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Resources Home


OWEB Newsroom OWEB Press Releases and news articles about OWEB, Grantees, and Partners.

Water and Climate Resources Information on regional climate data and climate-related evaluation criteria.

Statutes & Policies Information on OWEB program statutes and policies.

Tribal Engagement Information on OWEB tribal engagement and tribal policy.

Glossary of Terms & Acronyms Common restoration terminology and acronyms.

Field & Technical Guides Review project-related guidance.

Publications See various reports for Regional Accomplishments, the Oregon Plan, and Plans & Strategies.

Logos Page See the OWEB logo in various formats. (The Oregon Plan logo is available on the OPSW webpage.)

Records Request Find information for accessing public records.

Oregon Plan for Salmon & Watersheds Background and biennial reports for the Oregon Plan.

National Historic Preservation Act Find information on section 106 NHPA compliance for projects using Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery Funds.


ODA Weed Board Grants Find information on this grant program on Oregon Department of Agriculture's website.

PCSRF Reports & Storymaps Projects that use Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery Funds (PCSRF).

Watershed Councils General information about watershed councils.

Network of Oregon Watershed Councils Supports watershed councils with council capacity, representing councils with key partners and funders, and networking.

Soil & Water Conservation Districts Resources for SWCDs on Oregon Department of Agriculture's website.

Oregon Association of Conservation Districts Information Oregon's Conservation Districts.

Oregon Conservation Partnership Supports conservation organizations.

Oregon Conservation Education & Assistance Network Serves conservation district employees with technical training, professional development, education, assistance, and networking.

Oregon Tide Gate Partnership Tools and resources to plan, implement, and monitor tide gate modernization.

Conservation Effectiveness Partnership CEP identifies watersheds with significant agency investment and specific water quality issues and then engages with on-the-ground partners to identify specific questions about the effects of restoration investments on ecological outcomes.

Coalition of Oregon Land Trusts The only association of land trusts in Oregon;  information on their website.

For resources specific to managing your grant, please see the Manage Your Grant page.