675.290 Any license that is not renewed before June 1 of even-numbered years, or before such date as may be specified by board rule, shall automatically lapse. The board may revive and renew any lapsed license upon payment to it of a delinquent fee in the amount of $50.
Log into the License portal and enter the email that is on file with the board and your password. If you forget your password you can click on "Forgot Password" and the system will email you a temporary password.
Link to the License Portal: https://otlb.us.thentiacloud.net/webs/otlb/service/#/login
Once you have logged into the License Portal, click on the "Lapsed License Renewal" icon.
Press "Start" to proceed through the steps to renew your Lapsed License.
Note: You can only reinstate your Lapsed license if it is in "Lapsed" status. If your License is in "Expired" status you must apply as a new applicant.
For OT's: The current one-year reinstatement fee is $170. ($120 Renewal fee + $50 late fee), good through May 31, 2026.
For OTA's: The current one-year reinstatement fee is $130. ($80 Renewal fee + $50 late fee), good through May 31, 2026.
Legislatively mandated CE:
1) All licensees must complete 1 hour on cultural competency (OAR 339-020-0025). (Licensees can choose the course). For a list of courses: https://www.oregon.gov/otlb/Pages/Cultural-Competency%20CE%20Requirement.aspx. Scroll down to the lower portion of the page. You are not required to choose a course from this list. Enter the course in Step 5 of the Lapsed License Renewal and upload the completion certificate.
2) All licensees must complete the FREE OHA Pain Management Module (OAR 339-020-0015). Link to the FREE OHA Pain Management module: https://www.oregon.gov/oha/HPA/dsi-pmc/Pages/module.aspx . Enter the course under in Step 6 of the Lapsed License Renewal and upload the completion certificate.
OTLB mandated CE requirement:
The Oregon CE Rule states that you must have 30 points of CE within the last 2 years or be current on your NBCOT certfication. (OAR 339-020-0010).
If you are not currently NBCOT certified, in Step 7 of the Lapsed License Renewal, enter each completed course and attach the corresponding completion certificate. The total CE points required is 30 points. The cultural competency course and OHA Pain Management module do count toward the 30 points.
If you ARE currently NBCOT certified, in Step 7, click that your NBCOT is current and enter the NBCOT certification expiration date.
Verifications: Have state verification(s) sent from any state you were licensed and worked since being licensed in Oregon.
Once the board has received the submitted renewal, fee, and all the required documents, the board will process your renewal. You will receive an email from the board once your lapsed license is renewed. You can also verify your license status on the Online License Search.
OTA Supervision: OTA's must file with the Board, your OT Supervisor with the Board prior to starting work. This is done by entering the name of the OT, site of supervision and the start date in the in the License Portal. The OT supervisor must then log into their License Portal to confirm that they are supervising the OTA. Step-by-step instructions: Instructions for filing OTA Supervision.pdf
Arrest history? If a past arrest does show up on a background check and you do not check “Yes" to the question regarding arrest history, your application automatically must go in front of the full board. Since the board meets quarterly, this may result in waiting a longer period-of-time for your license than if you disclosed the arrest on your application. Many applicants will confuse “dismissed" cases with “expunged". Dismissed cases will still show up on the background check.
Unlicensed for over 3 years? If you have not been licensed for three years or more in any state, then you must complete a Re-Entry program or retake the NBCOT examination. For additional information, contact the Director by calling the office at 971-673-0198 or by e-mail at OTLB.Info@state.or.us.