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Department of Early Learning and Care

Central Background Registry 

The Central Background Registry (CBR) is the Child Care Licensing Division's (CCLD) Registry of individuals who have been approved to be associated with a child care facility in Oregon pursuant to ORS 329A.030 and OAR 414‐061‐0000 through 414‐061‐0120. Individuals who are actively enrolled in the CBR can work in child care facilities and can live in the home where child care is provided.

Who Needs to Enroll?

You must be to 18 to enroll in the Central Background Registry. Apply online OR print, complete and mail an application.

You must be enrolled in the Child Care Licensing Division’s Central Background Registry if you are 18 years or older and:

  • A child care provider who is required to be enrolled in the Central Background Registry by any state agency.
  • The owner, operator, employee, or volunteer of a program regulated by the CCLD
  • The operator, employee, or volunteer of an Oregon pre-kindergarten or federal Head Start program

  • A provider or resident of a registered or certified family child care home
  • An employee, regular visitor, or individual who has unsupervised contact with children in a regulated child care facility
  • A provider, household member, parent of the child the provider is providing care for if the provider and the parent lives together, visitors to the home during child care hours, and substitute or backup caregivers in a licensed exempt child care receiving payment from ERDC
  • Site director, employee, substitute caregivers, or volunteer of a non-licensed child care facility receiving payment for ERDC
  • The operator, an employee, or volunteer of a preschool recorded program or a school-age recorded program
  • Designated employee or volunteer of a Metro service district
  • Designated employee or volunteer of the Safe Families For Children Program
  • An employee, contractor or provider of child care services under any memorandum of understanding or similar arrangement with one of the nine federally recognized tribes in Oregon or administrators of the Tribal Child Care and Development Fund
woman reading to children  

How to Apply

There are two ways to enroll in the Central Background Registry. Apply online OR print, complete and mail an application.

Online Application

To apply online, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. You must be the individual applying for enrollment.
  2. You must be 18 years of age or within 90 days of turning 18 in order to apply online.
  3. You must have a Social Security Number to apply online. If you do not have a Social Security Number, please complete an application form, a Statement of No Social Security Number form, and mail it in.
  4. If you are a contractor or an employee of the contractor who provides early childhood special education or early intervention services you may now use the online application system. You do not need to pay an application fee.

The information you will need to complete the application online:

  • If you have a driver’s license or DMV-issued ID number, please include it on your application.
  • If you are currently working for a licensed child care facility or Head Start program, the following information is required:
    1. facility license number
    2. facility name
    3. facility address
    4. facility phone number
  • If you have any convictions or have been cited for a crime that has not been resolved, you will need the following information to complete the online application:
    1. date of the crime (month and year)
    2. what the crime was
    3. circumstances surrounding crime
    4. information about legal or court proceedings
    5. description of any personal changes you have made to address the issues that led to the crime
Apply Online to the Central Background Registry

Print CBR Application

To download and print the CBR application click a link below.

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Tips For Understanding The CBR Process When There Are Delays

Your CBR enrollment won’t expire if you submit your application at least 14 days before expiration date.

  • Make sure the application is signed and completely filled out.
  • Make sure your email and mailing address are current and accurate.
  • When you get your instructions for fingerprinting, make your appointment as quickly as possible.
  • Make sure to use the FieldPrint code supplied by CCLD.
  • If you get requests of information from CCLD, respond as quickly as possible.
  • Make sure to follow all specific instructions.

Please note: Due to considerations of confidentiality, CCLD is unable to give detailed information regarding an applicant’s CBR processing to employers and program directors.

If experiencing a delay in CBR processing, applicants should contact Child Care Licensing Division Customer Service at 1-800-556-6616 or email

child playing with blocks  

Frequently Asked Questions

The processing includes background checks through the Oregon State Police, the Department of Human Services Child Protective Services, fingerprint based background check with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and sex offender registries. In addition, if the individual resides out of state or has resided out of state within the last five years additional criminal, sex offender registries, and child protective services checks will be conducted.​

Due to the individual or unique circumstances that can occur with living somewhere, all individuals must disclose their places of residence within the last five years. For the protection of children, the onus is on the individual to disclose this information to us. ​

When the Child Care Licensing Division receives a completed Central Background Registry application form and fee, and there are no issues, processing time is normally 3-5 business days from the date the form is received and Central Office before the letter for fingerprinting is mailed out.​

During the busy season of late-July through October, process time can take up to 14 business days.

