The Oregon Department of Agriculture's fertilizer research and development program provides grant monies for field level projects that address the interactions of fertilizers, agricultural minerals, and agricultural amendments with ground or surface water. Since 1990, the program has provided over 1.9 million dollars for 90+ projects dealing with a wide variety of Oregon crops throughout the state. All funds distributed are generated through fertilizer, agricultural mineral, and agricultural amendments product sales (ORS 633.460).
Request for Proposals (RFPs)
The Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Fertilizer Research Committee are soliciting grant applications for the distribution of research funds collected by the Department's Fertilizer Program. The Department is seeking proposals to distribute up to $70,000 for 2023, and $70,000 for any subsequent years (single or multiple year projects will be considered). Grant applications will be accepted through November 30, 2023.
Solicitud de Propuestas
El Departamento de Agricultura de Oregon. (Departamento) y el Comité de Investigación de Fertilizantes están solicitando de subvenciones para la distribución de los fondos de investigación recaudados por el Programa de Fertilizantes del Departamento. El Departamento está buscando propuestas para distribuir hasta $70,000 para 2023 y $70,000 para cualquier año subsiguiente (se considerarán proyectos de uno o varios años). Las solicitudes de subvención se aceptarán hasta el 30 de Noviembre de 2023.
All funded projects are indexed by funding year.