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Oregon Health Authority

Oregon Project Firstline

Project Firstline/Oregon Health Authority logos

Welcome to Oregon Project Firstline

Oregon Project Firstline, developed in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is an educational program that gives foundational education on infection prevention and control (IPC) for all types of frontline healthcare workers. Oregon Project Firstline activities will help strengthen Oregon's healthcare workforce expertise in IPC, and help to keep the healthcare community safe from infectious disease threats.

brief description of our program and resources. 

Why is Infection Control Important?

Understanding the basics of infection prevention and control is important for every healthcare worker. Watch this video to understand more.


Need Infection Prevention Training?

Request a training!  Our team will coordinate and tailor infection prevention education based on your and your colleague's learning preferences. Training is available for education programs and healthcare settings including: 

  • Hospitals
  • Long-term care facilities
  • Adult care centers
  • Hospitals
  • Dialysis centers
  • Community centers
  • Universities
Project Firstline Green and Blue logo

Resources by Topic

Micro-learn for Bloodborne Pathogens
Micro-learn English (pdf) | Micro-learn Spanish (pdf)

Job Aide for Germs can Live in Blood
Job Aide English (pdf) | ​Job Aid Spanish (pdf)

Video Did you Know? Germs can live in blood
Video English (YouTube)

Video - SARS-COV-2? COVID-19? What's the difference?
SARS-COV-2 vs COVID-19 - English (YouTube)

Video - How Does COVID-19 Spread? A Review
COVID-19 Review - English (YouTube)

Video - How can COVID Spread When You Don't Feel Sick?
How COVID Spreads - English (YouTube)

Video - What Do New COVID-19 Strains Mean for Infection Control?
COVID Strains - English (YouTube)

Video - Why is Eye Protection Recommended for COVID-19?
COVID Eye Protection - English (YouTube)

Video - Why are Gloves Recommended for COVID-19?
COVID Gloves Recommended - English (YouTube)

Video - What is Personal Protective Equipment?
PPE - English (YouTube)

Video - What is a respirator?
Respirator - English (YouTube)

Video - What is an N95?
N95 - English (YouTube)​

Video - How do I Test the Seal on my N95?
N95 Seal Test - English (YouTube)​

Interactive Module - Fidgeting Felix gets an IV
Felix IV - English (HTML)

Gif - Do you handle needles at work?
Needles at work - English (GIF)

Video - How Do I Safely Use a Multi-Dose Vial? Part 1
Vial Safety Part 1 - English (YouTube)

Video - How Do I Safely Use a Multi-Dose Vial? Part 2
Vial Safety Part 2 - English (YouTube)

Micro-learn - Cough and Congestion
Cough and Congestion - English (pdf) | Cough and Congestion - Spanish (pdf)

Fact Sheet - Infection Control Action for Respiratory Viruses
Respiratory Viruses - English (pdf) | Respiratory Viruses - Spanish (pdf)

Fact Sheet - Ventilation in Healthcare Settings
Ventilation - English (pdf) | Ventilation - Spanish (pdf)

Infographic - Germs can live in the respiratory system
Respiratory Germs - English (pdf) | Respiratory Germs - Spanish (pdf)

Video - What is Ventilation
What is Ventilation? Video - English (YouTube)

Video - Why Does Ventilation Matter?
Why Does Ventilation Matter? Video - English (YouTube)

Lockscreen - There's more to water
Germs Lockscreen - English (JPEG)

Infographic - Germs can live in dirt and dust
Dirt and Dust Infographic - English (PDF) | Dirt and Dust Infographic - Spanish (PDF)

Infographic - Germs can live on the skin
Germs on Skin Infographic - English (PDF) | Germs on Skin Infographic - Spanish (PDF)

Infographic - Germs can live in water and on wet surfaces
Germs in Water Infographic - English (PDF) | Germs in Water Infographic - Spanish (PDF)

Interactive Module - Where Germs Live in Healthcare
Germs in Water Infographic - English (HTML)

​​ Social Media Graphic - Where Germs Live: Body
Germs in the Body | Facebook | Twitter [English]
Germs in the Body | Facebook | Twitter [Spanish]

Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Infographic - Bloodborne Pathogens in the EMS Settings
Infographic – Hand Hygiene in EMS Settings 

Home Health

Pocket Book – Infection Prevention Pocketbook for Home Health Workers 

‘Lunch and Learn’ Series

Video Playlist​ for Oregon Project Firstline Summer ‘Lunch and Learn’ Series 

Multidrug-resistant Organisms (MDROs)

Infographic – Help Prevent the Spread of Carbapenemase-producing organisms (CPOs) 
Infographic – Preventing the Spread of Candida auris​​​​ 

Oral Health

Infographic – Dental Waterline Management is Crucial in Infection
Control Dental Waterline Infographic – English (PDF)

Poster Presentations

Poster – Oregon Project Firstline Learning Needs Assessment (SHEA Spring 2023) 

Vaccine-Preventable Diseases

Table Cards – Vaccine Table Cards 

Continuing Education (CE) Webinars

The Project Firstline team at Oregon Health Authority has partnered with the Oregon Medical Association to provide access to short, useful educational resources, which include webinars with continuing medical education (CME) credits designed for healthcare providers in mind. These webinars cover a variety of highly requested infection control topics amongst Oregon healthcare providers.

Earn CME credits for viewing these infection control webinars.

What is Project Firstline?

Description: This training will equip healthcare providers with essential infection control knowledge and resources, including how to identify contagious patients, implement isolation precautions, and safeguard against infectious exposures. Learn how the Oregon Project Firstline initiative and its educational offerings enhance infection prevention practices among healthcare professionals.
Screenshot of video with title
Credits: 0.5 CME Credits
Duration: 30 minutes

Project Firstline Initiative

How to Identify and Isolate Contagious Patients

Description: This training focuses on teaching healthcare providers to recognize high-risk, contagious infectious diseases in patients, select suitable isolation measures based on their symptoms, and implement measures to safeguard against infectious exposures. Additionally, it covers protocols for effectively communicating information about patients suspected of having infectious diseases to relevant individuals within healthcare settings. 

Learn how to triage a sick patient in this 7-minute video from OHA's Project Firstline.
Screenshot of video with title
Credits: 0.75 CME Credits
Duration: 44 minutes

Contagious Patients

Breaking the Chain of Infection in the Ambulatory Care Patient

Description: This training focuses on teaching healthcare providers about the Chain of Infection framework, showcase the common infection prevention strategies in the outpatient population and describe how human behaviors impact the Chain of Infection.
Screenshot of video with title
Credits: 0.75 CME Credits
Duration: 44 minutes

Ambulatory Care