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Department of Early Learning and Care

Application for Preschool Promise Slots Reallocation

DELC issued an application process for current PSP grantees. The goal of this application was to reallocate slots from the 22/23 program year to current 23-25 grantees. This application window has closed, and additional slots have been awarded. You can view a list of the grantees who were awarded these slots below.


The Department of Early Learning and Care is issuing this Preschool Promise (PSP) application for current PSP grantees interested in requesting additional slots for the 23/24 and 24/25 program years.

Selected applicants must begin services for new slots awarded by 11/30/2023. 

Please note full award amount will be dependent on the planned start date. Refer to Grant Amount and Duration for more information.

The goal of this application is to reallocate PSP slots from the 22/23 program year to current 23-25 grantees by amending current grant agreements. DELC is currently seeking to reallocate a total of 365 slots within 13 Early Learning Hub (ELH) regions. To determine which regions have available slots for reallocation, please consult the table provided below. DELC is only accepting applications for ELH regions where slots for reallocation are currently available. 

 It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that a request for additional slots will not displace any state, local, or federal funds or services. The PSP funds should supplement current services, not replace them.

 How to Apply Webinar

Watch the How to Apply Webinars in English or Spanish to learn more about this process.

 This application window has closed, and additional slots have been awarded.  

Application Submission:

Applicant is solely responsible for ensuring its application is received by DELC in accordance with the application requirements before the closing date and time identified in the Schedule (“Closing"). Agency is not responsible for any delays or for transmission errors or delays or mistaken delivery. Applications submitted by any means not authorized may be rejected.

Application for Additional Slots

If an interested Preschool Promise grantee has multiple sites, they must submit  ONE APPLICATION FOR EACH SITE.  

Grant Amount and Duration:

The term of each original grant will remain the same as is reflected in the applicant's current grant agreement, with options to renew at Agency's discretion. If awarded additional Slots, the grant agreement will be amended to include additional grant funds per Slot for the remainder of the 23/24 and 24/25 program years, based on the planned start date reflected in the table below. The grant amendment award amount will be based on the number of additional Slots awarded, as follows:

  • Base amount: $13,650 per Slot per year
  • Transportation enhancement: $900 per Slot per year.
  • Enhancement Funds: $1,000 per slot (one time)

These figures are subject to change, and may increase, prior to Agency awarding additional Slots. Updated figures will be reflected in the successful applicant's amended 23-25 grant agreement.

Funding award amount, prorated by month, for successful applicants will be based on the planned start date:


Applicants must meet these criteria for eligibility to apply:

  • Current 23/25 PSP Grantee
  • Not currently on a Corrective Action Plan (low enrollment, licensing threshold or other)
    • If grantee is currently on a Low Enrollment Corrective Action Plan, grantee can still apply in ELH regions where they are considered to be in good standing.
  • Meet Site and Classroom Eligibility
  • Additional slots will not displace another preschool provider or displace families/children receiving services through other funding. Examples including but not limited to: Oregon Prenatal to Kindergarten (OPK), Early Head Start/Head Start, early learning provider offering services at site where additional slots are requested.

Evaluation Criteria:

Applications meeting the eligibility requirements will be evaluated by an evaluation committee based on the answers provided in the Screening Questions. Evaluators will assign a score of 1 – 4 for each evaluation criterion listed below in this section.

Scores are the values (0 – 4) assigned by each evaluator.
Points are the total possible value for each question as listed in the table below.

Points possible are as follows:

Other Considerations:

DELC may conduct additional rounds of competition if Agency determines it is in the best interest of the State. Additional rounds of competition may consist of reference to or participation in the following, but will not be limited to:

  • 22/23 PSP data previously submitted to DELC
  • Planned Start Date
  • Geographic Location
  • Presentations/ demonstrations/ additional submissions
  • Interviews

Slots Available for Reallocation by Hub Region:

Below is a table that shows the number of available slots for reallocation by ELH region as of 07/31/2023. Slots relinquished by grantees after 07/31/2023 will be reallocated in future applications.

At this time, DELC is not accepting applications for ELH regions where there are zero slots available for reallocation.

Preview Screening and Application Questions Before Applying



Are you a current 2023-2025 Preschool Promise Grantee?



[If No, display this message: “You are not eligible for additional slots at this time.”] 


Will your request displace any state, local, or federal funds or services? Please note The PSP funds should supplement current services, not replace them, and should not physically displace another early learning provider. 



[If Yes, display this message: “You are not eligible for additional slots at this time.”] 


Do you meet the required PSP insurance requirements?  




[If No, display this message: “You are not eligible for additional slots at this time.”] 


Please select the Early Learning Hub region in which you are submitting a site application for: 

[If grantee selects: Eastern Oregon, Frontier or Northwest display this message: “Thank you for your interest. At this time DELC is not accepting applications for your ELH region.”  

