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To apply as an  OT, click on the APPLICANT PORTAL link: 



FEE:  The current one-year fee is $210 ($160+$50 fingerprint background check fee), good through May 31, 2026.  ​

 Please note:   Application fees are non-refundable.


New Graduates only:  Have your school send your OFFICIAL transcripts if you just took NBCOT exam and this is your first initial OT license.  (You do not need to send school transcripts if you are coming by endorsement from another state).  The Board can accept official transcripts electronically at


New Graduates only:  Arrange with the NBCOT to have your scores transferred to the Oregon Board.  (Note:  This step is not necessary if you are already certified).


If coming by endorsement: you no longer need to order your NBCOT verification to be sent to us.  We are able to look up your certification directly on the NBCOT website.


If coming by endorsement: Have state official verification(s) sent to Oregon from any state where you have ever been licensed and worked. Either order it from that state's web site, or contact them directly. You can upload it to your application or email it to board staff at and we will attach it for you.  Note:  We do not need a copy of your license.  We prefer pdfs to screen shots.


All new applicants:  Pass the Oregon Law/Ethics Exam:  Click here for link.  


CE:  If you are currently NBCOT certified, you have automatically met the CE requirement in Oregon.  If you are not currently certified, you need to have 30 points of CE within the last two years.  See Continuing Education tab for more information.


Pain Management course:  Applicants are required to complete the Oregon Pain Commission 1 hour Pain Management Course as a condition of licensure.  Click here for the link.  Completion certificates will need to be uploaded and attached to your application.   This can be done by the applicant or board staff.


Fingerprint background checks are required through the state vendor, Fieldprint.  

Schedule an appointment with Fieldprint:  FieldprintOregon/Toll free phone:  (877) 614-4364. For step-by-step instructions visit the "Fingerprint Background Check Instructions Tab" under Applications.


You will need to provide Field print with the OT Board agency code "FPOccuTheraLicBd" in order to make an appointment.


Arrest history?   If a past arrest does show up on the fingerprint FBI background check and you do not check “Yes" to the question regarding arrest history, your application automatically must go in front of the full board and is subject to a $1,000 fine.  Since the board meets quarterly, this may result in waiting a longer period-of-time for your license than if you disclosed the arrest on your application.  


 OAR 339-010-0021  Imposition of Civil Penalties

Imposition of a civil penalty does not preclude disciplinary sanction against the occupational therapist's/occupational therapy assistant's license. Disciplinary sanction against the occupational therapist's/occupational assistant/s license does not preclude imposing a civil penalty. Criminal conviction does not preclude imposition of a civil penalty for the same offense.

 (g) Knowingly making a false statement to the Board, $1,000;


How long does it take?  Once we receive all documentation, we license within 3 days.   An email will be sent to you once the license is issued.


If you were previously an Oregon License OT, please contact the office at 971-673-0198 before you start an application.

To apply as an OT Assistant, click on the APPLICANT PORTAL link:   ​



FEE:  The current one-year fee is $180 ($130+$50 fingerprint background check fee), good through May 31, 2026.​

Please note:  Application fees are non-refundable.


Graduates only:  Have your school send your OFFICIAL transcripts if you just took NBCOT exam and this is your first initial OT license.  (You do not need to send school transcripts if you are coming by endorsement from another state).  The Board can accept official transcripts electronically at


New Graduates only:  Arrange with the NBCOT to have your scores transferred to the Oregon Board.  (Note:  This step is not necessary if you are already certified).​


If coming by endorsement: you no longer need to order your NBCOT verification to be sent to us.  We are able to look up your certification directly on the NBCOT website.


If coming by endorsement: Have state official verification(s) sent to Oregon from any state where you have ever been licensed and worked. Either order it from that state's web site, or contact them directly. You can upload it to your application or send it to board staff at and we will attach it for you.  Note:  We do not need a copy of your license.  We prefer pdfs to screen shots​.


All new applicants:  Pass the Oregon Law/Ethics Exam:  Click here for link


All OTA's: in Oregon must keep a current OT Supervisor on file with the Board.  This can be done in either in the OTLB License or Applicant Portal.  Log in and Click on Supervisor/Supervision Tab, add the name of the Supervisor, the Site of Supervision, the Start date and click Save.  The supervising OT be required to log into their license portal as well, and click APPROVE.  Once APPROVED, you have successfully filed your OT Supervisor with the Licensing board.   You must have an OT Supervisor on file with the board before you start working.  It's the law.



