Alan Reynolds SD 7Public Reprimand2015-03-16
Adamski, Mark Raymond South Umpqua SD 19Probation - 2 Years
Suspension - 6 Months
Adamson, John David Coos Bay SD 9Probation - 2 Years
Suspension - 90 Days
Adamson, John David North Bend SD 13Public Reprimand2011-02-11
Adsit, Timothy Lee Perrydale SD 21Suspension - 30 Days1999-05-10
Aerts, Mark M.Mollalla River School DistrictStipulated Final Order of Suspension and Probation 2022-06-22
Aguilera, Vincent ReyesThree Rivers School District (TRSD)Default Order of Denial of Application and Revocation of Right to Apply for License2024-01-22
Showing 1 to 10 of 2,037 entries

If the Commission finds the charges against an educator are proven, any or all of the following disciplinary actions may be taken:

  • Issue a public reprimand
  • Place the person on probation for a period not to exceed four years and subject to such conditions
    as the commission considers necessary
  • Suspend the license of the teacher or administrator for a period not to exceed one year
  • Revoke the license of the teacher or administrator
  • Revoke the privilege to apply for a license

OAR - Oregon Administrative Rules
ORS - Oregon Revised Statute

Please refer to the OAR / ORS cited for additional information or definition.