Are you a currently in a corrective Action Plan? Please note: Grantees were notified via email regarding corrective action plan for 22/23 program year.   




If yes then ask: 

Select the Type of Corrective Action Plan (Multi- select) 

Low Enrollment  

Licensing Threshold  



[If grantee selects: Licensing Threshold or Other display this message: “You are not eligible for additional slots at this time.” 

[If grantee selects: Low Enrollment then ask:  

Is this site in the ELH region where you received a corrective action plan?  

No – Proceed  


[If Yes, display this message: “This site is not eligible for additional slots at this time.”] 


 Please select the option that best describes where requested slots will be placed:   

A) All requested slots will be placed in a classroom that had PSP enrolled children in 2022-2023 
B) All requested slots will be placed in a non- PSP classroom, that was operational for preschool aged children in 2022-23, at a PSP site 
C) Some of the slots will be in a classroom that had PSP children enrolled in 2022-23, and some of the slots will be in a non-PSP classroom that was operational for preschool aged children in 2022-23.  
D) All requested slots will be placed at a non-PSP site, operated by grantee, in a classroom that was operational for preschool-aged, children in 2022-23 
E) All or some requested slots will be in any classroom or space that was NOT operational for preschool aged children 2022/23.   
F) All requested slots will be at a facility new to the owner/operator 
G) All requested slots will be subcontracted to a new subcontractor or provider  


If one of last three options, display: Sites that are new to the grantee and classrooms that were not operational for preschool-aged children in 2022-23 are not eligible for additional slots this year.


Please Note: DELC will review and verify all eligibility criteria.  



Site: (Drop down) with option of “Site Not Listed Here”  

  1. If applicant select “Site Not Listed Here” asks the following questions 


Site/ program name:       

Street address:       



Zip code:       

Is this Site required to be licensed by the Child Care Licensing Division? 



[If yes:] 

License number:       

In the past two years, has Child Care Licensing Division (formerly known as ELD’s Office of Child Care) imposed a civil penalty for conduct related to this Site or found that more than 2 serious violations, as defined by rule, have occurred at this Site? 



[If yes, display this message: “This Site is not eligible for a Grant at this time. 


 Planned Start Date for additional slots requested 


Number of Slots Requested:   


  1. Enrollment Expectations (4 Points): How will you ensure you meet the full (100%) enrollment expectations of this grant? 


  1. Staffing Readiness (4 Points): provide detailed information on the staffing plans established to ensure that the services are available on the required start date. This should include details about the Lead teacher, Assistant teacher, staff responsible for covering breaks and lunches, individuals in charge of transportation (if applicable), and any other relevant staff members. Confirm that all necessary staff have been selected and hired, and that there​ are no hiring contingencies that may have an impact on the provision of services. 


  1. Educational Requirements (4 Points): Does the Lead Teacher and Assistance teacher assigned to this site meet the staff education qualifications as described in the PSP grant agreement?  


  1. Facilities Readiness (4 Points): Describe the plans being made to guarantee that the site will be completely operational 15 days before the proposed start date. This includes reference to classroom furniture, lease agreement, equipment, etcetera. In addition, is the classroom designated for PSP services in compliance with licensing requirements? If licensed exempt, the classroom space must have a minimum of 35 square feet of usable space per child, and exterior space must have a minimum of 75 square feet of usable space per child. 


  1. Enrollment Readiness (4 Points): Please describe your Enrollment Readiness for PSP, including how many families have been selected and placed for the 23/24 program year?  


  1. Community Needs (4 Points): To the best of your understanding, how many families were on your waitlist for this site in the 2022/23 program year? If there was no waitlist, please explain the reasoning behind requesting additional slots (ex. number of families interested in the program, shared interest by families). 


  1. Suspension and Expulsion (4 Points): PSP grantees must have a policy regarding suspension and expulsion that focuses on support to sustain attendance and placement. The policy must include protocols followed by the Grantee when a child exhibits persistent and serious challenging behaviors. The policy must detail how a program will explore all possible options to facilitate the child’s safe participation in the program and a process to document all steps taken to maintain the child’s placement.  

  2. Please upload your program policy Funding Source(s) (4 Points): What other funding sources is your program receiving at this site? Please explain how your request is not supplanting services or funds in the community?  ​

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Thank you for your interest, at this time only 23/25 PSP Grantees are eligible to apply for a​​dditional slots. ​​​

A: No, currently DELC is not accepting applications for new subcontractors or providers.

A: No, this application is only for grantees interested in additional slots.​

​A: Slots relinquished by grantees after 07/31/2023 will be reallocated in future applications​.

A: Grantees on a Low Enrollment Corrective Action Plan can only apply in ELH regions where they are in good standing through this application process.​

A: Yes, interested applicants can submit their application in either English or Spanish.​

A: Yes, you can view the content in another language by clicking on the world icon located on the top right-hand corner of this page.​​

​​A: Please refer to the following table:

Additional Slots Awarded to Grantees