CE:  If you are currently NBCOT certified, you have automatically met the CE requirement in Oregon.  If you are not currently certified, you need to have 30 points of CE within the last two years.  See Continuing Education tab for more information.


Pain Management Course:  Applicants are required to complete the Oregon Pain Commission 1 hour Pain Management Course as a condition of licensure.  Click here for the link.  Completion certificates will need to be uploaded and attached to your application. This can be done by the applicant or board staff.


Fingerprint background checks are required through the state vendor, Fieldprint.  Schedule an appointment with Fieldprint:  FieldprintOregon/Toll free phone:  (877)614-4364.   For step-by-step instructions click on "Fingerprint Background Check Instructions" tab under Applications.


You will need to provide Field print with the OT Board agency code "FPOccuTheraLicBd" in order to make an appointment.


Arrest history?   If a past arrest does show up on the fingerprint FBI background check and you do not check “Yes" to the question regarding arrest history, your application automatically must go in front of the full board and is subject to a $1,000 fine.  Since the board meets quarterly, this may result in waiting a longer period-of-time for your license than if you disclosed the arrest on your application. 


 OAR 339-010-0021  Imposition of Civil Penalties

Imposition of a civil penalty does not preclude disciplinary sanction against the occupational therapist's/occupational therapy assistant's license. Disciplinary sanction against the occupational therapist's/occupational assistant/s license does not preclude imposing a civil penalty. Criminal conviction does not preclude imposition of a civil penalty for the same offense

 (g) Knowingly making a false statement to the Board, $1,000;


How long does it take?  Once the Board receives all documentation, we license within 3 days.   An email will be sent to you once the license is issued.


If you were previously an Oregon License OTA, please contact the office at 971-673-0198 before you start an application.​

OT Applications:

FEE:  The current one-year fee is $210 ($160+$50 fingerprint background check fee), good through May 31, 2026.  ​

Please note:  Application fees are non-refundable.


OTA Applications:

FEE:  The current one-year fee is $180 ($130+$50 fingerprint background check fee), good through May 31, 2026.

Please note:  Application fees are non-refundable.

Limited Permits:  $25​


In accordance with ORS 676.303 (3), the OT Licensing Board will require that all applicants pass a background check prior to licensure in Oregon.   All applicants for licensure, limited permits and applicants reinstating their Oregon license must have their digital prints taken at a Field Print office.  Cost is $12.50 paid directly to Field Print, a state vendor.  The fingerprints will be sent digitally to the Oregon State Police(OSP) who will run a national background check.  The cost of the background check is $50 and is added to your licensure fee and passed through to OSP.   

The FBI background check is good for 1 year.  If an FBI background check is required again after this time because the applicant is not yet licensed or they are reinstating a lapsed license, the FBI background check must be repeated.


To schedule a fingerprinting appointment, please follow these simple instructions:

1.    Visit

Note:  There are over 1200 Fieldprint locations across the US.  You can choose one close to you.  You do not need to get fingerprinted in Oregon.

2.    Click on the “Schedule an Appointment" button.

3.    Enter an email address under “New Users/Sign Up" and click the “Sign Up" button. Follow the instructions for creating a Password and Security Question and then click “Sign Up and Continue".

4.    Enter the Fieldprint Code FPOccuTheraLicBd  . This directs the results back to the Oregon OT Licensing Board.

5.    Enter the contact and demographic information required by the FBI and schedule a fingerprint appointment at the location of your choosing.

6.    At the end of the process, print the Confirmation Page. Take the Confirmation Page with you to your fingerprint appointment, along with two forms of identification.

7.    If you have any questions or problems, you may contact our customer service team at 877-614-4364 or

Arrest or Criminal Record: Will it prevent licensure in Oregon?


The Occupational Therapy Licensing Board does not have a list of crimes that would prevent an applicant from being licensed in Oregon. There are too many factors to consider. A licensing board may not deny an occupational or professional license solely for the reason that the applicant or licensee has been convicted of a crime, but it will consider the relationship of the facts which support the conviction and all intervening circumstances. The Board will then consider how these factors relate to the specific occupational or professional standards in determining the fitness of the person to receive or hold the license.


