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Klamath Water Quality Improvements Grant Program

Invitation to Apply. Pre-Proposals were due on March 3, 2025.


Interim Measure 11 from the Amended Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA), includes funding to address water quality improvements in the Klamath River via restoration and conservation actions in the Klamath Basin in Oregon. The emphasis of Interim Measure 11 (IM11) is nutrient reduction projects. PacifiCorp, in consultation with the Interim Measures Implementation Committee, developed a list of project categories to be implemented to fulfill the objective of IM11. PacifiCorp has provided funding of up to $6,433,500 million for design/engineering and implementation of projects. This funding is administered through the Klamath Water Quality Improvements Grant Program.

The first round of funding awarded $724,093 in restoration grants, leaving $5,709,407 currently available for future restoration and technical assistance projects.

A Steering Committee, facilitated by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ), was established to assist OWEB with the program implementation. OWEB is the Fiscal Agent and will award IM11 funds for projects approved by the Steering Committee until the funds are exhausted.

The Steering Committee is comprised of members from the following organizations: Oregon Water Resources Department, ODEQ, Oregon Department of Agriculture, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Bureau of Reclamation, Yurok Tribe, Karuk Tribe, Klamath Tribes, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board and Aquatic Ecosciences.

Eligible applicants include tribes, watershed councils, soil and water conservation districts, not-for-profit institutions, schools, Oregon institutions of higher education, independent not-for-profit institutions of higher education, or political subdivisions of Oregon that are not a state agency. A state agency or federal agency may partner with one of the eligible entities.

Program Materials

The guidance documents and resources listed below help grant applicants understand the requirements and processes for the Klamath Water Quality Improvements Grant Program. OWEB strongly encourages applicants to read the documents below before they develop a project pre-proposal or contact OWEB staff with questions about this grant program or eligibility.

Apply for a Grant

IMPORTANT: This grant offering includes a two-step competitive proposal process.

  1. PRE-PROPOSAL: In the first step, OWEB will accept project pre-proposals. The pre-proposals will be limited to 2 narrative pages and required attachments that will be submitted via email to the OWEB project manager. The Steering Committee will review the pre‐proposals.
  2. FULL PROPOSAL: Based on the Steering Committee’s recommendations, OWEB will initiate the second step in the process by inviting applicants to submit a full proposal to demonstrate in detail how the proposed project will benefit water quality in the Klamath River and fulfill the goals of the KHSA IM11.

Project pre-proposals are due by 5 pm on March 3, 2025.

Following the Steering Committee review of project pre-proposals, applicants will be notified which projects are invited to be submitted as a full proposal on April 7, 2025.

The full proposal grant cycle opens on April 7, 2025. The application deadline for full proposals is May 19, 2025, by 5 pm.


Please direct questions or comments to Theresa Debardelaben, Drought Programs Specialist, 971-701-3175.

Administrative Rules

Oregon's Administrative Rules Secretary of State website.