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Exams and Study Materials

All required study materials for each exam offered can be found below. Exams are listed in alphabetical order by license type. All exams are multiple choice and require a score of 70% or higher to pass. You can find more information on ODA's Scheduling Your Pesticides Exams webpage.

It is important to note that pre-licensing training courses are not required to sit for exams. However, community colleges and universities may provide pre-license training classes designed to help prepare individuals for their pesticide exams. Some pre-licensing courses may be listed in the ODA-Accredited Continuing Education database, or on the OSU Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) website. You may also consider reaching out to your local community college or university.

Study material by license type

  • Aerial Pesticide Applicator
  • Commercial Pesticide Applicator
  • Immediately Supervised Trainee
  • Pesticide Apprentice
  • Pesticide Consultant
  • Private Applicator License
  • Public Pesticide Applicator (displayed with Commercial Pesticide Applicator)

Aerial Pesticide Applicator

​​​​​​​​​This is a stand-alone exam. The successful completion of this exam is required as part of the requirements to obtain an aerial pesticide applicators license. An Aerial Pesticide Applicator's license is required of any individual making pesticide applications by aircraft.

Study Material:​

Commercial and Public Pesticide Applicator

Note: The exams below are for both the Commercial and Public Pesticide Applicator licenses, with the exception of the Regulatory Weed Exam (for public applicators only).

Base exam

​​​​​​​​​​​​​This exam is available in English and Spanish. The Oregon Addendum and National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual are both required study materials to prepare for the Laws and Safety Exam. In addition to passing the Laws and Safety exam, at least one category exam is required. Note: Currently, this exam is not required for the marine fouling organism category certification.​

Study Material (Required for English Laws and Safety Exam): 

Note: separate study materials are currently used for the English and Spanish exams. 

  1. Laws and safety exam outline - English

  2. Oregon Addendum​​ (updated 1/2020) 
    • The Oregon Addendum is also known as the Oregon Core Manual Addendum. This manual discusses the laws, regulations, and resources specific to Oregon. 
    • Order printed copies online​. Use student ID number PESTICIDE
      Chemeketa Community College Bookstore
      Questions: 503-399-5131 ​

  3. National Core Manual
    • The National Core Manual is also known as the National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual. This manual discusses federal laws and safety for pesticide applicators. 
    • Order printed copy online​. Use student ID number PESTICIDE
      Chemeketa Community College Bookstore
      ​​​Questions: ​503-399-5131  ​

  4. Chlorpyrifos rule ​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Este examen se ofrece en inglés y español. La Adenda de Oregon y el Manual Básico de Certificación Nacional de Aplicadores de Pesticidas son materiales de estudio necesarios para prepararse para el Examen de Leyes y Seguridad. Además de aprobar el examen de Leyes y Seguridad, se requiere al menos un examen de categoría. Nota: Actualmente, no se requiere este examen para la certificación de la categoría de organismos incrustantes marinos.

Materiales de Estudio (Requerido para el Examen de Leyes y Seguridad en Español):

  1. Esquema del examen de pesticidas -Español  
  1. Adenda de Oreg​on (por el momento, solo disponible en inglés)​ (actualizada 1/2020)
    • La Adenda de Oregon también se conoce como La Adenda del Manual Básico de Oregon. Este manual cubre las leyes, reglamentos, y recursos específicos de Oregon.
    • Pedir copias imprimidas en línea. Utilice el número de identificación de estudiante PESTICIDE
      Librería del Colegio Comunitario Chemeketa.
      Preguntas: 503-399-5131  

    1. Manual Básico Para Aplicadores de Pesticidas Comerciales y Privados 
      Pedir una copia en línea.
      Oficina de publicaciones de la Universidad Estatal de Washington
    1. Regla de Clorpirifos 

    Material Complementario (Opcional):
    Una nueva traducción piloto al español del Anexo de Oregon al Manual Básico ya está disponible aquí.

    • Nota: Esta versión está sujeta a cambios. Póngase en contacto con el Departamento de Agricultura de Oregon para obtener información sobre la versión más reciente.

