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Oregon Department of Agriculture Search Site

Sponsor a Pesticide Class

COVID-19 Pandemic Response

The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) is accepting Live Webinar recertification events for credit review through Aug. 30, 2024, to help sponsors comply with social distancing orders and help limit large in-person gatherings. For information, see our Temporary Guidance for Sponsors of Pesticide Recertification Events — Interactive Live Webinar Option.

Message to sponsors offering recertification events during the COVID-19 pandemic

To sponsor a live webinar under the temporary COVID-19 Guidance above, use the following forms:

Sponsors: Request credits for your event

Sponsors must submit completed Continuing Education Accreditation and Presentation Detail forms at least 30 days prior to the event date. Email submissions will receive an automated response acknowledging receipt. For submissions sent by fax or mail, contact ODA to confirm receipt.

Speakers who provide information or advice about Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs) must meet licensing requirements

New forms

Use the forms below to save time and speed up ODA's review. Previous versions of these forms should not be used.

Recertification information
