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Current Issues, Newsletters and Advisories

Visit this page to stay current on the most recent pesticide-related issues, topics, and publications. See pesticide stories and news releases on the ODA news blog.

School IPM Requirements: New training modules

A new resource for those involved with implementing a School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program is now available on the Oregon Department of Agriculture's YouTube channel.

These are intended primarily for school IPM plan coordinators and school governing bodies. However, these may also be of interest to licensed applicators employed by a school, or contracted commercial pesticide applicators who provide service to schools. It is critical that contracted commercial pesticide operators and applicators communicate effectively with the school's IPM plan coordinator before any pesticide application takes place on a school campus to ensure adherence to a school's IPM plan and Oregon's pesticide control law.

Currently, there are three modules available on this channel, helping to explain elements of the school IPM law. Additional ones will be added as they are produced.

Investigation updates

Soil/Compost and Clopyralid Issues: Pesticide Use Investigations Nos. 200405, 200408, 200481

On May 15, 2020, ODA initiated Non-agricultural Use Followup Investigation No. 200408, and on May 18, 2020, ODA initiated Non-agricultural Use Followup Investigation No. 200405 after reports of suspected pesticide contaminated soil/compost was delivered to homes. Best Buy in Town, Investigation No. 200481, was initiated June 19, 2020. Additional Non-agricultural Use Followup Investigations on other soil/compost distributors were initiated in June after reports with similar concerns came in to ODA. Below is an update as part of the ongoing communication throughout the investigative process. To file a formal complaint or complete a Report of Loss form, visit the Pesticide Complaints webpage. To receive updates, send a request to be added to the email list.

Pesticide advisories






Recent newsletters

  • ODA Pesticide Newsletter — Fall Issue (2023)
    Among the stories in this issue: New law enhances equity, provides licensing pathway for Indian tribes; four join Pesticides Program; tips to avoid headaches with continuing-education courses.
  • ODA Pesticide Newsletter — Spring/Summer Issue (2024)
    Among the stories in this issue: State Senate confirms Lisa Charpilloz Hanson as agency director; five join ODA's Pesticides Program; Use Observations are a helpful tool for pesticide applications; learn about which pesticide licenses allow rodenticide purchases; find free options to dispose of pesticide containers.

Previous advisories and newsletters
