Oregon Occupational Therapy Licensing Board
Complaint Process
Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 675.320 allows the Board to investigate any alleged violation of ORS 675 and the rules in OAR 339.
The Board, after receiving a complaint:
1) Screens for jurisdiction, opens a complaint file.
2) Sends a letter to the complainant acknowledging receipt of the complaint.
3) Notifies the licensee of the complaint.
4) Board investigates, interviews complainant, licensee, and/or others needed.
5) Collects and reviews additional information and/or documentation.
6) Considers the information and takes one of the following actions. The process may take up to 90 days before the Board takes action. Longer if the case is continued.
• Dismisses the complaint
Board writes and sends letters to the complainant and licensee explaining that the complaint was dismissed.
• Dismisses with a letter of concern
Board writes and sends letter to the complainant explaining that there was no public action taken. Board writes and sends a letter to the licensee explaining that the complaint was dismissed, and expressing the Board’s specific concerns.
• Proposes discipline
The Board, in coordination with legal counsel, drafts Notice of Intent to Impose Discipline and sends to the licensee. If the licensee appeals the proposed discipline, the Board works with legal counsel and Office of Administrative Hearings to schedule the hearing. If no hearing is requested, the Board, in coordination with legal counsel, writes a Final Order that explains specific violations and discipline and sends it to the licensee. The Board notifies the complainant that public action was taken. The Board posts final discipline on the Licensee Look up and reports the information to the national Healthcare Integrity Data Bank.1
• Requests more information
Gathers additional information and presents the new information at a future Board meeting. The Board will then take one of the above-mentioned actions.
1The Healthcare Integrity & Protection Data Bank (HIPDB) is a national databank containing discipline of health care providers from health and mental health fields. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services manages HIPDB. Federal law requires reporting licensee discipline to the HIPDB. Access to the data is restricted and not available to the public.