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Grant Programs

For an overview of OWEB and the different types of grants the agency offers, including key contacts for more information, see the short video Overview of OWEB Grant Types, or see the Grant Types Handout. Also, please visit the individual grant type pages below to see the description, eligibility, program documents, and deadlines.

Highlighted Projects for example projects.

Telling the Restoration Story for in-depth stories about project outcomes.

Acronyms on This Page

TA = Technical Assistance
WC = Watershed Council
SWCD = Soil & Water Conservation District

Acquisition Grants

Land Eligible projects involve the purchase of interests in land from willing sellers for the purpose of maintaining or restoring watersheds and habitat for native fish or wildlife. Apply in the fall.

Water Eligible projects involve the purchase of an interest in water from a willing seller for the purpose of increasing instream flow for habitat and species conservation benefits and improving water quality. Apply in the fall.

Open Solicitation Grants

Monitoring Eligible types are Status and Trend, Project Effectiveness, Landscape Effectiveness, and Rapid Bio-Assessment. Apply online in the summer.

Restoration Priorities include altered watershed function affecting water quality, water flow, and the production capacity for fish. Apply online in the summer or winter.

Engagement Eligible projects support a heightened awareness and understanding of watersheds necessary to implement specific restoration, monitoring, and conservation activities. Apply online in the summer or winter.

Technical Assistance. Eligible types are Technical Design (TA-1) and Technical Planning (TA-2). Apply online in the summer or winter.

Operating Capacity Grants

Operating Capacity Supports the operations of WCs and SWCDs.

Organization Collaboration. These grants support WCs, SWCDs, and Land Trusts to develop strategic collaborations in order to build resilient, sustainable, local organizations that achieve ecological outcomes and engage local communities.

Partnership TA Formerly Development FIPs, these grants support existing partnerships to generate a new or enhance an existing strategic action plan, elevate level of performance, and support capacity.

Other Grants

Coastal Wetlands Eligible projects include the acquisition, restoration, or enhancement of coastal wetlands for the purpose of long-term conservation and restoration of coastal wetland ecosystems. Apply in the fall.

CREP TA Grants support staffing, travel, training, outreach, and planning associated with implementing the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) in Oregon. Offered every other year.

Drinking Water Source Protection Grants provide land acquisition grants to Water Suppliers to protect, restore, or enhance sources of drinking water.

Focused Investment Partnerships (FIPs) Implementation FIP funding supports high-performing partnerships in pursuing conservation initiatives guided by existing strategic action plans.

Forest Collaborative TA These projects increase the pace, scale, and quality of forest restoration for local collaboratives, including engaging stakeholders in monitoring projects.

Klamath Water Quality Improvements Grant Program Grants for Interim Water Quality Improvements from the Amended Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement.

Natural and Working Lands Funds Grant Program Grants that provide financial incentives and technical support to help Tribes, landowners, land managers, and environmental justice communities adopt practices that support natural climate solutions.

Oregon Agricultural Heritage Program The goal is to provide voluntary incentives to farmers and ranchers to support agriculture and conservation practices. OAHP is under development and is not currently offering grants.

Small Grants Less complex, on-the-ground restoration projects of up to $15,000. Application deadlines set by each Small Grant Team.

Emergency Response Grants

2020 Post-Fire Recovery Grants Support on-the-ground implementation activities focusing on upland and riparian replanting and floodplain restoration in eligible areas affected by 2020 wildfires.

2021 Post-Fire Recovery Grants Support natural resource recovery in areas impacted during the 2021 fire season.

Drought Relief Grants Support activities focused on drought relief and resilience.