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Department of Early Learning and Care


“Rules” are laws that participants in Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) programs must apply and follow, such as requirements for Oregon Pre-Kindergarten program or licensed child care. Apply to join a RAC and help shape early learning programs in Oregon.

Current Rules & Statutes
Visit the Oregon State Legislature and Secretary of State’s Oregon Administrative Rules (look for Chapter 414 - Department of Early Learning and Care) webpages for the most accurate laws and rules.

Public Hearings and Public Comment Periods

You may submit Public Comment to the Department of Early Learning and Care on our Public Comment Form or by emailing DELC's Rules Coordinator at 

Upcoming Public Hearing Schedule for 2025

Public Hearing: Early Learning Hubs

      • May 12, 2025, 5:00-6:00 PM on Zoom

Virtual Public Feedback Sessions: Early Learning Hub  

      • April 29, 2025, 5:30-7:00 PM  on Zoom
      • April 30, 2025, 12:00-1:30 PM  on Zoom

You are entitled to language assistance service and other accommodation at no cost. If you need help in your language or other accomodations, please contact DELC at

Past Public Hearings (2024)

All Public Hearing recordings can be accessed through DELC's YouTube page

October 29, 5PM: Registered Family Child Care Rule Changes: Hearing Officer Report 

October 28, 5PM: Certified Family Child Care Rule ChangesHearing Officer Report 

October 16, 5PM:  Employment Related Day Care Program Rule ChangesHearing Officer Report

May 23, 5PM: Public Records Requests Rules: Hearing Officer Report 

May 22, 5PM: Procurement Rules: Hearing Officer Report

May 20, 5PM: Employment Related Day Care: Hearing Officer Report 

April 22, 5PM: Funding Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies: Hearing Officer Report

April 1, 3PM: Repeal Child Care Contribution Tax Credit Program Rules:Hearing Officer Report 

April 1, 4PM: Repeal Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Child Care Program Rules:Hearing Officer Report

April 1, 5PM: Repeal Dependent Care Planning and Development Program Rules:Hearing Officer Report

March 11, 5PM: Baby Promise Program: Hearing Officer Report 

January 22, 5 PM: Central Background Check Registry: Hearing Officer Report

February 15, 5 PM: ERDC Waitlist, FPLs, and Specific Financial Requirements:Hearing Officer Report

February 26, 5PM: Micro-Center Pilot Program:Hearing Officer Report

Past Public Hearings (2023)

November 15th, 4 PM: ERDC Rule Change (Payment Rates & Late Payments)

November 15th, 5PM: Certified School-age Center Rules

November 16th, 5PM: Amends Adult-to-child Ratios for Provider's Children in Certified Family Child Care Homes

November 16th, 6PM: Amends Adult-to-child Ratios for Provider's Children in Registered Family Child Care Homes

November 17th, 5PM:  General Rules for All Child Care Facilities (Hearings)

Rulemaking Advisory Committees

Rulemaking Advisory Committees (RACs) are made up of community members who provide crucial guidance in the rule writing process. RAC members provide input and suggestions for rulemaking while considering equity and fiscal impacts. “Rules” are laws that participants in Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) programs must apply and follow, such as requirements for Oregon Prenatal-Kindergarten Program or licensed child care. Apply to join a RAC and help shape early learning programs in Oregon.

RACs meet between one to three times to discuss rule amendments or proposals. RAC members are provided compensation for participation. At this time, RACs are held virtually. Listed on the right side of the page are RACs that are currently recruiting or meeting. If you see a RAC listed, but applications are closed, you can provide feedback by reaching out to the staff contact listed.

Men playing with small child


You are entitled to language assistance and other accommodations at no cost. If you need help, please contact the DELC Rules Coordinator at

The Department of Early Learning and Care is seeking applicants for the Early Learning Hub Rulemaking Committee (RAC). Early Learning Hubs play a critical role in connecting and coordinating those services on a regional level. Hubs center the voices of families from communities who face historical and current inequities due to factors such as race, income, zip code, or language. With local leaders and communities, Hubs help build a shared vision and support strategic planning by evaluating regional successes, barriers, and opportunities. Through these partnerships, Hubs coordinate priorities, funding, and services to more effectively meet the needs of early learning and care providers, young children, and families. ​

RAC Meeting Dates: 

  • ​April 23: 4:30 – 6:00 PM
  • April 24: 10:00 – 11:30 AM
  • May 8: 12:00 – 1:00 PM​

Participants asked to serve on this RAC will be invited to another RAC for Early Learning Hubs in the fall of 2025.​

We are seeking diverse voices to represent groups within Oregon's Early Learning system. Committee members may include:​

  • Early Learning Hub representatives 
  • Families 
  • Child Care Providers, including those who accept subsidy 
  • Child Care Provider Union representatives 
  • Child Care Resource & Referral representatives  
  • Representatives from advocacy organizations 
  • Representatives from culturally specific, community-based organizations  
  • Tribal Nation representatives 
  • Representatives from health services 
  • K-12 education representatives,  
  • Housing services ​

QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS? Please contact Early Learning Hub Coordinators, Nancy Hauth at or 503-510-6398, or Maria Mendoza at or 971-433-7878.

