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Department of Early Learning and Care

Raise Up Oregon

Raise Up Oregon serves as Oregon’s comprehensive state system plan for early childhood, prenatal to age five. The plan brings together government leaders from early care and education, public education, higher education, health, housing, and human services.

kids stretching in classroom 

Raise Up Oregon is grounded in equity and the science of child development. By working together, leaders from every system, families, communities, and the public and private sectors can support Oregon’s youngest children during this critical period.

The plan was created by the Early Learning Council and in partnership with six state agencies:

  • Oregon Department of Education
  • Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care
  • Oregon Department of Human Services
  • Oregon Health Authority
  • Oregon Housing and Community Services
  • Higher Education Coordinating Commission

Raise Up Oregon: A Statewide Early Childhood System Plan (2024-2028) 

Thank you to all who provided feedback during the development of Raise Up Oregon. Your input helped shape the actions of government agencies and improve supports for families with young children in Oregon. Raise Up Oregon: A Statewide Early Childhood System Plan (2024 – 2028) was approved by the Early Learning Council in their June 2023 meeting.

Through surveys and focus group sessions facilitated by Early Learning Hubs across the state, we heard from nearly 1,000  individuals representing families, professionals, and communities in Oregon.  In response to feedback from community engagement, Raise Up Oregon was updated to place a greater emphasis on the following items:

  • Incorporation of anti-racist language
  • Engaging families in the co-design of government programs and services
  • Rural needs
  • Community-based family navigation of government services
  • Culturally specific services
  • Tribal engagement
  • Social/emotional/behavioral services for families and children
  • Transportation needs

The development of Raise Up Oregon: A Statewide Early Childhood System Plan included a review of nearly 80 documents from partner agencies. From strategic plans to community engagement sessions to agency assessments and research, this plan considered the lived experiences and feedback from Oregon communities. Leadership groups within the early childhood system helped shape the draft goals and objectives before the strategies were developed and released as the second edition draft.    

View the highlights of the focus group sessions facilitated by Early Learning Hubs we shared at the Early Learning Council meeting on April 26, 2023. 

Read Raise Up Oregon: A Statewide Early Childhood System Plan

Raise Up Oregon: Executive Summary
Raise Up Oregon: A Statewide Early Childhood System Plan (2024 – 2028)

One Pagers

Progress Report

Plans, Progress Reports & 2019-2023 Data Dashboard

Download the Full Plan
Download the Executive Summary 
Download Full Plan in English ​

Raise Up Oregon Progress Report 2019-2020 

Raise Up Oregon Progress Report 2019-2020, Highlights 
English | Spanish

Oregon’s Raise Up Oregon (2019 – 2023) Data Dashboard (“the Dashboard”)​ is a collection of 40 cross-agency indicators that are routinely gathered by these five state agencies. Each indicator relates to our state’s ambitious early learning strategic plan, Raise Up Oregon (2019 – 2023), which speaks to three system-level goals:

  1. Children arrive ready for kindergarten,
  2. Children are raised in healthy, stable, and attached families, and
  3. The Early Learning System is aligned, coordinated, and family centered.

Oregon’s Dashboard intentionally gathers key cross-agency indicators together in one place, providing yearly point-in-time “snapshots” of the available early childhood system data. These snapshots are collected in the Dashboard, making it possible to see how the data change over time for each indicator from year to year. In this way, the Dashboard provides a big-picture overview of how well Oregon’s early childhood system is functioning.

The Dashboard makes state-level data available to everyone working to improve Oregon’s early childhood system. It is a conversation starter meant to support cross-agency communication and to bring community partners with diverse perspectives to the table to discuss Oregon’s early childhood system.

Specifically, the Dashboard is designed to have early childhood system community partners as its main users.​ These partners include, but are not limited to Early Learning Council members, Oregon state agency partners, policy makers, legislators, Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) staff, and Early Learning Hub staff.

The intended goal is that these community partners will be able to easily make data-informed decisions in their everyday work by easily accessing the information in the Dashboard. Although the Dashboard is not specifically designed to be used by families with young children or members of the early care and education workforce, anyone who is interested is invited to explore the Dashboard and its contents.​

Explore the Raise Up Oregon (2019 – 2023) Data Dashboard​​

To learn more about the history and purpose of the Dashboard, you can read and download the report Introducing the Raise Up Oregon Data Dashboard.

To learn more about how to interpret the Dashboard, you can read and download the report Using the Raise Up Oregon Data Dashboard as a Tool for Equity-Focused Learning and Systems Change.​

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Contact with Questions:

Gabriela Hernandez  |  971-701-3612