The Healthcare Acquired Infection Advisory Committee (HAIAC) is a statutorily mandated committee to advise Oregon Health Authority (OHA) on the development of a health care acquired infections reporting program in Oregon.
The program, which started January 1, 2009, requires health care facilities to report health care acquired infection measures for subsequent public reporting. The advisory committee will advise OHA on what specific health care acquired infection measures that health care facilities must report and prescribe the form, manner and frequency of reports of health care acquired infection measures by health care facilities.
HAIAC Member Roster (pdf)
HAIAC Informational Flyer (pdf)
Webinar Quick Reference Guide (pdf)
Next Meetings
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Information for upcoming and past HAIAC meetings is posted below. Agendas, meeting materials and minutes are in pdf format. Meeting recordings are in mp3 or WMA format, or written transcript.
We welcome all people. For questions about accessibility or to request an accommodation, please contact Lauren Adrian at Requests should be made at least 7 days prior to the event.
Meeting Archive
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