The Department of Early Learning and Care is seeking applicants for the Baby Promise Program Rulemaking Committee (RAC).

​Baby Promise offers free, high-quality early care and education for infants and toddlers from low-income families in Oregon. Serving children ages six weeks to three years, Baby Promise is a publicly funded program that uses CCDF funds to subsidize slots in eligible early learning and care programs to families with children (aged 6 weeks to 3 years) in coastal Douglas, Coos, Curry, Crook, Deschutes. Jefferson, and Multnomah counties.

We are seeking diverse voices to represent groups within Oregon’s Early Learning system. Committee members may include:​

  • Families 
  • Early Learning and Care Programs and providers with contracted Baby Promise slots 
  • Child Care Resource & Referral representatives  
  • Representatives from advocacy organizations 
  • Union Representatives 
  • Representatives from programs who provide care for young children 
  • Representatives from culturally specific, community-based organizations  
  • Early Learning Hub representatives  
  • Higher Education Early Childhood Education Degree Program representatives 
  • Tribal Nations representatives ​​

REIMBURSEMENT:  Participants will be reimbursed for their time and expertise.

RAC Meeting Date: 
  • ​March 18th 4:00-5:00PM
RAC Meeting Materials: ​​To view the Baby Promise RAC meeting details click here!

QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS? Please contact Maidie Rosengarden at 503-881-1441 | 

​The Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) will be amending Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs) for the Employment Related Day Care (ERDC) program. DELC is facilitating a Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) to gather feedback on proposed amended rules and identify supports that may be needed to implement the amended ruleset.​

The ERDC rule changes to be addressed at this time include changes to: 
  • 414-175-0006: Authorized Representatives: The term "beneficiary" is being replaced with "caretaker" in ERDC rules for consistency, aligning with the definition in OAR 414-175-0002 and other related rules. 
  • 414-175-0015: Eligibility Group Structure: The sentence "Each individual in the household group who applies for benefits is an applicant" is being removed from this rule to align with the definitions of caretaker and applicant in OAR 414-175-0002. 
  • 414-175-0023: Requirement to Establish a Child Care Need and Hours Authorizations: The change clarifies that distance learning hours are covered only for medical related concerns affecting the child, or household and family members the child has frequent contact with. Additionally, the change will provide clarity and detail on what is considered a medical related concern.​ This restores language removed during a COVID-specific rule repeal and broadens it to include all medical concerns. 
  • 414-175-0050: Income Limits and Copay Amounts: ERDC income limits and copay tiers are being updated for 2025 to align with changes in Federal Poverty Levels (FPLs) and State Median Income. Adding language to clarify that initial income limit standards must be met to determine eligibility before ongoing or exit income limit standards apply.   
  • 414-175-0052: Concurrent and Duplicate Program Benefits: This rule is being updated to remove incorrect language about being part of an OSIP-AB (Oregon Supplemental Income Program - Aid to the Blind) Benefit Group, which was mistakenly included when the ERDC program transferred from the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) to DELC.  
  • 414-175-0055: Decision Notices: Updated to remove language about Intentional Program Violation (IPV) notices, as ERDC does not cite families for IPVs. It also replaces "caregiver" with "caretaker" for consistency and add new language allowing families to request changes to benefits verbally with a recorded signature, instead of requiring a written 457D form.  ​

RAC Meeting Materials:

RAC Participants: ​



Affiliation and Region  

Vanessa Brown 

ECE Provider/ CF Provider / Union  

April Paul 

CCR&R / Urban 

Rayanna Van Dine 

CCR&R / Rural  

LaMattie Waldner 


Veronica Cabrera 


Madeleine Tofaeono – Galo  


Vanessa Broadley 

Early Learning Hubs / Coast 

Rachael Lamet  

ECE Provider / Parent 

Allison Rose 

Parent / Culturally specific, CBO, advocate 

Reachel Plummer  

ECE Provider / Parent 

Kristi Byfield 

ECE Provider / Culturally specific, CBO, advocate 

Heather Paladini 

ECE Provider / CF Provider/ Rural  

Ana Flor 

ECE Provider 

Derek Jordan 

ECE Provider (center based) 

Anneliese Sheahan 

Union ​

REIMBURSMENT Participants will be reimbursed for their time and expertise.

​Additional questions?

For questions about participation, please contact Jennifer Heras 503-569-0546 or at​

Certified Outdoor Nature-Based (ONB) Child Care Rules Advisory Committee (RAC)

The Child Care Licensing Division (CCLD) is developing Oregon Administrative Rules (O​​​ARs) that apply to Outdoor Nature-Based (ONB) Child Care settings. Due to this development, a Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) was formed to gather valuable feedback on proposed rules and identify financial and equity effects that might result from the proposed rule language.

Thank you to the following participants who shared their time and expertise on The Certified Outdoor Nature-Based RAC.

RAC Participants: 

Name Affiliation
Julie SiestreemTribal Nation Representative
Yondella Hall

Representative from DELC funded early learning programs

Rachel Turner

Outdoor learning environment subject matter expert

Rae Alberg

Parents/family members of children who attend ONB programs

Roxana Wilcox

Representatives of licensed or recorded programs familiar with outdoor learning environments

Dani Stamm-ThomasHub Representative
Katrina Rose

Child Care Resource and Referral Representative, Jackson County

Abby Hanner

Representatives of licensed or recorded programs familiar with outdoor learning environments

Heather Paladini

Representatives of licensed or recorded programs familiar with outdoor learning environments

Heidi McKay

Representatives of licensed or recorded programs familiar with outdoor learning environments

Amanda Jewart

Representatives of licensed or recorded programs familiar with outdoor learning environments

Karie Jackson

Representatives of licensed or recorded programs familiar with outdoor learning environments

Dana Ultroske

Outdoor learning environment subject matter expert

Deziré Clark-Meindersee

Outdoor learning environment subject matter expert​

To View Recordings of meetings:

​​​YouTube Playlist​

Power Point Slides for the Meetings:​

​​1-16_Outdoor Nature-Based Rules Advisory Committee (RAC).pdf 

1-24_Outdoor Nature-Based Rules Advisory Committee (RAC).pdf 

1-31_Outdoor Nature-Based Rules Advisory Committee (RAC).pdf 

2-7_Outdoor Nature-Based Rules Advisory Committee (RAC).pdf

Additional questions?

For questions about participation, please contact Kendele Miyasaki, at​.

The Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) amended Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs) for the Employment Related Day Care (ERDC) program. DELC is facilitated​​ a Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) to gather feedback on proposed amended rules and identify supports that may be needed to implement the amended ruleset. ​The RAC was held on September 17, 2024. 

Proposed_ERDC Ruleset 
RAC Meeting Recording

RAC Participants

Name  Affiliation and Region 

Anneliese SheahanAFSCME Representative, Gladstone
Ashley Holbert
Child Care Provider, including those who accept subsidy 
Rachael LametAFSCME Representative, CF, Salem
Dorene FarrChild Care Provider, including those who accept subsidy
April-Kay WIlliamsChild Care Provider, including those who accept subsidy
Delina Biniam Advocacy Organization Representative
Kori NealChild Care Provider, including those who accept subsidy
Ashley WechterChild Care Provider, including those who accept subsidy
Alexandra Curtis Child Care Resource & Referral representatives 
Derek Jordan Child Care Provider, including those who accept subsidy
Sydney BorchersChild Care Resource & Referral representatives 
Jessi Mills Child Care Provider, including those who accept subsidy
Kelsey  RittenhouseChild Care Provider, including those who accept subsidy
Vanessa BrownUnion Representative
Vannessa Broadley Early Learning Hub Representative
Jamie BurnettRepresentative from culturally specific, community-based organizations  ​

​Additional questions?
For questions about participation, please contact Jennifer Heras 503-569-0546 or at

​The Child Care Licensing Division (CCLD) is revising the Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs) that apply to Certified Family and Registered Family Child Care Homes. Due to the revision, a Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) was formed to gather valuable feedback on proposed rules and identify financial and equity effects that might result from the proposed updates.

Thank you to the following participants who shared their time and expertise on The Family Child Care RAC.

