Applications for 2024 Water Acquisition Grants were due on October 17, 2024.
The OWEB water acquisition program supports the planning and implementation of the acquisition of an interest in water from a willing seller across the state. Water acquisition grants can support a range of project activities from permanent transfers and temporary leases of instream water rights to incentive-based voluntary curtailments by irrigators. The purpose of this program is to increase instream flow to address the conservation needs of habitats and species and to improve water quality.
Eligible Projects
Any proposal to acquire an interest in water that results in protected instream flows is eligible for funding consideration. Projects must address either identified conservation needs of habitats or species (as determined by ODFW) or improving water quality in water-quality-limited areas (as determined by DEQ).
Project types can include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Instream Lease
- Split-Season Use Instream Lease
- Time-Limited Instream Transfer
- Conserved Water Projects through OWRD’s Allocation of Conserved Water Program
- Permanent Instream Transfer
- Water Use Agreement
Apply for a Grant
Water Acquisition grant applications were due on October 17, 2024. Awarded grants will be announced at the April board meeting.
2024 Grant Applications
The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) has received two applications for the Water Acquisitions grant offering.
- 225-9903-23918 - Illinois River Sweet Cron Streamflow Restoration Project. The applicant, Trout Unlimited, proposes to complete an irrigation efficiency project that will transfer the conserved water instream to improve streamflow in the Illinois River, a tributary of the Rogue River. The improved streamflow will benefit habitat for native fish and water quality. The project is located north of Cave Junction, in Josephine County.
- 225-9904-23919 - Clark Creek Flow Restoration- Pahlow Instream Lease. The applicant, Trout Unlimited, proposes to complete a five-year instream lease that will improve streamflow in Clark Creek, a tributary of the Grande Ronde River. The improved streamflow will benefit habitat for native fish. The project is located southeast of Elgin, in Union County.
To view the applications listed above, go to OWEB’s online grant management system
(OGMS) using the following login information. Once logged in, use the "OGMS Search" feature. In the Project Number field, enter the first seven numbers of the assigned project number, including the dash.
Log-In ID: grantee
Password: oweb
Public comment OWEB welcomes written and verbal public comment on any application. All written comments and requests to make verbal comments to the board should be submitted using our online
Public Comment Form.
deadline for submitting written comments and requests to make verbal comments is 5:00 pm Thursday, April 17, 2025, comments submitted after this time will not be considered. Please include the assigned number of the application being referenced. Written comments will be provided to the board before the board meeting on April 22-23, 2025.
Program Materials
Water Acquisition Program Guidance Fall 2024OWEB’s Guidance on Budgeting in Grants (GoBig) document.
CBWTP Flow Restoration Accounting Framework Water Acquisition Grant Program Summary for Public OutreachWater Acquisition 101 part 1 video presentation
Water Acquisition 101 part 2 video presentation
Applications are accepted once per year and are submitted entirely through our online system.
Deadlines will be posted once each grant offering opens.
Obtain a login (username and password).
If your organization already has an OGMS login, skip to step 2.
An OGMS login is required to access the online grant application. Only one login per organization is allowed. If no login exists for an organization, please email
Leilani Sullivan to request one. Include the following in your email:
- Organization name and address
- Grantee Contact Information: name, title, email address, and phone number for the person who will receive all communication from OWEB and sign any grant agreements.
- Payee Contact Information: name, email address, and phone number for the person who keeps records and submits payment requests and documentation.
- FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number). OWEB may enter into agreements only with legally established entities. OWEB will review potential applicants prior to creating an OGMS login.
Per federal guidance, all OWEB grantees must be registered at the System for Award Management (SAM) before receiving a grant agreement. Entities will received a non-proprietary identifier (called the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI).) This identifier is assigned by SAM ( is a free service) and entities must update their registration annually.
Log in to the
Online Application.
Guidance to help you fill out the application is always available in the top navigation bar of the online application. An application template is also available after you log in and choose "Create a New Application."
Please contact
Brian Wolcott with questions.
Please direct questions to
Brian Wolcott, Water Acquisition Coordinator, 971-345-7010.
Oregon Administrative Rules Secretary of State's website.