The Emissions Inventory (AQ520) identifies all toxic emission units, process activity levels, toxic air contaminants, appropriate emission factors, material balance estimates, and emissions calculations (including assumptions, references and methodologies). At this stage, DEQ or the facility determines if source testing will be conducted to complete the Emissions Inventory.
Provide the following information when submitting your Emissions Inventory:
- Detailed Process Flow Diagram that indicates:
- All material flows (e.g., feedstock, fuel, and waste materials)
- Operational information (e.g., Batch/Continuous, operating temperatures, startup/shutdowns)
- Emission release points for all toxic air contaminant emissions – these must correspond to stack and fugitive modeling input parameters
- Activity by TEU (e.g., actual, requested potential, capacity, maximum daily)
- Identification of:
- Toxic Air Contaminants by TEU
- Control devices and efficiencies by TEU
- Emission factors by TEU
- Material balance emission approach by TEU
- Emission factors with references and/or background data and calculations
- Documentation for material balance emission estimates (e.g., all Safety Data Sheets)
- Sufficient documentation to determine if an activity qualifies as an Exempt TEU (see Exempt TEU Reporting).
- Technical documentation related to air pollution control device operation and efficiency (e.g., manufacturer or source test data)
- Source testing data (if applicable)
- All toxic air contaminant emissions from all Aggregated and Significant TEUs
Resources available to assist facilities in the Emissions Inventory process include:
Additional information, including emission factor resources and source testing can be found on the FAQ page.