Name Affiliation
Mindy Mudgett Certified Family Child Care - Pendleton​
Angie Lowe Certified Family Child Care - Stayton
Angela Zbikowski Parent Representative - Medford
Monica Guerrero-Acosta Certified Family Child Care - Tangent
Fatouma Oumarou Certified Family Child Care - Tigard
Amanda Hurley Parent Representative - St. Helens
Kristen Gray Registered Family Child Care - Portland
Vanessa BrownAFSCME
Sarah Garczynski Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) - Marion, Polk, Yamhill
​Dani Stamm Thomas​HUB Representative - Clackamas County
​Anneliese Sheehan​AFSCME
Ashley Leigh Certified Family Child Care - Tualatin
Fernanda Lucas De La Torre Rodriguez Registered Family Child Care Provider - Coos Bay
​Flor Silva​Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) - Washington County​
Geimy Vasquez Registered Family Child Care - Gresham​

PowerPoint Slides for the Meetings:

Draft Rule Notices:

To view a recording of the meetings:
YouTube Playlist

​DELC is proposing to adopt procurement rules that outline the Department's procurement and contracting policies and procedures. These proposed rules codify the Department’s current procurement procedures, which are guided by the Public Contracting Code and the Attorney General Model Rules. 

Proposed Procurement Rules 


Theresa Martinez  

Child Care Resource & Referral Agency; Portland 

Anneliese Sheahan 

Child Care Provider Union -AFSCME; Gladstone  

Tiffiny Price  

Child Care Provider; Eugene 

Jesse Burrows 

Child Care Provider Union -AFSCME; Portland 

Mireya Rodriguez  

Family; The Dalles 

REIMBURSMENT Participants will be reimbursed for their time and expertise.


For questions about participation, please contact​ Crys O'Grady at​

​DELC became an independent state agency on July 1, 2023. ORS 192.324(7) requires each public body to publish its procedure for making public records requests. These proposed rules clarify the definitions and process for making public records requests for public records when DELC is the custodian.

Public Record Requests Proposed Rules 


Ton​ya Coker  

Child Care Provider; Salem 

Ann​eliese She​ahan 

Child Care Provider Union -AFSCME; Gladstone  

Tiffi​n​y Graven  

Child Care Provider; Portland 

Denise Hudson 

Child Care Resource & Referral Agency; Redmond 

Nancey Patten 

Child Care Resource & Referral Agency; The Dalles 

Trina Nichols-Reyes 

Child Care Provider; Gladstone 

Jesse Burrows 

Child Care Provider Union -AFSCME; Portland 

Quentyn Zbikowski  

Family; Medford  

REIMBURSMENT Participants will be reimbursed for their time and expertise.


For questions about participation, please contact​ Crys O'Grady at 


DELC is revising the Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs) that apply to Certified Family and Registered Family Child Care Homes. Due to this revision, a Community Workgroup was formed to assist with creating rule language on a set of topics that were identified during the recent listening sessions with family child care providers. OARs related to both license types were reviewed during the Workgroup. This work was completed prior to the development of each ruleset which will be reviewed by a Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC) later this year.

Thank you to the following workgroup participants who shared their time and expertise on the Family Child Care Rule Revision Workgroup.​

​ ​
Name    Affiliation and Region
Anna PickelCertified Family Child Care/AFSCME
Heidi LawlerCertified Family Child Care-Portland OR
Gabrielle Escaler​​aRegistered Family Child Care-Springfield OR
Carmen Wolf Certified Family Child Care-Hermiston OR
Lorena MoehringRegistered Family Child Care-St Helens OR
Kelly HeichelCertified Family Child Care-Roseburg OR
Tina BarnesRegistered Family Child Care- Springfield OR
Rose DailyRegistered Family Child Care-North Bend OR
Denise HudsonChild Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R)- Deschutes County
Dani Stamm ThomasHUB Representative- Clackamas County
 Anneliese Sheehan AFSCME
Rosbinda UmanzorRegistered Family Child Care- Beaverton OR
Xochilt Jimenez-AviliaRegistered Family Child Care-Gresham OR
 Flor SilvaChild Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R)-Washington County
Claudia MoralesRegistered Family Child Care-Beaverton ​

The Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) is seeking applicants for the Employment Related Day Care (ERDC) Rulemaking Committee (RAC). 

​The ERDC program helps families who are working, in school, or receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) pay for child care. 