    Category exams

    ​​​​​​​This category exam covers the use of non-fumigant insecticides, fungicides or nematicides on agricultural lands (includes Christmas tree plantations and commercial nurseries).

    Study Material:

    ​​This category exam covers the use of pesticides for the control of pests, such as insects, mites and ticks on livestock.

    Study Material:

    ​​​​​This category exam covers the use of insecticides and fungicides in the establishment and maintenance of ornamental plants and turf. (Does not include Christmas tree plantations, commercial nurseries, sod farms or forests).

    Study Material:

    ​​​This category exam covers the use of pesticides on forest lands or in the production of forest crops. Note: Does not include Christmas tree plantations or commercial nurseries.

    Study Material:

    ​​​This category exam covers the use of pesticides on the campus of a school (defined in ORS 634.700), excluding applications of pesticides:

    • Using power-driven equipment;
    • To control wood-destroying pests, bed bugs, lice, fleas, ticks, and adult mosquitoes;
    • Classified as restricted use pesticides (RUPs);
    • Formulated as total release foggers (except antimicrobial and insecticidal soap products);
    • Not registered by the Oregon Department of Agriculture; and
    • To locations not covered b​y the school's adopted integrated pest management plan.

    Study Material:

    ​​​​​This category exam covers the use of herbicides on agricultural lands (includes Christmas tree plantations and commercial nurseries).

    Study Material:

    ​​​​​This category exam covers the use of pesticides for demonstrations and pesticide research plots.
    Study Material:

    ​​This category exam covers the use of pesticides, other than fumigants, in or around structures, institutions and industrial facilities, or structures with processed or manufactured products for the control of pests other than wood destroying pests.

    Study Material:

    • IIHS General exam outline
    • Truman's Scientific Guide to Pest Management Operations
      Questex Media Group
      Univar, USA

    ​​​​​This category exam covers the use of pesticides in right-of-way areas.

    Study Material:​​

    ​This category exam covers the use of fumigants in confined areas or structures for the control of pests, (except soil fumigants and fumigants used in field treatment of utility poles, pilings, bridge supports, etc.). 

    Study Material:​​​​

    ​​This category exam covers the use of pesticides, other than fumigants, in or around structures for the control of wood-destroying pests (i.e., termites, carpenter ants, powderpost beetles, etc.).

    Study Material:

    ​​​This category exam covers the use of soil applied fumigants on agricultural lands (includes Christmas tree plantations and commercial nurseries).

    Study Material:

    ​​​This category exam covers the use of pesticides for the control of any pest that may be harmful to the public health, including mosquito and other vectors.

    Study Material:

    This category covers the use of pesticides on seed.

    Study Material:

    ​​​​​​This category exam covers the use of pesticides for the control of plants designated as noxious weeds.

    Study Material:

    ​​This category exam covers the use of pesticides for the control of moss and algae on structures.

    Study Material:

    ​​​This category exam covers the use of pesticides to treat wood products (i.e., lumber, poles, ties, etc.) before their use in construction, or to field treat utility poles, pilings, bridge supports and similar elements of construction with fumigants or other pesticides.

    Study Material:

    ​​This category exam covers the use of pesticides in treating standing or running water.

    Study Material:

    ​​​​This stand-alone category exam covers the use of marine anti-fouling paints or coatings on boat or ship hulls or other parts of boats or ships. Note: Currently, a Commercial or Public Applicator Certification can be obtained without the Laws and Safety exam.

     Study Material:

    Supplemental Material (Optional):
    A new pilot Spanish Translation of the Oregon Core Manual Addendum is now available here.

    • Note: This version is subject to change. Please contact the Oregon Department of Agriculture for information about the most recent version.

    Material Complementario (Opcional):
    Una nueva traducción piloto al español del Anexo de Oregon al Manual Básico ya está disponible aquí.

    • Nota: Esta versión está sujeta a cambios. Póngase en contacto con el Departamento de Agricultura de Oregon para obtener información sobre la versión más reciente.

    ​​​​This category exam covers the use of pesticides in the establishment and maintenance of ornamental plants and turf. (Does not include Christmas tree plantations, commercial nurseries, sod farms, or forests.)

    Study Material:

    Immediately Supervised Trainee

    No exam required.

    Pesticide Apprentice

    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​This exam is available in English and Spanish. The Oregon Addendum and National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual are both required study materials to prepare for the Laws and Safety Exam. In addition to passing the Laws and Safety exam, at least one category exam is required. Note: Currently, this exam is not required for the marine fouling organism category certification.​

    Study Material (Required for English Laws and Safety Exam): 

    Note: separate study materials are currently used for the English and Spanish exams. 

    1. Laws and safety exam outline - English

    2. Oregon Addendum​​ (updated 1/2020) 
      • The Oregon Addendum is also known as the Oregon Core Manual Addendum. This manual discusses the laws, regulations, and resources specific to Oregon. 
      • Order printed copies online​. Use student ID number PESTICIDE
        Chemeketa Community College Bookstore
        Questions: 503-399-5131 ​

    3. National Core Manual
      • The National Core Manual is also known as the National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual. This manual discusses federal laws and safety for pesticide applicators. 
      • Order printed copy online​. Use student ID number PESTICIDE
        Chemeketa Community College Bookstore
        ​​​Questions: ​503-399-5131  ​

    4. Chlorpyrifos rule ​

    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Este examen se ofrece en inglés y español. La Adenda de Oregon y el Manual Básico de Certificación Nacional de Aplicadores de Pesticidas son materiales de estudio necesarios para prepararse para el Examen de Leyes y Seguridad. Además de aprobar el examen de Leyes y Seguridad, se requiere al menos un examen de categoría. Nota: Actualmente, no se requiere este examen para la certificación de la categoría de organismos incrustantes marinos.

    Materiales de Estudio (Requerido para el Examen de Leyes y Seguridad en Español):

    1. Esquema del examen de pesticidas -Español  
    1. Adenda de Oreg​on (por el momento, solo disponible en inglés)​ (actualizada 1/2020)
      • La Adenda de Oregon también se conoce como La Adenda del Manual Básico de Oregon. Este manual cubre las leyes, reglamentos, y recursos específicos de Oregon.
      • Pedir copias imprimidas en línea. Utilice el número de identificación de estudiante PESTICIDE
        Librería del Colegio Comunitario Chemeketa.
        Preguntas: 503-399-5131  

      1. Manual Básico Para Aplicadores de Pesticidas Comerciales y Privados 
        Pedir una copia en línea.
        Oficina de publicaciones de la Universidad Estatal de Washington
      1. Regla de Clorpirifos 

      Material Complementario (Opcional):
      Una nueva traducción piloto al español del Anexo de Oregon al Manual Básico ya está disponible aquí.

      • Nota: Esta versión está sujeta a cambios. Póngase en contacto con el Departamento de Agricultura de Oregon para obtener información sobre la versión más reciente.

      Pesticide Consultant

      Base exam

      ​​​​​​​​​This is a stand-alone exam. Upon successful completion, certification for the Pesticide Consultant License is granted. This license is required of individuals who provide technical advice to those who use restricted-use pesticides. Typically, individuals such as county extension agents, chemical company technical and sales representatives, food processor field representatives and representatives of agricultural supply outlets may need to hold this license. Consultants may add the Demonstration and Research category to their license upon successful completion of the Demonstration and Research exam.

      Study Material:

      Supplemental Material (Optional):
      A new pilot Spanish Translation of the Oregon Core Manual Addendum is now available here.

      • Note: This version is subject to change. Please contact the Oregon Department of Agriculture for information about the most recent version.

      Material Complementario (Opcional):
      Una nueva traducción piloto al español del Anexo de Oregon al Manual Básico ya está disponible aquí.

      • Nota: Esta versión está sujeta a cambios. Póngase en contacto con el Departamento de Agricultura de Oregon para obtener información sobre la versión más reciente.

      Category exam

      ​​​​This category exam covers the use of pesticides for demonstrations and pesticide research plots.

