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Oregon Health Authority

Student Health Survey

 We’re reaching out to districts for the 2024 SHS!

About the Student Health Survey

Oregon's Student Health Survey (SHS) is a comprehensive, school-based, anonymous and voluntary health survey of 6th, 8th and 11th graders conducted yearly. It is a key part of statewide efforts to help local schools and communities ensure that all Oregon youth are healthy and successful learners.

The SHS is designed to address:

  • Student health and safety
  • Student mental and behavioral health
  • School climate and culture

2024 Questionnaires


The Data Portal is an interactive data tool to explore SHS results in greater detail.

Data Portal   

Profile Reports are static PDF reports for the State and Counties.

Data Requests

 The SHS Data Portal is public use data that has a cross-tabulation function for additional analysis. Please refer to the data portal prior to submitting a data request.

Data Portal   Request Data

Youth Data Council

The Youth Data Council (YDC) is a new group forming to provide recommendations to OHA and ODE around survey design, analysis, interpretation and reporting of Student Health Survey results.

Previous Student Health Data

Prior to 2020, student health data was collected through the Oregon Healthy Teens Survey, the Student Wellness Survey and the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. For previous data from these surveys, visit the links below. Going forward, these surveys are replaced by the Student Health Survey.

Oregon Healthy Teens (OHT) was an anonymous and voluntary research-based survey, conducted among 8th and 11th graders statewide from 2001 to 2019. The OHT survey incorporated two youth surveys that preceded it, the YRBS and the Student Drug Use Survey.

2019 Results

View all OHT Data


The Student Wellness Survey was introduced in 2010 to assess school climate, positive youth development and the behavioral health of Oregon youth. It was an anonymous survey of students in grades 6, 8 and 11. The last year the SWS was conducted was 2018.

View SWS Data​

The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) is an epidemiologic surveillance system that was established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to monitor the prevalence of youth behaviors that most influence health. 

The 1999 national school-based Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) was one component of the YRBSS.

View Oregon's YRBS Data​