Rule amendments will include changes to:  

  • Direct Provider Payments (414-175-0085): specify child care billing forms cannot be issued or reissued more than 12 months from the month that care was provided for budgetary reasons. 
  • Eligibility Group Structure (414-175-0015): clarify current policies on the five eligibility determination groups (EDG), household, filing, financial, need and benefits and will have no fiscal impacts for the agency, families, or providers. 
  • Definitions (414-175-0002): updating definition of Illegal activity to state that working in the marijuana or psilocybin industry is considered an "illegal activity.”  
  • General Financial Eligibility (414-175-0030): explains that working in the marijuana industry is considered an “illegal activity” under this rule as considered under federal law. ​

RAC Meeting Date: 
  • ​​May 2, 6:00-7:00PM
RAC Participants

Jessica Porter 

 Early Learning Hub, Baby Promise; Coos Bay 

Anneliese Sheahan 

Child Care Provider Union -AFSCME; Gladstone  

Rachael Lamet 

Child Care Provider Union -AFSCME, Certified Family Provider; Salem 

April Paul 

Baby Promise  CCR&R; Redmond  

Natasha Ilys  

211 – Provide child care referrals 

Courtney Veronneau 

Family Forward; Portland  

Angela Zbikowski 

Foster Parent; Medford  

Keisha Brewster 


Maria Del Carmen Perez Guzman  

ERDC Certified Family Provider; Gervais 

Ashley Records 

ERDC Certified Family Provider; Hermiston 

Liceth Montiel Lopez 

ERDC Certified Family Provider; Beaverton 

Lorena Samano Lopez 

ERDC Registered Family Provider; Tualatin 

Stephanie Lilly  

Child Care Provider; Coos Bay 

QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS? Please contact Jennifer Heras 503-569-0546,​ ​

During the 2023 legislative session, House Bill 2717 passed and requires the Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) to create a pathway to license child care programs that primarily serve children in outdoor settings. DELC hosted a community workgroup to support the development of Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs) for these programs. The goal of the workgroup was to gather valuable feedback on topics that pertain to outdoor learning environments and discuss how OARs can be structured to support the health and safety of children in these programs. 

Thank you to the following workgroup participants who shared their time and expertise on the Outdoor Nature-Based Workgroup Committee.

​Rachel Turner
​Operators of Outdoor Nature-Based Programs Recorded through CCLD
​McKenzie Purdom
​Operators of Outdoor Nature-Based Programs Recorded through CCLD
​Amy Nelson​
​Operators of Outdoor Nature-Based Programs Recorded through CCLD
​Rebeca McDermitt​
​Representatives from culturally specific organizations working with young children
​Rayanna Van Dine
​Child Care Resource and Referral representatives
​Melissa Moore
​Operators of Outdoor Nature-Based Programs Recorded through CCLD
​Joseph Flaherty
​Operators of Outdoor Nature-Based Programs Recorded through CCLD
​​Sage Halvorson
​Parents/family members of young children​
​Rhonda Schock
​Operators of Outdoor Nature-Based Programs Recorded through CCLD
​​Kendal Talcot
​Operators of Outdoor Nature-Based Programs Recorded through CCLD

PowerPoint Slides for the Meetings

RAC Meeting Schedule

  • Day 1: Feburary 20, 2024, 3:30 - 5:00 PM
  • Day 2: February 27, 2024, 3:30 - 5:00 PM
  • Day 3: March 5, 2024, 3:30 - 5:00 PM​

RAC Participants

​Sydney Borchers 
​​Child Care Resource and Referral Agency, Central Region 
​Dallas Brown 
​Early Learning and Care Program, South Coast Region 
​Caitlin Curtis 
​Early Learning and Care Program, Multnomah 
​Yondella Hall 
​Families, Multnomah 
​Chalene Harshman 
​Child Care Resource and Referral Agency Malheur County 
​Stephanie Krause 
​Early Learning and Care Program, Central 
​Rachael Lamet 
​Union Representative 
​Gabriella Martinez 
​Community Based Organization, Multnomah 
​​Taya Noland 
​Child Care Resource and Referral Agency, South Coast 
​Henry Obelnicki 
​Child Care Resource and Referral Agency, Multnomah 
​Jessica Porter 
​Early Learning Hub, South Coast 
​Karen Prow 
​Child Care Resource and Referral Agency, Central 
​Mina Smith ​
​Early Learning Hub, Multnomah ​
​​Mary Margaret Stocker ​​Early Learning and Care Program, South Coast ​
​​Sabi Velasco ​
​Union Representative​

QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS? Please contact Maidie Rosengarden at 503-881-1441 |

RAC Meeting Schedule

RAC Participants

Affiliation and Region
​Gabriella Martinez 
​Culturally specific community based organization; Multnomah 
​​Christine Budgeon 
​​Child Care Providers; Yamhill 
​Adriel Person 
​Families/Child Care Providers; Multnomah 
​Tiffiny Graven 
​Families/Child Care Providers; Multnomah 
​Jenna Sanders 
​CCR&R Director; Marion, Polk, Yamhill 
​Karen Prow 
​CCR&R Director; Central Oregon: Deschutes, Crook, Jefferson 
​Jennifer Hook 
​CCR&R Director; Blue Mountain: Umatilla, Morrow, Union 
​Brett Walker 
​CCR&R Director; Clackamas 
​Yolanda Hall 
​Families/Child Care Providers; Multnomah 
​Norma Pantoja 
​CCR&R Infant Toddler Specialist; Jackson, Josephine ​

​During the 2023 legislative session, Senate Bill 1040 passed and requires The Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) to create a Micro-Center Pilot Program. The Micro-Center Pilot Program will select and work with small capacity child care programs from across the state to identify their unique barriers to licensing. The pilot will support the development of a sustainable model for micro-centers to provide affordable, high quality early learning opportunities to communities in this state. 

This RAC reviewed and provided feedback on the administrative rules developed to implement the Micro Center Pilot Program.

Thank you to the participants who shared their time and expertise on Micro-Center Pilot Program administrative rules:

​Affiliation and Region
​Autumn David
​Certified Family Child Care Provider/ ASCFME- Marion County  
​Timothy Makin  
​Child Care Center Representative, Washington County  
​Joseph Flaherty  
​Child Care Center Representative, Josephine County  
​Mandy Johnson  
​Child Care Center Representative, Lane County  
​Kari Wolf  
​Child Care Center Representative, Jackson County  
​Winter Marcum  
​Child Care Center Representative, Wasco County  
​Jacie Lopez  
​Child Care Center Representative, Malheur County  
​Jodi Woods​
​Child Care Center Representative, Jackson County  
​Chelsi Bates  
​Certified Family Child Care Provider/Malheur County  
​Stephanie Lilly  
​Certified Center Representative-Southern Oregon  
​Sara Stephens  
​Early Learning HUB Rep/Micro-Center Community Advocate  
​Katrina Rose  
​Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) Jackson County  
​Dana Hepper   
​Micro-Center Community Advocate/Subject Matter Expert  
​Robin VanWinkel  
​Micro-Center Advocate-Douglas County  
​Anneliese Sheehan 

The Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) is implementing new rules related to several new legislative bills as well as an update to the ERDC rate tables. We are creating a Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) to gather valuable feedback.
This RAC will include review of proposed changes to rules regarding:
  • ERDC payments paid on a date later than the date specified by rule, will be paid in an amount that includes an additional nine percent. (HB 2468)
  • A licensed family child care provider’s own children between 10 and 12 years of age will no longer be counted in licensed capacity or adult to child ratios, unless the child has special needs or disabilities which require a level of care that is above normal for the child’s age. (HB 2468)
  • New ERDC rate tables
  • New CBR rules pertaining to Individuals contracted or employed as EI/ECSE providers, Respite care providers, and allowing limited enrollment for exempt prohibited individuals. (HB 3558, SB 283, HB 2599)
  • Adds Assault IV felony convictions to the list of disqualifying crimes for CBR enrollment to maintain federal compliance with the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF)

DELC would like to thank the participants who offered their time and expertise:

  • Johnna Timmes - Cultural Organization, Multnomah County
  • Danaye Gonzales - CCR&R Representative, Coos County
  • Anneliese Shehan - Child Care Provider/AFSCME Union, Clackamas County
  • Yeniar Moreira Rivero - Child Care Provider, Multnomah County
  • Laura Salazar - Child Care Provider, Washington County
  • Jaecie Lopez - Child Care Provider, Malheur County
  • Kim Aldinger - Child Care Provider, Lane County
  • Jennifer Mohler - Child Care Provider, Klamath County
  • Merissa Fettis - Child Care Provider, Lane County
  • Kim Huling - Child Care Provider, Umatilla County
  • Heather Freilinger - CCR&R Representative, Douglas County
  • Heather Rogen - Child Care Provider, Deschutes County
  • Vanessa Brown - Child Care Provider/AFSCME Union, Klamath County
Click here to view the RAC agenda

The Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) will be updating the Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs) for Certified School-Age Centers. The Child Care Licensing Division (CCLD) will create a Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) to gather valuable feedback on proposed rule changes and identify supports that may be needed to implement the proposed changes. 

DELC would like to invite members of the following groups to apply to participate in the RAC: 
  • Directors/representatives from certified school-age centers from across the state 
  • Parents/family members of children in these types of programs
  • Community partners working with young children in child care settings
  • Early Learning Hub representatives
  • Tribal nation representatives
  • Child Care Resource and Referral representatives ​

Thank you to the participants who shared their time and expertise on school-age rules:​



Affiliation and Region 


Jennifer Simonson Child Care Providers, Portland Metro 
Kasie Mertzig Child Care Providers, Portland Metro 
Mina Smith Early Learning Hub, Portland Metro 
Annie Wahto Child Care Providers/Representatives from Advocacy Agencies, Springfield 
Faith Gerber Child Care Providers, Salem 
Carly Landau Child Care Providers, Portland Metro 
Kristy Heitling Child Care Providers, Salem  
Katy Rees Child Care Providers, Sandy 
Rachel Jackson Families/Child Care Providers, Eugene 
Matt Sorenson Child Care Providers, Eugene 
Arcelia Contreras Child Care Providers, Woodburn 
Dale Lewis Child Care Providers, Auburn 
Kaylee Baker Child Care Providers, Southern Oregon ​

​​Give us your feedback. Join our Rules Advisory Committee!​​

The Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) is creating a new rule set that will apply to all child care facilities. This rule set is known as “General Rules for All Child Care Facilities”. The Child Care Licensing Division (CCLD) is creating a Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) to gather valuable feedback on this new rule set.​ ​

These rules will be comprised of the following rule sections to be reviewed in the RAC:

  • Complaints and Investigations 
  • Exempt Prohibition, Unlawful Care, Civil Penalties 
  • Union Representative Participation in Contested Case Hearings 
  • Exempt Care ​​​

Thank you to the participants who shared their time and expertise on general rules:​



Affiliation and Region 


Alison Warren Child Care Provider - Multnomah County
Anneliese ShehanChild Care Provider, AFSCME Union Representative - Clackamas County
Anne-Marie Holloway Child Care Provider - Douglas County
Bethany Freimuth Child Care Provider - Lane County 
Brenda Sanders
Culturally Specific Community Based Org. - Lane County
Don Duncan Child Care Provider - Clackamas County
Kelly Heichel Child Care Provider - Douglas County
Valentina Brichuk​Child Care Provider - Marion County

The Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) is a prevention-based approach to working with early care and education (ECE) programs to support young children’s social and emotional development. 

This approach has been shown to reduce rates of preschool suspension and expulsion.For more information about IECMHC programs, visit ​

The IECMHC Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC) is a group of community members who are helping agency staff shape and implement rule language for the IECMHC system, including the Early Childhood Suspension and Expulsion 

​Prevention Program. Members will advise on requirements for ECE programs around suspension and expulsion.​​​ From September 1 to September 23,the draft Early Childhood Suspension and Expulsion Prevention Program Rules were open for public comment. “Oregon ​Administrative Rules”, or “rules,” are written requirements that apply to people and businesses in Oregon. Government agencies often write rules when they create a new program.

Feedback on the draft rules was shared through a Feedback Form in English and Spanish and verbal testimony at the public hearing on September 20.

On September 28, the Early Learning Council adopted the administrative rules to begin implementation of the Early Childhood Suspension and Expulsion Prevention Program.

Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 414, Division 580

For more information on these rules and the rulemaking process, visit the SEPP page.​​

​Thank you to the committee members who are helping craft the new rules:​

  • Carrie Ruggles-Abrajan – Parent; Saint Helens
  • Blanca Aldama-Morgan – AFSCME Child Care Provider; Albany
  • Leslee Barnes Director – Preschool & Early Learning, Multnomah County; Portland
  • Micki Fabian – Mental Health Service Coordinator, Cay-Uma-Wa Head Start; Pendleton
  • Lydia Gray-Holifield – Parent; Portland
  • Jennifer Hook – QIS Training & Training Manager, Blue Mountain CCR&R; Umatilla, Union & Morrow Counties
  • Zakkiyya Ibrahim – Director, Education Explorers; Tigard
  • Martina Jallad – Quality Improvement Specialist, Washington County CCR&R; Hillsboro
  • Erin Kinavey-Wennerstrom – Executive Director, Oregon Infant Mental Health Association; Eugene
  • Marsha La Verne – Director, Family Development Center; Roseburg
  • Hadiyah Miller – African American Family Childcare Network Coordinator, Multnomah County CCR&R, Portland
  • Ashley Newsom – Parent; Hillsboro
  • Amber Oldridge – AFSCME Child Care Provider; Grants Pass
  • Dominic Paz – Mentor Coach & Outreach Coordinator, Center for Healthy Children & Families, Oregon State University; Portland
  • Lauren Sigman – Early Learning Coordinator, Linn-Benton-Lincoln Early Learning Hub; Newport
  • Molly Williamson – Executive Director, FACT Oregon; Portland
  • ​​

Find the most updated rule language on the ELD calendar. Note: Rule language is draft and subject to change.

Summary: The Certified Child Care Centers Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) was created to gather valuable feedback on proposed rules and identify financial and equity effects that might result from the proposed updates. The rules will be implemented on January 1, 2024. In the last decade, there have been many changes in licensing and health and safety practices that are not reflected in the current CC rule set. The updates to the certified center rule set include updates to align with the best practices in the field and remove barriers for child care providers and staff to potentially increase child care capacity.

Process: The ELD has initiated this rule change in response to feedback from the field. After completion of the listening sessions, a community rule revision workgroup was convened to develop rule language to address the barriers identified in the listening sessions. Members of the workgroup identified several fiscal and operational impacts. OCC made modifications of draft rules to remove or minimize these impacts. The Rulemaking Advisory Committee will be held in April and May of 2023. Selection will include representatives from across the state, including those from small businesses/child care centers.

​​These Are The RAC Members Who Help With This Language

Corina Perez
Child Care Resource & Referral, Eastern Oregon
Debbie Radie
Child Care Providers, Boardman
Stephanie Lilly
Child Care Providers, Coos Bay
Grace Dietrich
Parent, Advocates, Portland Metro
Liz Farrar
Campbell Parent, Advocates, Gilliam County 
Angie Benson
Child Care Providers, Portland Metro
Tara Papandrew
Child Care Providers, Culturally Specific Organization/Community Based Program, Portland Metro
Valentina Brichuk
Child Care Providers, Culturally Specific Organization/Community Based Program, Salem
Carrie Graber
Child Care Providers, Eugene
Melissa Scott
Child Care Providers, Hillsboro
Micalene Stafford
Tribal Nations Representative, Warm Springs
Jessi Cordero
Child Care Providers, Southern Oregon
Rod Belknap
Early Learning Hub, Eastern Oregon
Becca Ellis
Child Care Providers, Bend
Judy Werkheiser
Child Care Providers, Statewide
Kara Parris
Child Care Providers, Washington County​

Certified Child Care RAC Agendas

April 27, 2023 Agenda

May 5, 2023 Agenda​
May 12, 2023 Agenda
May 19, 2023 Agenda
June 2, 2023 Agenda

Certified Child Care RAC Notes

If you have questions, please contact Abby Strom at

​Watch the public hearing from Thursday, June 1, 2023 ​

Read the public hearing officer’s report.

Hearing was Tuesday, May 16, 2023 from 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. 

If you have questions, please contact Jordan Pargeter at​.  ​

Hearing on Payment Rates and Late Payments Rule Change was November 17​, 2023​. 

Oregon Pre-Kindergarten, Preschool Promise, and the Early Childhood Equity Fund are all grant programs managed by the Early Learning Division. Early care and education providers apply to the Early Learning Division for funding through these grant programs in order to provide early learning services to low-income families across Oregon.​

​The Program Process Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC) application period is now closed. Thank you for all who applied. We appreciate your interest in helping your community.

The School-Age Child Care Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC) is a group of community members who help agency staff shape and implement rule language for school-age child care programs. This type of care is also known as out-of-school-time (OST) care and before- and afterschool care programs.

At this time, the School-Age Child Care RAC recruitment is closed. Thank you to the committee members who are helping craft the new rules:

Ashley Thrasher
Candice Henkin
Kristy Heitling
Amy Harboldt
Beth Unverzagt ​
Regan Gray
Caitlin Calip
Holly Kriz Anderson
Darcie Torres
Serena Gillson
Amanda Fly
Marcus Vela
Nayeli Samaniego
Jon Myers

​​The Fire Safety Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC) is a group of community members who help agency staff shape rule language for fire safety in family child care programs. The Early Learning Division recently passed permanent fire safety rules to serve as an alternative to the Department of Consumer Business Services sprinkler requirement.

At this time, the Fire Safety RAC is closed. Thank you to the committee members who helped craft the final rules.

  • Vanessa Brown – Certified Family in Klamath Falls, OCCPT Central Regional Director
  • Anneliese Sheahan – Certified Family Portland Metro, previous RAC experience
  • Megan Patterson – Director of Center in Mount Angel. 20+ years in the field. First RAC – 23rd year as volunteer fire fighter
  • Ruth Parra – Child care provider for 20+ years in Beaverton
  • Shelia Ward – Certified Family provider for 30 years, part of Oregon shared service alliance. First RAC.
  • Regan Gray – Child Care Policy Advisor for Family Forward
  • Kelly Scales – Policy Analyst for OCC, rules work recently
  • Remy Watts – Rule Coordinator, ELC administrator
  • Alana Cox – Building Codes Division
  • Alicia Gardiner – Acting OCC Director
  • Abby Strom – OCC Regional Manager
  • Aimee Olin – AFSCME