It may take up to 8 weeks to complete a Central Background Registry application for someone seeking employment who lived out of state in the past five years. This is a national CCDF requirement and some states are experiencing longer processing times to review applications.​

An individual may be conditionally enrolled in the CBR pending the results of an FBI criminal records check if the individual resides in Oregon (must have an Oregon address on file), has been initially approved by the Child Care Licensing Division, and the individual’s fingerprints have been submitted to the FBI. During conditional enrollment, the individual may work or be associated with your child care facility or live in the registered or certified family child care home but must not have any unsupervised access to children*. The facility must have a written plan for supervision of the individual to ensure no unsupervised access to children.

*“Unsupervised Access to Children” means contact with children that provides the person opportunity for personal communication or touch when not under the direct supervision of a child care provider or staff with supervisory authority. ​

The average timeframe is 2-3 weeks. There are a number of circumstances that may cause a delay in the process including rejected or unreadable fingerprints, additional information is needed for enrollment or denial of enrollment, and out of state background checks. ​

You may not start an employee in the facility until you have documentation from the Child Care Licensing Division that the individual is enrolled in the CBR. Documentation can be obtained by calling the Child Care Licensing Division at 1‐800‐ 556‐6616 and confirming that the individual is enrolled in the CBR. You should then link the individual to your facility.

Once you have linked the individual to your facility, a confirmation letter will be sent directly to the facility. This letter must be kept in the employee’s file, in the child care facility. A copy of the enrollment letter that is sent to the individual is insufficient​ documentation for hiring and retention purposes.

In order to accurately verify the identity of an individual, the Child Care Licensing Division will need the person’s first and last name, and one of the following: their date of birth, current address, or last four digits of their social security number. ​

The individual can apply online using the CBR Online Application.

You should communicate the importance of sending in a CBR renewal application so CCLD receives it at least 14 days prior to expiration* and the importance of notifying the Child Care Licensing Division of any address or name changes within 30 days of the change.

​*If your renewal is received 14 days or more before expiration your current enrollment remains in effect until the Child Care Licensing Division takes further action on your renewal application.​

An individual who has been suspended or removed from the CBR cannot be on the premises. If the individual is on site when you receive the notification, the individual must leave the premises and not return until you have received notification from the Child Care Licensing Division that the individual is cleared to be on the premises. ​

An individual who has been suspended or removed from the CBR cannot be on the premises. If the individual is on site when you receive the notification, the individual must leave the premises and not return until you have received notification from the Child Care Licensing Division that the individual is cleared to be on the premises. ​

Central Background Registry Forms & Resources

CBR Name or Address Change Form (CEN-0004)

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CBR Renewal Talking Points (CEN-0245)

English | Spanish | Russian | Chinese | Vietnamese

Central Background Registry Application (CEN-0001)

English | Spanish | Russian | Chinese | Vietnamese

CBR Voluntary Withdraw Form (CCLD-0122)

English | Spanish | Russian | Chinese | Vietnamese

Central Background Registry FAQs (CEN-0005)

English | Spanish | Russian | Chinese | Vietnamese

Facility Staff Update List (CEN-0024)

English | Spanish | Russian | Chinese | Vietnamese

Statement of No Social Security Number Form (CEN-0009)


Central Background Registry Ineligibility

These are the offenses that prevent individuals from serving as child care providers.

414-061-0045 | Disqualifying Conditions for Enrollment

Below is the list of disqualifying crimes that prevent an individual who has been convicted of the following crimes, from enrollment in the Central Background Registry:

Aggravated murder, murder, criminal homicide, aggravated vehicular homicide or manslaughter in the first degree. These crimes are defined in Oregon statute by ORS 163.005, ORS 163.095, ORS 163.115, ORS 163.118, or ORS 163.149. Similar crimes that have occurred outside of Oregon will be evaluated by Child Care Licensing Division (CCLD) staff for their similarity to Oregon criminal statutes. 

