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Park and marina sales

When the landlord/owner of a manufactured home park and/or marina community in Oregon puts their facility up for sale or receives an offer to purchase, the owner is required to give the tenants and MMCRC notice.

Refer to ORS 90.842, 90.844, 90.846, OARD 813 Division 65, for details and requirements.

Notice of intent to sell manufactured home park or marina facility

Below is a sample of the letter that the owner/landlord must send to their tenants, providing information on the sale and the tenants' rights to information and formation of a tenants committee. Please refer to OARD 813, Division 65, for rules regarding Notification of Intent to Sell Park or Marina for details.

All Notices sent to MMCRC must be sent via U.S. Mail to:
North Mall Office Building
725 Summer St. NE, Suite B
Salem, OR 97301-1266

A follow-up email will be sent to the owner letting them know that the MMCRC received their notice.

Sample Notice of Intent to Sell Form:

SAMPLE: Notice of Sale

Information and Instructions on the Notice:

INSTRUCTIONS: Notice of Sale

List of manufactured home parks and marinas for sale 2024-2025:  Notice of Sale 2024.2025.pdf

Notice of sale requirements:

If the owner does not comply with requirements of this section and ORS 90.842 and 90.844, in a substantial way that prevents the tenants from competing to purchase the facility, the tenants may:

      (a) Obtain injunctive relief to prevent a sale or transfer to an entity that is not formed by or associated with the tenants when the owner has not caused an affidavit to be recorded before the sale or transfer pursuant to ORS 90.850; or

      (b) Recover 10 percent (10%) of the sale price of the facility.

Letter of Conveyance

If the park/marina is sold, an owner/landlord may send a Letter of Conveyance notifying the MMCRC staff that there is a new owner.

Letter of Conveyance Template