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Land Acquisition Grants


The Oregon Constitution specifies that OWEB may fund projects involving the purchase of interests in land from willing sellers for the purpose of maintaining or restoring watersheds and habitat for native fish or wildlife.

Entities able to hold OWEB-funded interests in land, as long as the entity continues to use the land for the purposes specified in the constitution:

  • Local, state, and federal agencies
  • Tribes
  • Not-for-profit land conservation organizations and trusts
  • Oregon institutions of higher education
  • Independent not-for-profit institutions of higher education or political subdivisions of the state

Program Materials

Applicants are required to use the current version of the land acquisition grant program materials, posted below.


Land acquisition grant applications were due on August 29, 2024. The next land acquisition grant offering is expected to be in fall 2025. Email Miriam Forney​​ or call her at 971-345-7023 for more information. ​

Introduction & Framework


Please direct questions or comments to Miriam Forney, Land Acquisitions Coordinator, 971-345-7023.


Oregon Administrative Rules Secretary of State's website