Criminal child abuse or neglect or other crimes against children. These crimes are defined in Oregon statutes by ORS 163.207, ORS 163.405, ORS 163.408, ORS 163.432, ORS 163.433, ORS 163.435, ORS 163.525, ORS 163.535, ORS 163.537, ORS 163.545, ORS 163.547, ORS 163.555, ORS 163.575, ORS 163.670, ORS 163.684, ORS 163.686, ORS 163.687, ORS 163.688, or ORS 163.689. Similar crimes that have occurred outside of Oregon will be evaluated by CCLD staff for their similarity to Oregon criminal statutes. 
Rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse, sodomy, sexual misconduct or other sexual offenses. These crimes are defined in Oregon statutes by; ORS 163.365, ORS 163.375, ORS 163.385, ORS 163.395, ORS 163.405, ORS 163.408, ORS 163.411, ORS 163.413, ORS 163.415, ORS 163.425, ORS 163.427, ORS 163.445, ORS 163.452, or ORS 163.454. Similar crimes that have occurred outside of Oregon will be evaluated by CCLD staff for their similarity to Oregon criminal statutes. 
Kidnapping or trafficking in persons. These crimes are defined in Oregon statutes by ORS 163.225, ORS 163.235 or ORS 163.266. Similar crimes that have occurred outside of Oregon will be evaluated by CCLD staff for their similarity to Oregon criminal statutes. 
Arson. These crimes are defined in Oregon statutes by ORS 164.315 or ORS 164.325. Similar crimes that have occurred outside of Oregon will be evaluated by CCLD staff for their similarity to Oregon criminal statutes. 
Physical assault or battery. These crimes are defined in Oregon statutes by ORS 163.160(3)-(5), ORS 163.165, ORS 163.175, ORS 163.185, ORS 163.187. Similar crimes that have occurred outside of Oregon will be evaluated by CCLD staff for their similarity to Oregon criminal statutes. 
Drugrelated offenses committed within the last five years that resulted in the person being convicted of a Class A felony, Class B felony, Class C felony, or a Class A Misdemeanor. Similar crimes that have occurred outside of Oregon will be evaluated by CCLD staff for their similarity to Oregon criminal statutes under ORS chapter 475. 
Any crime that has resulted in you being registered as a sex offender. The conviction may be in any State, tribal, or US territory sex offender registry or repository or the National Sex Offender Registry. 

If you have been convicted of one of the crimes listed above, in Oregon or elsewhere, the Child Care Licensing Division has the right to remove or suspend your current CBR enrollment or deny your renewal application. 

These rules also apply to:
  1. A conviction of a crime in another jurisdiction which is the substantial equivalent of a crime listed Section 1(d);
  2. An adjudication of guilt by reason of insanity, of an act that is the substantial equivalent of a crime listed in section 1(d);
  3. An adjudication by a juvenile court that a youth has committed an act that is the substantial equivalent of a crime listed in Section 1(d);
  4. Any attempts, conspiracies or solicitations to commit any Felony or Misdemeanor crime listed in Section 1(d);
  5. A new crime, adopted by the legislature following the most recent amendment of these rules, which is the substantial equivalent of any crimes listed in Section 1(d);
  6. Any crime that is no longer codified in Oregon, but which is the substantial equivalent of any of the crimes listed in Section 1(d).

Disqualifying Crimes List (CEN-0023)
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Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 329A.030
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 329A.030; HB 2259 (2017)
ELD 8-2018, temporary amend filed 09/28/2018, effective 09/30/2018 through 03/28/2019
ELD 3-2018, adopt filed 02/08/2018, effective 09/30/2018

A person with certain founded or substantiated child abuse dispositions who is seeking to provide care:

The CEN-0072 application is used for new enrollment in the Child Care Licensing Division’s Central Background Registry, or renewing enrollment or reopening an expired Registry enrollment for an individual that:

  • received a founded or substantiated disposition for child abuse that either
    • occurred on or after September 1, 2019 and involved a child for whom you were either providing child care as defined in ORS 329A.250(4), or care identified in ORS 329A.250(4)(a), (c), (f), (g), (h) or (i) OR
    • occurred on or after January 1, 2017, and involved a child who died or suffered serious physical injury, as defined in ORS 161.015,
  • and that individual is seeking to provide care
    • occurred on or after September 1, 2019 and involved a child for whom you were either providing child care as defined in ORS 329A.250(4), or care identified in ORS 329A.250(4)(a), (c), (f), (g), (h) or (i) OR
    • in the home of the child
    • for children from only one family other than your own family
    • for no more than three children other than your own children

(Other individuals must use Form CEN-0001 to apply for enrollment in the Central Background Registry.)

Important Notice for Individuals Receiving Certain Founded or Substantiated Child Abuse Dispositions

Application for Enrollment in the CBR for Individuals Receiving Certain Founded or Substantiated Child Abuse Dispositions (CEN-0072):

Complete the following application if you:

  1. Received a founded or substantiated disposition for child abuse that occurred on or after September 1, 2019 and involved a child for whom you were either providing child care as defined in ORS 329A.250(4), or care identified in ORS 329A.250(4)(a), (c), (f), (g), (h) or (i).
  2. Received a founded or substantiated disposition for child abuse that occurred on or after January 1, 2017.

The Central Background Registry enrollment requirement is effective for seven years after the date of the abuse determination for individuals with founded and substantiated dispositions for child abuse after September 1, 2019, unless the abuse disposition involved a child who suffered death or serious physical injury as defined in ORS 161.015.

Note: This application must be completed in print format, it cannot be completed online.