Make-up of the Board:
Board members are appointed by the governor to serve four-year terms. Board members may serve two consecutive terms. The Board consists of five members appointed by the governor to serve four-year terms. Three Board members are licensed in the profession; 2 are OT and 1 is an OT Assistant. Two are public members, usually having been a consumer of occupational therapy services. Board member appointments are confirmed by the Senate.
Board Responsibilities:
• Review applications and issues licenses to eligible applicants;
• Require, approve and monitor continuing education;
• Review complaints and investigate complaints that fall within the Board’s authority; take appropriate disciplinary action when violations have occurred;
• Renews licenses to qualified licensees;
• Respond to questions as they relate to occupational therapy regulations.
Board Meetings:
The Occupational Therapy Licensing Board meets quarterly. There are 3 virtual meetings and one meeting in person, per year. Meetings begin at 10:00 a.m. and last until the agenda has been completed. The Board meets quarterly, customarily in February, May, August and November.
Board meeting notices are emailed two weeks in advance of the Board meeting to persons who have requested to be placed on the mailing list. The Board operates under the Public Records and Meetings regulations.
Board meetings are public meetings, and anyone can attend: interested people, involved people, affected people and anyone else interested. Portions of the meeting may be held in Executive Session, from which the public is exempt, when the Board reviews complaints and/or consults with legal counsel. Even though complaints/investigations are reviewed in Executive Session, final actions are taken during public meetings.
Persons wishing to have items included on the agenda should contact Director by email or at (971) 673-0198, at least three weeks prior to the Board meeting and provide information relevant to the proposed agenda item. ADA accommodation request should be made to the Director. Requests for accommodations should be made at least 72 hours in advance.
199-050-0070 Grievance Process: The board accepts grievances and can be filed through in-person delivery, by first class mail and by email to the board director at grievances can be accepted by appointment, during board regular business hours, Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm.
OTLB Budget Documents: