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Driver Education Provider Resources

​Application to Become a New ODOT-Approved Driver Education Provider

Provider Requirements - Updated 03-2023
Application to Become an ODOT- Approved Provider - Updated 07-2023

New Provider Assurance Form​ - Updated 04-2023 Note: This form runs smoother if you open it and edit it using Chrome.

If you are interested in starting a new driver education school, the Western Oregon University website​ has some information to get you started.

Non-ODOT Approved Playbook Order Form - Updated 09-2023

We are excited to announce Revision 3 of the Playbook is now available.​ The updated curriculum includes new videos and PowerPoints as well as best practices and updated language to more closely align with National Standards for Driver Education. ​ 

Pursuant to ODOT-TSO’s Oregon Administrative Rule 737-015-0105 (1) - Income Based Subsidy for Approved Courses, TSO is adopting the Oregon Board of Education definition of “economically disadvantaged student” as the qualifier for the Free & Reduced Subsidy for ODOT-Approved Driver Education. Oregon’s State Board of Education definition is posted below:

Oregon Dept of Education Chapter 581, Division 14 -
Student Investment Account

581-014-0001 Definitions for Student Investment Account

The following definitions apply to OAR 581-014-0001 to 581-014-9999.

     (14) Effective July 1, 2023, "Economically disadvantaged students" means students who meet one or more of the following qualifications:

           (a) are participating in a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program funded by the United States Department of Agriculture;

           (b) are participating in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program as defined in the Title IV of the Social Security Act;

           (c) are foster students;

           (d) are migrant students; or​

           (e) are students who are homeless.​

Students who meet any of the definitions listed above will qualify for the Free & Reduced Subsidy for ODOT Approved Driver Education. Providers must see proof of eligibility from the family (not the school districts.)

Guidance on Completing the Reimbursement Application
Application for Reimbursement Form

The Application for Reimbursement Form opens best when using the Chrome web browser. If you encounter the “Please wait…” message, try to “Open in Desktop App”. This option should appear in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.​



Jody Raska
Driver Education Program Analyst
Shelley Uselman
Quality Assurance Specialist

DMV - Transportation Safety Office
1905 Lana Avenue NE
Salem, OR 97314