The Mission of the Board is “To protect the public by supervising occupational therapy practice; to assure safe and ethical delivery of occupational therapy services." ORS 675.240, 675.250 and 675.270 establish eligibility criteria for licensure in the State of Oregon. ORS 675.300 specifically determines the grounds for denial:

675.300 Grounds and procedures for denial, refusal to renew, suspension or revocation of license; confidentiality of information.


(1) The Occupational Therapy Licensing Board may deny, suspend, revoke or refuse to renew a license or may impose probationary conditions where the licensee or applicant has been guilty of:

(a) Unprofessional conduct as defined by the standards established by the board;

(b) Obtaining or attempting to obtain a license by means of fraud, misrepresentation or concealment of material facts;

(c) Violating any lawful order or rule adopted by the board that may affect the health, welfare or safety of the public; or

(d) Gross negligence or incompetence in the performance of professional duties.

(2) The board may suspend or revoke the license of any person licensed under ORS 675.210 to 675.340 and 675.990 (2) if the licensee has been adjudged mentally incompetent by a court of competent jurisdiction.

(3) Where the board proposes to refuse to issue or renew a license or proposes to revoke or suspend a license, opportunity for hearing shall be accorded as provided in ORS 183.310 to 183.550.

(4) Judicial review of orders under subsection (3) of this section shall be in accordance with ORS 183.310 to 183.550.

(5) Information that the board obtains as part of an investigation into licensee or applicant conduct or as part of a contested case proceeding, consent order or stipulated agreement involving licensee or applicant conduct is confidential as provided under ORS 676.175.


The Oregon Administrative Rule 339-010-0020 Unprofessional Conduct dealing with

(5) Unprofessional conduct relating to federal or state law or rules:

(c) Engaging in assault and/or battery of any person;

(d) Conviction of a crime or engaging in any act which the Board determines substantially related to the practice of occupational therapy or indicates an inability to safely and proficiently engage in the practice of occupational therapy.


An individual who is considering entering an OT or OT Assistant educational program or has already entered the program can have their background reviewed prior to applying for the exam by requesting an “Early Determination & Character Review" from the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc. (NBCOT). The 2024 fee for the review is $225. In this “early determination" process, the NBCOT may give early or prior approval to take the certification exam, as it pertains to good moral character, provided that the information reviewed is not found to be a violation of any of the principles of the Code of Conduct. Check under the web site at​ for Early Determination. If you have additional questions or would like additional information, you may contact the Credentialing Services at NBCOT, located at 800 S. Frederick Avenue, Suite 200, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877; (301) 990-7979.


An applicant for licensure in Oregon must pass the NBCOT exam. Early determination by NBCOT is not a guarantee that the Oregon Occupational Therapy Licensing Board will license an applicant. The applicant must disclose the arrest or conviction, with relevant information to the board. Questions are found on the application form about crime or arrest. The Occupational Therapy Licensing Board will then consider all the facts and determine whether the facts “substantially relate to the practice of occupational therapy or indicate an inability to safely and proficiently engage in the practice of occupational therapy".


Although there are no specific crimes defined in the law that would preclude an applicant from receiving a license, the more serious the crime, repeated behaviors, crimes related to acts of aggression, and those involving drugs or alcohol would be cause for the Board to deliberate on the fitness of an applicant to provide safe occupational therapy services to the public. Occupational therapists often work with people in vulnerable situations and the Board must consider all factors before they approve licensure, carefully considering factors as they relate to safe occupational therapy practice and protection of the public. In conclusion, the more serious the crime, the more potential for license denial under the Oregon laws and rules of the Board.


The Board is sensitive to the fact that individuals invest a lot of time and financial resources into the education preparatory work and prerequisites necessary to qualify for licensure. However, the Board does not pre-approve an applicant for licensure in advance of the application process. There are too many unknowns, laws change, and the profile of the Board members change.


If you have additional questions, please contact the Director at 971-673-0198 or

In accordance to HB 3030 (2019) and SB 688 (2019), the Oregon Occupational Therapy Licensing Board offers a two-year temporary license to military spouses or domestic partners.

If you qualify and would like to apply, contact board staff at 971-673-0198.


Here is the rule:

339-010-0045 Application for Temporary Licensure by Military Spouse or Domestic Partner

(1)  “Military spouse or domestic partner" means a spouse or domestic partner of an active member of the Armed Forces of the United States who is stationed in Oregon.


