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Oregon Health Authority

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Read the January​​ edition of the HAI Chronicle. Sign u​​p for future newsletters.​​​​

​Read the November​ edition of the HAI Chronicle.

Antibiotic resistance is a growing public health crisis driven by the unnecessary use of antibiotics, particularly for conditions like acute respirator​y tract infections (ARTIs). Despite promising trends showing a decline in prescribing for ARTIs, recent data reveals antibiotic prescriptions are nearing pre-pandemic levels. Discover what it means for public health in our latest report, Antibiotic Prescribing in Oregon: Outp​atient Settings 2018-2022.

​Read the October edition of the HAI Chronicle. 

Read the August edition of the HAI Chronicle. 


The Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) program is excited to present Oregon's Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Honor Roll​. Fill out an application form.​​​


Taking control of your building's air quality! We've launched a new Ven​tilation Toolkit to help facilities understand how air flows through their building and steps to take for a healthier environment. Want to see it in action? Watch the video for a visual representation of the toolkit's content.​​​​​


​A new report investigates pulmonary Nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) infections in the Tri-County area of Oregon in 2021 and 2022.​​


​After increasing Candidemia cases in the last three years, in the Tri-County area of Oregon, an update​d report shows a decrease in 2023. Candidemia is a blood infection with mortality rates above 40%. Hospitalized people or those with risk factors such as severely weakened immune systems are most at risk.​​


​Read the April 2024 edition of the HAI Chronicle.


OHA's Healthcare Associated Infections Program released new Admission Screening Gu​idance for healthcare facilities. Testing is provided at no cost to facilities. Contact us to get started.​​​


Oregon has implemented new reporting requirements to better track antimicrobial resistance. These include requirements for reporting Candida auris, carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter, and organisms identified as carbapenem-producing organisms by clinical laboratories. In addition to these, OHA is interested in any pan-resistant organism, and health care professionals are asked to report them per OAR 333-018-0015.​​

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