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Focused Investment Partnerships (FIPs)

Seeking Input on FIP Ecological Priorities

The Focused Investment Partnership (FIP) program administrative rules require that the ecological priorities that guide the grant program are approved by the OWEB Board at least every five years. The last time they were approved was in 2020. OWEB seeks input to determine whether to make any changes to the existing ecological priorities and if new ecological priorities should be considered.

There are two ways to provide your feedback:

  1. ​Complete the FIP Ecological Priorities Review Survey:​

  2. Participate in one or more virtual listening sessions: ​


A Focused Investment Partnership is an OWEB investment that:

  • Addresses a board-identified Focused Investment Priority of significance to the state;
  • Achieves clear and measurable ecological outcomes;
  • Uses integrated, results-oriented approaches as identified through a strategic action plan;
  • Is implemented by a high-performing partnership.

Implementation funding supports partnerships with up to $12 million over 3 biennia (6 years). Initiatives must demonstrate clear and measurable restoration outputs and ecological outcomes that support limiting factors outlined in a federal recovery and/or state conservation plan(s). FIP initiative applications are solicited once each biennium.

Partnerships applying for FIP Implementation funding must have a strategic action plan (SAP) that addresses all components detailed in OWEB's Strategic Action Plan Guidance. A SAP defines the geographic extent, timeframe, and range of strategies and actions that will lead to the long-term goals of a partnership. The scope of an Implementation conservation initiative is determined by the partnership and constitutes the portion of the SAP that the partnership believes it can accomplish in the proposed timeframe with the proposed funding.

Restoration practitioners operate with imperfect knowledge about the ecosystems they hope to improve and the effectiveness of strategies they design to reach desired ecological outcomes. The formal practice of adaptive management offers a way to address these uncertainties through an iterative process of learning, which cycles through the steps of planning, implementation, evaluation, and adjustment. Adaptively Managing Restoration Initiatives, a guide prepared for OWEB, is intended to help restoration partnerships design, build, and maintain an adaptive management approach that overcomes common challenges and meets their specific needs, ambitions, and capacity.

This guide, developed within the context of OWEB’s FIP program, is intended to support the development and application of monitoring plans that fulfill the basic purposes of monitoring and offer ways to address common challenges. It describes critical considerations and steps to follow for developing a monitoring plan that will provide accurate and useful feedback in an efficient manner. Thoughtful selection of monitoring priorities, protocols, and data management practices will help ensure that monitoring is cost-effective, and results are useful.

Ecological Priorities

The OWEB Board approves ecological priorities of significance to the State to be addressed by FIP Initiatives. Ecological priorities are determined with public input and scientific rigor. In 2019, FIP priorities were updated. The 7 board-adopted priorities are listed below. For more information, review the 2019 FIP Priority Setting staff report. Click on the Ecological Priorities listed below for information about the priorities.

Inland aquatic habitat supports an incredible number of Oregon’s native fish and wildlife species. The extent of biodiversity in an aquatic habitat is a reflection of the native fish, plants, and other aquatic species present there. All require water, and high-quality aquatic systems provide essential habitat to many at-risk species, including important spawning and rearing habitat for salmonids and other native fishes.

Sustaining aquatic biodiversity is essential to the health of our environment and to the quality of human life. Healthy aquatic ecosystems are imperative for Oregon’s communities and economy, including fisheries and recreation. Because native fish communities are central to the structure, function, and process within aquatic habitats, they serve as ideal indicator species of the overall health of these habitats.

Closed Lakes Basin wetlands are ecologically unique high-desert wetlands that provide critical habitat for numerous migratory and resident bird species. This region has international importance as habitat for migratory birds, including several ESA-listed species. Oregon’s Closed Lakes Basin wetlands habitat are a significant portion of the greater SONEC complex of wetlands that are critical to the millions of birds that travel the Pacific Flyway each year. The Intermountain West Joint Venture recognizes the SONEC region as one of two priority areas in the Intermountain West for wetland-dependent birds. Greater sage-grouse depend on these wetland habitats for foraging habitat for brooding (see related priority). ESA-listed Warner and Modoc sucker fish also are found in this habitat.

Estuaries are significant to the state of Oregon for a wide range of reasons. First, in terms of planning efforts, Oregon’s Statewide Planning Goal 16, titled “Estuarine Resources”, strives: “To recognize and protect the unique environmental, economic, and social values of each estuary and associated wetlands; and to protect, maintain, where appropriate develop, and where appropriate restore the long-term environmental, economic, and social values, diversity, and benefits of Oregon’s estuaries.” Many Oregon estuaries have Total Maximum Daily Loads developed for water quality in these habitats, as estuaries play an important role in filtering sediment, nutrients, pathogens, and other contaminants from aquatic environments.

Second, estuaries are a necessary habitat that is integral to the existence and success of various ESA listed fish and wildlife species. There are numerous species that are adapted to the unique habitat conditions that estuaries provide and are thus dependent on this habitat type.

Lastly, estuaries provide critical services for the people of Oregon. For example, estuaries serve to buffer storm wave damage and help stabilize shorelines from erosion.

The presence of robust and sustainable populations of coho salmon are an indicator of properly functioning coastal ecosystems and can provide significant social, cultural, economic and ecological benefits to coastal communities. Because water quality has been significantly degraded and instream habitat impacted in areas along the coast, the populations of these fish have declined, thus requiring a federal ESA listing.

The improvement in conditions and complexity for coastal coho habitat will lead to improved water quality. Many of Oregon’s coastal streams are designated on the federal 303(d) list as “water quality limited,” which affects landowners and communities and creates economic impacts. Additionally, recreational and commercial fisheries are also severely impacted by the ESA listing of these fish. Restoring ecosystem function for coastal stream habitats will benefit coho populations, which may help support fisheries over time.

Dry-type forests cover vast acreages in Oregon, and are at critical risk for uncharacteristically intense wildfires. These forest systems support a diverse range of aquatic and terrestrial species, including federally listed fish and bird species. Properly functioning dry-type forests are also critical to maintaining healthy watershed function and process for the rivers and other water bodies existing within their habitat range. Dry-type forests are iconic in Oregon, of cultural significance to Native American tribes, and have economic importance related to natural resource based economies in rural communities. In addition, these areas support an increasingly important recreation-based economy in many areas throughout Oregon.

In a national assessment, oak and associated prairie and chaparral habitats are one of the most endangered ecosystems in the U.S. due to land conversions and altered fire regimes. Yet, these habitats are home to roughly 30 bird, terrestrial, and plant species addressed in the Oregon Conservation Strategy. Maintaining the connectivity of oaks and their associated prairie and chaparral habitats is crucial to support species utilization of greater habitat range, but also to facilitating the gradual movement of species to the north from California in response to climate change. Many species dependent on oak habitats may be considered for ESA-listing in the future; thus, an increase in habitat connectivity, complexity and acreage will benefit these vulnerable species. In addition, these habitat types are iconic and culturally important to the Native American tribes.

Sagebrush/sage-steppe habitat is an imperiled habitat that supports a range of species. These areas are associated with an economically and socially important ranching and agricultural industry in communities throughout a large portion of the state. The state of Oregon is developing an “Oregon Sage Grouse Action Plan” to outline the actions necessary to conserve sage-grouse in Oregon in an effort to proactively avoid ESA- listing of the species. The plan has broad support by state and federal agencies, the ranchi​ng industry and conservationists.

Funded Initiatives & Progress Tracking Reports

Funded initiatives work with OWEB to produce a Progress Tracking Report describing updates each biennium.

View Funded Initiatives and Progress Reports

How Funded Initiatives Apply for Individual Project Grants

For individual Restoration, Technical Assistance, Monitoring, and Engagement projects, FIP Initiatives apply online.

Applications for Initiative's individual Restoration, Technical Assistance, Monitoring, and Engagement projects are submitted entirely through our online system.

  1. Obtain a login (username and password).
    If your organization already has an OGMS login, skip to step 2.
  2. An OGMS login is required to access the online grant application. Only one login per organization is allowed. If no login exists for an organization, please email Leilani Sullivan ​to request one. Include the following in your email:
    • Organization name and address
    • Grantee Contact Information: name, title, email address, and phone number for the person who will receive all communication from OWEB and sign any grant agreements.
    • Payee Contact Information: name, email address, and phone number for the person who keeps records and submits payment requests and documentation.
    • FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number). OWEB may enter into agreements only with legally established entities. OWEB will review potential applicants prior to creating an OGMS login.
    • Per federal guidance, all OWEB grantees must be registered at the System for Award Management (SAM) before receiving a grant agreement. Entities will received a non-proprietary identifier (called the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI).) This identifier is assigned by SAM (​​​​ is a free service) and entities must update their registration annually.
  3. Log in to the Online Application.
    Guidance to help you fill out the application is always available in the top navigation bar of the online application. An ​application template is also available after you log in and choose "Create a New Application."

Please contact your Project Manager with questions.​​

Staff Contacts

For further information, please contact a staff member.

Eric Hartstein, 503-910-6201 or Jillian McCarthy, 971-345-7016 or Denise Hoffert, 971-701-3206 or Eric Williams, 971-345-7014

Administrative Rules

Oregon's Administrative Rules Secretary of State website.