      Study Material:​

      Private Pesticide Applicator

      ​​​​​​​​This stand-alone exam is available in English and Spanish. Upon successful completion, certification for the Private Pesticide Applicator License is granted. This license is required of individuals who use or supervise the use of restricted-use pesticides on land in agricultural production that is owned, leased, or rented by them or their employer. This includes farm and ranch land, rangeland, forest land, nurseries, Christmas trees, orchards and other properties on which agricultural crops or commodities are produced.

      At this time, a separate exam is not required for licensed private applicators who intend to use soil fumigants. However, those wishing to apply soil fumigants must first complete the EPA-approved training. The training is valid for 36 months and must be retaken thereafter. In the future, federal regulations will require private applicators to pass additional exams to apply soil and non-soil fumigants.

      Study Material (required for English Private Applicator Exam):

      1. Private applicator exam outline

      2. Oregon Core Manual Addendum  (updated 1/2020) 
        • The Oregon Addendum is also known as the Oregon Core Manual Addendum. This manual discusses the laws, regulations, and resources specific to Or egon. 
        • Order online. Use student ID number PESTICIDE
          Chemeketa Community College Bookstore
          Questions: 503-399-5131

      3. National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual
        • The National Core Manual is also known as the National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual. This manual discusses federal laws and safety for pesticide applicators.
        • Order online. Use student ID number PESTICIDE 
          Chemeketa Community College Bookstore
          Questions: 503-399-5131​

      4. How to Reduce Bee Poisoning from Pesticides (PNW 591)
        Order online 
        OSU Extension Service

      5. Chlorpyrifos rule

      ​​​​​​​​​​Este examen se ofrece en inglés y español. Al aprobar con éxito el examen, recibirá la certificación para la Licencia de Aplicador Privado de Pesticidas. Esta licencia se requiere para las personas que usan o supervisan el uso de pesticidas de uso restringido en tierras de producción agrícola que son de su propiedad, arrendadas o alquiladas por ellos o su empleador. Esto incluye tierras agrícolas y ganaderas, pastizales, tierras forestales, viveros, árboles de Navidad, huertas y otras propiedades en las que se producen cultivos agrícolas o productos básicos.

      En este momento, no se requiere un examen adicional para los aplicadores privados con licencia que tengan la intención de usar fumigantes de suelo. Sin embargo, aquellos que deseen aplicar fumigantes de suelo primero deben completar la capacitación aprobada por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA por sus siglas en inglés). La capacitación tiene una validez de 36 meses y a partir de entonces, hay que repetirse. En el futuro, las regulaciones federales requerirán que los aplicadores privados aprueben exámenes adicionales para aplicar fumigantes de suelo y no suelo.

      Materiales de Estudio (Requerido para el Examen de Aplicador Privado en Español):

      1. Esquema del examen de aplicador privado – español

      2. Adenda de Oregon (por el momento, solo disponible en inglés​) (actualizada 1/2020)
        • La Adenda de Oregon también se conoce como La Adenda del Manual Básico de Oregon. Este manual cubre las leyes, reglamentos, y recursos específicos de Oregon.
        • Pedir copias imprimidas en línea. Utilice el número de identificación de estudiante PESTICIDE
          Librería del Colegio Comunitario Chemeketa
          Preguntas: 503-399-5131 

      3. ​Manual Básico Para Aplicadores de Pesticidas Comerciales y Privados
        Pedir una copia en línea
        Oficina de publicaciones de la Universidad Estatal de Washington

      4. Cómo Reducir el Envenenamiento de Abejas por Pesticidas (PNW 591)
        Pedir una copia en línea
        Servicio de Extensión de la Universidad Estatal de Oregon

      5. Regla de Clorpirifos

      Material Complementario (Opcional):
      Una nueva traducción piloto al español del Anexo de Oregon al Manual Básico ya está disponible aquí.

      • Nota: Esta versión está sujeta a cambios. Póngase en contacto con el Departamento de Agricultura de Oregon para obtener información sobre la versión más reciente.