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Update or Renew My License/Registration

License/Registration Renewal Information 

Visit mylicense/eGov to update or renew your license/registration. 

Updates that may be completed online include: 
  • Change of physical or mailing address
  • Employer change 
  • Change of email address 

To learn more about renewing a specific type of license, choose a license type in the table below. 

Certified Oregon Pharmacy Technicians

​The Certified Oregon Pharmacy Technician license expires June 30th of each even year. 

The current Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) period is July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2024. Rules related to Continuing Pharmacy Education requirements can be found in Oregon Adminstrative Rules 855-135.

Prior to renewing your license in 2024, 20 hours of CPE must be completed.

*If you are audited and it is found that you did not complete the required Continuing Pharmacy Education, you will be subject to disciplinary action.   

Required CE includes:

  • 2 hours of Pharmacy Law
  • 2 hours of Patient Safety or Medication Error Prevention
  • 2 hours of cultural competency CPE either approved by the Oregon Health Authority under ORS.413.450 or any cultural competency CPE
  • 14 hours of CPE in subjects pertinent to pharmacy per OAR 855-135-0010(1)(a)-(e)

​​Suggested websites to visit are:

After completing your payment through our secure online payment system, you will have the option of printing an online renewal confirmation page, which will include payment information. You will also receive a confirmation email.  

You, or your employer can check the status of your license by using our Online License/Registration Verification database. 

*Per OAR 855-104-0010 ​a Pharmacy Technician or Certified Oregon Pharmacy Technician must notify the board in writing, within 15 days, of any change in email address, employment location or residence address except that a Pharmacy Technician who is employed at more than one pharmacy need only report the name and address of the pharmacy at which the technician normally works the most hours.

Visit mylicense/eGov​​ to "register"/create a new User ID and password to access your information or to log into your existing eGov account to update your personal information or order a Certified Copy of your license. 


​Oregon Intern licenses expire November 30 and are valid for 2 years. ​

Completion of CPE is required to be eligible for renewal of a license. Prior to submitting your renewal, you will need to complete:

CPE must be completed prior to the submission of the license renewal. If you are audited and it is found that you did not complete the required CPE, you will be subject to disciplinary action.

For additional information, refer to Oregon Administrative Rules, OAR 855-135

Visit mylicense/eGov to "register"/create a new User ID and password or to log into your existing eGov account to access your electronic licensing record to renew, update your personal and contact information and order a Certified Copy of your license.

To check the status of your license at any time, use our Online License/Registration Verification database. 

Per OAR 855-104-0010​ an Intern must notify the board in writing, within 15 days, of any change in email address, employment location, residence address or academic status that might affect their eligibility to work as an intern. 

NOTE: There are upcoming changes to the Oregon Administrative Rules that impact Intern licensure. These changes are scheduled to take effect on March 1, 2024. We encourage you to review the full text of the rules for detailed information regarding intern renewal, internship requirements, and pharmacist licensure by following the provided links: 

Nonprescription Drug Outlets

Convenience Store, Grocery & Gift Shop, Medical Gas Outlet & Vending Machine registrations expire 1/31 annually. Renewal notification for the registration cycle is typically mailed mid-November each year. Your location may not sell any nonprescription medications after January 31st until the facility registration has been renewed. 

Renewals submitted after the registration expiration will be subject to a late fee per OAR 855-110-0007(4).​ If you do not receive your renewal notice by December 1st, please email to request your renewal ID and registration code.

Click the link below to log into your eGov account to verify all facility information, renew, update the mailing address/contact information and order certified license copies. The use of the eGov Online Renewal System is required. 

To renew and maintain a facility registration visit mylicense/eGov (*eGov may not be supported on Microsoft Edge or Explorer)

  • If you do not have the login information for each facility, you will need the registration number, registration code or the renewal ID found on the annual renewal notice. The notice will be sent to the email and mailing address on file for the facility. Completing an online renewal not only ensures a faster turn-around time for processing, but also results in fewer deficiencies.   ​
The Board's Online License/Registration Verification  database can be used to as a convenience resource for you, your vendors and customers to check the status of the registration at any time.

Has there been an owner change or location change for the facility? If so, a new application and fee are required. Please be advised, owner/location change fees are separate transactions from the annual renewal fee and cannot be done during the renewal process.


Email all licensing related inquiries to 

Pharmacies, Community Health Clinics, Dispensing Practitioner Drug Outlets, etc.
All Pharmacies, Community Health Clinics & Correctional Facilities expire 3/31 annually. Renewal notification for the registration cycle is typically mailed mid-January each year. 

If you do not receive your renewal notice by February 1st, please email to request the renewal login information or applicable forms. Renewals postmarked or submitted after the registration expiration will be subject to a late fee per OAR 855-110-0007(7).​ ​

Click the link below to log into your eGov account to verify all facility information, renew, update the mailing address/contact information and order certified license copies. The use of the eGov Online Renewal System is required. 

To renew and maintain a facility registration visit mylicense/eGov 

  • If you do not have the login information for each facility, you will need the registration number, registration code or the renewal ID found on the annual renewal notice. The notice will be sent to the email and mailing address on file for the facility. Completing an online renewal not only ensures a faster turn-around time for processing, but also results in fewer deficiencies.   
The board’s Online License/Registration Verification database can be used to as a convenience resource for you, your vendors and customers to check the status of the registration at any time.

Has there been an owner change or location change for your facility? If so, you are required to complete a new application and submit the appropriate application fee. Please be advised, owner/location change fees are separate transactions from the annual renewal fee and cannot be done during the renewal process. 


Email all licensing related inquiries to


​Oregon Pharmacist licenses expire June 30th of each odd year. Renewals submitted after the license expiration will be subject to a late fee per OAR 855-110-0005(6)(a)​

Renewal notification and information will be provided in April 2025.

The current Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) period is July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2025. 

CPE must be completed prior to the submission of the license renewal. If you are audited and it is found that ​you did not complete the required CPE, you will be subject to disciplinary action.

Required CPE includes: 

  • 2 hours of Pharmacy Law
  • 2 hours of Patient Safety or Medication Error Prevention
  • 2 hours of cultural competency CPE either approved by the Oregon Health Authority under ORS 413.450 or any cultural competency CPE
  • ​​1 hour in pain management provided by the Oregon Pain Management Commission
  • ​23 hours of additional continuing pharmacy education*

*If you have more than the required hours of the categories listed above, you may count those hours toward the remaining 23 “additional” hours.  

For the current pharmacist renewal cycle and all future renewal cycles, pharmacists must attest to completing the OPMC CPE course prior to submission of the renewal application  Once complete, you must upload the certificate into your eGov profile. Completion of the one hour pain management CPE provided by the OPMC is also required for initial licensure as a pharmacist.

Pharmacy Technicians

The Pharmacy Technician license expires June 30th of each even year. 

The current Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) period is July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2024.  Rules relating to Continuing Pharmacy Education requirements can be found in Oregon Administrative Rules 855-135.

Prior to renewing your license in 2024, 20 hours of CPE must be completed.

*If you are audited and it is found that you did not complete the required Continuing Pharmacy Education, you will be subject to disciplinary action.   

Required CPE includes:
  • 2 hours of Pharmacy Law
  • 2 hours of Patient Safety or Medication Error Prevention
  • 2 hours of cultural competency CPE either approved by the Oregon Health Authority under ORS.413.450 or any cultural competency CPE
  • 14 hours of CPE in subjects pertinent to pharmacy per OAR 855-135-0010(1)(a)-(e)
​Suggested websites to visit are:
After completing your payment through our secure online payment system, you will have the option of printing an online renewal confirmation page, which will include payment information. You will also receive a confirmation email.  

You, or your employer can check the status of your license by using our Online License/Registration Verification database. 

*Per OAR 855-104-0010​ a Pharmacy Technician or Certified Oregon Pharmacy Technician must notify the Board in writing, within 15 days, of any change in email address, employment location or residence address except that a Pharmacy Technician who is employed at more than one pharmacy need only report the name and address of the pharmacy at which the technician normally works the most hours.

Visit mylicense/eGov​ to "register"/create a new User ID and password to access your information or to log into your existing eGov account to update your personal information or order a Certified Copy of your license. 

Wholesalers, Drug Distribution Agents & Manufacturers

​Wholesaler, Manufacturer & Drug Distribution Agent Registrations expire 9/30 annually. Renewal notification for the registration cycle is typically mailed mid-July each year. 

Renewals postmarked or submitted after the registration expiration will be subject to a late fee per OAR 855-110-0007. If you do not receive your renewal notice by August 1st, email our office at

Click the link below to log into your eGov account to verify all facility information, renew, update the mailing address/contact information and order certified license copies. The use of the eGov Online Renewal System is required. 

To renew and maintain a facility registration visit mylicense/eGov (*eGov may not be supported on Microsoft Edge)

  • If you do not have the login information for each facility, you will need the registration number, registration code or the renewal ID found on the annual renewal notice. The notice will be sent to the email and mailing address on file for the facility. Completing an online renewal not only ensures a faster turn-around time for processing, but also results in fewer deficiencies.   

The Board’s Online License/Registration Verification database can be used to as a convenience resource for you, your vendors and customers to check the status of the registration at any time.

Has there been an owner change or location change for your facility? If so, a new application and fee are required. Please be advised, owner/location change fees are separate transactions from the annual renewal fee and cannot be done during the renewal process. 


Email all licensing related inquiries to​



Email all license renewal related inquiries to