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Code Assistance

Code Assistance helps local governments identify and update regulations to promote efficient land use and transportation. These community projects aim to:

  • Promote a transportation system and development pattern that results in a balanced, multi-modal system that enhances opportunities for people to walk, bike, and use transit;
  • Increase the ease of use, or availability of, walking, biking and transit;
  • Provide alternatives to, or delay the need for, major road expansions;
  • Provide alternatives to, or delay the need for, the expansion of an urban growth boundary.

Code assistance projects can be done in one or two phases. Two-phased projects start with an assessment of the current land development regulations, followed by the preparation of code amendments for consideration by local decision makers. One-phased projects are for communities that don't need an evaluation because they have a clear idea of what changes are needed and start with the code amendments. 

Projects are usually carried out by consultants hired by TGM to work directly with local governments, though DLCD staff can also provide direct assistance. Cash or in-kind match is not required, but local staff must actively participate in and support the project. 

Typical Projects

Code assistance projects typically address pedestrian-friendly design standards, mixed-use development, land-efficient development, housing, right-sizing parking, and development procedures, among other topics.

Code Assistance projects are selected using an application process and selection criteria (Selection of Code Assistance Projects). TGM prioritizes projects that implement the state's Transportation Planning Rule and the Oregon Transportation Plan. TGM also prefers projects that advance local transportation system plans (TSP) and those that address issues affecting fast-growing communities.

TGM is unable to fund work to update a set of plan policies or regulations without furthering TGM Objectives. This type of project may be fundable by DLCD's planning grant program.

If you have questions, please contact us. 

Model Development Code for Small Cities

TGM’s Model Development Code for Small Cities addresses a wide variety of necessary code elements for a city to use as a starting point, or to adopt outright. TGM is updating the Model Code for Small Cities. The last substantive update to the model code was in 2012 (Edition 3.0) and the language is out of compliance with recent legislation. Update work is occurring now through 2025.   For more information about this project see the flyer here.  For more guidance on how to use the code while it is being updated, contact the TGM code assistance planner.

Sign up for email updates about this project by clicking here.

Related Resources:


Nicole Cross
Land Use & Transportation Planner
Phone: 971-446-0334