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Park and Marina Closures

When the landlord/owner of a manufactured dwelling park and/or marina community in Oregon closes their park/marina and converts the space to a different use, there are requirements the landlord/owner needs to satisfy prior to the closure. The requirements are detailed in ORS 90.645, ORS 90.650, ORS 90.655, and ORS 90.671. 

Below is the sample letter OHCS is required to provide to landlord/owners to send to their tenants, detailing specific information when planning to close their park/marina. 

Landlord/owners can also contact the MMCRC office by email or phone to request a copy of the letter to be sent to you via U.S. Mail.  

Manufactured Home Park Solutions - Local Agency Toolkit

Sample Tenant Letters:

Tax Credit Resources:

List of Closed Manufactured Housing Parks 2017- Present:

Consumer Price Index Information:

Photo: Manufactured Home in park.

Manufactured & Marina Communities Resource Center

Hotline: 1-800-453-5511
PH: 503-986-2145
FAX: 503-986-2006