Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

Oregon Board of Pharmacy Affirmative Action Plans
Health Equity
Pharmacy Organizations Unite to Take a Stand Against Racial Injustice
Thirteen national pharmacy associations, including the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, have signed a
joint statement against racial injustice. The Oregon Board of Pharmacy fully supports this statement and will work diligently in the weeks, months, and years ahead to take steps to promote diversity, equity, inclusion and racial justice.
“The recent deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many others have ignited strong emotions and continue to shed a glaring light on the day-to-day experiences of Black Americans,” says the statement. “Sadly, racism and discrimination are a thread that has been woven into the fabric of this country for far too long. Adding to the challenges of the global pandemic of COVID-19, which disproportionately impact communities of color, there is a greater public health crisis plaguing our country: racism and discrimination. People of color and other marginalized groups experience a continuum of systemic racism, discrimination, and injustices that result in ongoing health inequities created by numerous factors impacting social determinants of health.”
The statement lists specific actions for pharmacists to take to uphold the highest standards. The actions include, but are not limited to:
- Working together to provide opportunities to address health care disparities and strengthen affected communities.
- Providing pharmacist, student pharmacist, and pharmacy technician education on social injustices and systematic challenges impacting health care.
- Delivering strategies that focus on change through communications, partnerships, and solutions to address health care disparities.
- Continuing dialogue among pharmacy organizations and stakeholders to identify and implement change.
Affirmative Action/DEI/Health Equity Resources