(2)  A qualifying military spouse or domestic partner shall be granted a temporary, non-renewable license as an Occupational Therapist or Occupational Therapy Assistant, valid until the earliest of the following:

      (a)  Two years from issuance;

      (b)  The date the spouse or domestic partner of the temporary license holder completes his or her term of military service in Oregon; or

      (c)  The date the temporary license holder's license to practice as an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant in another state, used to qualify for licensure under this rule, expires.


(3)  To qualify for licensure as an Occupational Therapist under this rule, the military spouse or domestic partner must:  

      (a)  Be married to, or in a domestic partnership with, a member of the Armed Forces of the United States who is assigned to a duty station located in Oregon by official active duty military order;

      (b)  Be licensed to practice as an Occupational Therapist in another state or territory of the United States;

      (c)  Be in good standing in the jurisdiction where the applicant is licensed. Good standing for the purposes of this rule means there have been no public disciplinary orders issued against the applicant in his or her capacity as an occupational therapist in the state where the applicant is licensed, and that the applicant is not currently under investigation by his or her licensing body in that state. The applicant may establish that his or her occupational therapist license is in good standing by providing verification of good standing from the state body that issued the license.

      (d)  Demonstrate competency by:

(A) Documenting at least one year of active practice within the last three years as an Occupational Therapist; and

(B) Having received no professional discipline in any state or territory of the United States related to professional negligence or incompetence as an occupational therapist, or for alcohol or drug related issued, verified through the National Practitioner Data Bank.


(4)  In addition to the documents required in Section (3) of this rule, the military spouse or domestic partner must submit a copy of the:

      (a)  Marriage certificate or Domestic partnership registration with the name of the applicant and the name of the active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States, and

      (b)  Assignment to a duty station located in Oregon by official active duty military order for the spouse or domestic partner named in the marriage certificate or domestic partnership registration.


(5)  To qualify for licensure as an Occupational Therapy Assistant under this rule, the military spouse or domestic partner must:

      (a)  Be married to, or in a domestic partnership with, a member of the Armed Forces of the United States who is assigned to a duty station located in Oregon by official active duty military order;

      (b)  Be licensed to practice as an Occupational Therapy Assistant in another state or territory of the United States;

      (c)  Be in good standing in the jurisdiction where the applicant is licensed. Good standing for the purposes of this rule means there have been no public disciplinary orders issued against the applicant in his or her capacity as an occupational therapy assistant in the state where the applicant is licensed, and that the applicant is not currently under investigation by his or her licensing body in that state. The applicant may establish that his or her occupational therapy assistant license is in good standing by providing verification of good standing from the state body that issued the license. 

      (d)  Demonstrate competency by:

(A) Documenting at least one year of active practice within the last three years as an Occupational Therapy Assistant; and

(B) Having received no professional discipline in any state or territory of the United States related to professional negligence or incompetence as an occupational therapy assistant, or for alcohol or drug related issued, verified through the National Practitioner Data Bank.


(6) In addition to the documents required in Section (5) of this rule, the military spouse or domestic partner must submit a copy of the:

      (a)  Marriage certificate or Domestic partnership registration with the name of the applicant and the name of the active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States, and

      (b)  Assignment to a duty station located in Oregon by official active duty military order for the spouse or domestic partner named in the marriage certificate or domestic partnership registration.

      (c) A current Statement of Supervision form as stated in 339-010-0035, submitted prior to assisting in the practice of occupational therapy.

Statutory/Other Authority:  ORS 675.320; Oregon Laws 2019, chapter 142 (HB 3030), Oregon Laws 2019, chapter 626 (SB 688).

Statutory/Other Implemented:  ORS 675.210, 675.240; 675.250; 675.320; Oregon Laws 2019, chapter 142 (HB 3030), Oregon Laws 2019, chapter 626 (SB 688).




Fees are non-refundable. Two year licenses shall be issued to all licensees in even-numbered years at the fee schedule listed below. On a case-by-case basis the Board may approve the issuance of a one-year license.

(7) The fee for a temporary Oregon occupational therapist license for military spouses and domestic partners is $99.

(8) The fee for a temporary Oregon occupational therapy assistant license for military spouses and domestic partners is $99.​​​