The State of Oregon offers dispute resolution or mediation services to residents and landlords of manufactured home park and marina communities. In mediation, the disputing parties work with a neutral third party (mediator) to help resolve their disputes. The mediator facilitates the resolution of the parties' conflicts by supervising thoughtful exchange of communication between parties.
Dispute and conflict are a natural part of living and the natural tension arising from perceived or real differences. Mediation offers an opportunity to explore options, learn from the past, look to the future and generate solutions that meet joint needs and mutual benefits.
Participating Community Dispute Resolution Centers listed below are eager to assist you. There is no charge for mediation services for tenants and landlords. Meetings are conducted in the strictest confidence.
What's in it for you?
Receive confidential and neutral services
Meet during hours that accommodate your schedule
Save time and money
Develop lasting agreements without giving up your legal rights
Achieve mutually beneficial solutions
Resolve conflict outside of court
Related Resources:
Mandatory Mediation and Informal Dispute Resolution in Oregon.pdf
Mandatory Mediation and Informal Dispute Resolution.SPANISH.pdf
Mandatory Mediation Flowchart
MandatoryMediation Flowchart-SPANISH.pdf
Dispute Resolution Advisory Committee (DRAC)
Information on Small Claims Court option: