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Social Media

The Oregon Medical Board regulates the practice of medicine, podiatry, and acupuncture to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of Oregon patients. As medical practice has evolved, so has the method of communication among practitioners, patients, and family. Colleagues, administrators, and patients increasingly expect healthcare professionals to stay connected, and online social networking has become a resource for healthcare professionals to share information and to form meaningful professional relationships.

The Board recognizes the benefits of social media and supports its responsible use. However, healthcare professionals are bound by ethical and professional obligations that extend beyond the exam room, and social media creates unique challenges. Among the primary obligations to consider when engaging in social media are confidentiality, boundaries, and professionalism.

Healthcare professionals have an obligation to protect patient privacy and confidentiality in all environments. Identifiable patient information – even seemingly minor details of a case or patient interaction – must never be posted online. Healthcare professionals must never discuss a patient's medical treatment or answer a patient's health-related question through social media. E-mail must be secure if used to communicate medical information to patients. Healthcare professionals must use discretion and consider all information posted online to be public.

Healthcare professionals must maintain appropriate boundaries in the provider-patient relationship at all times. Social media may blur the boundaries of the provider-patient relationship and heighten the potential for boundary violations. The Board's definition of sexual misconduct in rule includes sexually explicit communication via electronic methods such as text message, e-mail, video, or social media. As a result, healthcare professionals should consider separating personal and professional social media accounts and exercise caution if interacting with patients or their families through personal social networking sites. Healthcare professionals should feel comfortable ignoring or declining requests to connect from current or past patients through a personal social media account. It is the professional's responsibility to maintain appropriate boundaries -- not the patient's.  

Online actions and content directly reflect on professionalism. Therefore, healthcare professionals must understand that their online activity may negatively impact their reputations and careers as well as undermine the public's overall trust in the profession. Healthcare professionals should not make negative statements about other healthcare providers and should use caution when responding to the negative comments of others on social media. The informality of social media may obscure the serious implications and consequences of postings. When conflicted about posting content, healthcare professionals should err on the side of caution and refrain. Further, if healthcare professionals write online about their professional experiences, they must be honest about their credentials and reveal any conflicts of interest.

Healthcare professionals are required at all times to follow the Medical Practice Act, rules established by the Board, and professional and ethical standards of care. These obligations apply regardless of the medium of communication.

- Adopted January 8, 2016; Amended July 11, 2024

The Oregon Medical Board holds licensees to recognized standards of ethics of the medical profession, specifically for this philosophy: American Medical Association's Code of Medical Ethics: 2.3.2 Professionalism in the Use of Social Media; American Association of Physician Assistants' Guidelines for Ethical Conduct for the PA Profession; and Oregon Association of Acupuncturists' Code of Ethics: Commitment to the Profession and Rule 1.2 Communication with Patients.
- ORS 677.190(1)(a) and ORS 677.188(4)(a)

See the Federation of State Medical Board's Social Media and Electronic Communications Policy.