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Limited Permits

Limited Permits are available only once for those who are applying to take the NBCOT examination.  The Limited permit costs $25 and is eligible for 90 days from the date of your NBCOT Authorization to Test notification.

If you are a new graduate waiting to take the NBCOT and you would like a limited permit, go to the Application Portal activate your account, apply for your OT or OTA application and click that you would like a limited permit.


To apply as an  OT or OTA, click on the APPLICANT PORTAL link: 

For more information on submitting an application, fingerprint background check, and completing the OHA pain management course, please review the the Applications page:  click here.

Requirements of a limited permits include the following:

* Official transcripts sent by the school

* Authorization to Test (ATT) letter from the NBCOT.  You can forward the email to us at or attach it to the application.

* Fingerprint background Check

* OHA Pain Management Course - Click here for link

OTA's:  Before you can start working you must enter your OT Supervisor in the License Portal.  The OT Supervisor must also log in to their portal and confirm that they are supervising you.

OT's:   Before you can start working under a limited permit you must complete the LP Supervision form - OT.pdf , have the OT supervisor sign it and send it to us at , or you can fax it at 971-673-0226.  We will enter the information for you in your license portal and confirm back with you.

If you fail the exam you must surrender the limited permit immediately and you cannot get another one.

Oregon laws - Limited Permit holders 

ORS 675.320 Powers of board; fees; rules. The Occupational Therapy Licensing Board shall have the following powers in addition to powers otherwise granted under ORS 675.210 to 675.340 or necessary to carry out the provisions of ORS 675.210 to 675.340:

  (11) To establish minimum requirements for limited permit to be complied with by all applicants prior to issuance of limited permit. A limited permit shall be issued to a person at the discretion of the board upon application and payment of a permit fee of $25.


OAR 339-010-0040  Limited Permit

(1) A “limited permit" is a temporary license to practice as an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant for a specified period of time and may be issued to applicants who meet the requirements of this rule.

(2) Students who have successfully completed the educational and field work requirements and students who receive their eligibility to take the NBCOT certification examination, but do not yet have their test results, may apply for a limited permit to practice occupational therapy for a period of 90 calendar days.

(3) Persons practicing occupational therapy in another country who are graduates of a World Federation of Occupational Therapists' approved school and who receive their eligibility to take the NBCOT certification examination, but do not yet have their test results, may apply for a limited permit to practice occupational therapy for a period of 90 calendar days.

(4) Anyone practicing occupational therapy under limited permit may only practice under at least routine supervision (as defined in OAR 339-010-0005(1)(b)) by an Oregon licensed occupational therapist.

(5) Applicants under sections (2) and (3) of this rule:

(a) Shall submit an application in a manner provided by the Board with payment of a permit fee of $25;

(b) Must submit an official transcript and/or other verification of having successfully completed academic and supervised field work requirements as set forth in ORS 675.240 and 675.250;

(c) Must show evidence of being approved to take the NBCOT certification examination;

(d) Must have on file with the board prior to starting work, the licensed occupational therapist who will supervisor the limited permit holder.  “On file with the board" means that the licensed occupational therapist supervisor's name, site of supervision and supervision start date has been entered into the licensees record in the License Portal and entered into approved status by the supervising occupational therapist.

(6) A limited permit may not be issued to applicants who have taken and failed the certification examination, and limited permits may not be renewed.

(7) A person who fails the exam must immediately surrender the limited permit upon receipt of examination scores.

(8) The Board may grant an extension of a limited permit to persons who, because of extenuating circumstances, are unable to take the scheduled certification examination. Request must be made in writing to the Board.

(9) An occupational therapist working under a limited permit must clearly identify themselves as working under a limited permit by using the designation OT/LP.

(10) An occupational therapy assistant working under a limited permit must clearly identify themselves as working under a limited permit by using the designation OTA/LP.


Supervision under OAR 339-010-0005(1)(b) follows:

(1) "Supervision," is a process in which two or more people participate in a joint effort to promote, establish, maintain and/or evaluate a level of performance. The occupational therapist is responsible for the practice outcomes and documentation to accomplish the goals and objectives. Levels of supervision:                          

(a) "Close supervision" requires daily, direct contact in person at the work site;                                      

(b) "Routine supervision" requires the supervisor to have direct contact in person at least every two weeks at the work site with interim supervision occurring by other methods, such as telephone or written communication;                                                                                                                                                   

(c) "General supervision" requires the supervisor to have at least monthly direct contact in person with the supervisee at the work site with supervision available as needed by other methods.


From the AOTA Supervision guidelines:

1. Purpose:  The purpose of this Model State Regulation for Supervision, Roles, and Responsibilities During the Delivery of Occupational Therapy Services is to provide a template for use by state agencies and occupational therapy regulatory boards when drafting or revising regulations to govern the clinical supervision of occupational therapy assistants, limited permit holders, and aides. The model is intended to help safeguard the public health, safety and welfare by establishing guidelines that are consistent with professional standards and accepted practice in the profession. . . .

2. Definitions  A.  In this section, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

 “Board" means the Oregon Occupational Therapy Licensing Board.

“Competence" refers to an individual's capacity to perform job responsibilities.

“Competency" refers to an individual's actual performance in a specific situation.

“Limited permit holder" means an individual who has completed the academic and fieldwork requirements of this Act for occupational therapists or occupational therapy assistants, has not yet taken or received the results of the entry level certification examination, and has applied for and been granted limited permit status.

"Occupational therapist" means an occupational therapist who is licensed by the Board.

(7) "Occupational therapy assistant" means an occupational therapy assistant who is licensed by the Board to provide occupational therapy services under the supervision of and in partnership with a licensed occupational therapist.

(8) "Supervision" means a cooperative process in which two or more people participate in a joint effort to establish, maintain, and/or elevate a level of competence and performance. Within the scope of occupational therapy practice, supervision is aimed at ensuring the safe and effective delivery of occupational therapy services and fostering professional competence and development.


5. Supervision of a Limited Permit Holder

A.  An occupational therapist limited permit holder or occupational therapy assistant limited permit holder who has not yet taken or received the results of the entry-level certification examination shall practice under the supervision of an occupational therapist.  It is the responsibility of the supervising occupational therapist to provide and the limited permit holder to seek the appropriate quality and frequency of supervision to ensure safe and effective occupational therapy service delivery.