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Board Actions and Emergency Suspensions

Oregon Medical Board actions protect the safety and wellness of our citizens. As always, the Oregon Medical Board stands to protect Oregonians, particularly patients who are vulnerable or who have a limited choice in their providers. We seek to uphold the basic safety and wellness of every Oregonian through licensing and medical regulation. We also look for opportunities to improve access to quality care. 

Every day, more than 20,000 licensed medical, osteopathic, and podiatric doctors, physician associates, and acupuncturists work diligently with the skill and professionalism to keep us all safe and well. These many thousands of health care providers deliver a broad and diverse array of practice options to Oregonians. 

Under Oregon law, the practice of medicine is a privilege, not a right, and we are responsible for ensuring that the practice of medicine in Oregon is conducted safely and professionally.  

“[I]t is necessary in the interests of the health, safety and welfare of the people of this state to provide for the granting of that privilege and the regulation of its use, to the end that the public is protected from the practice of medicine by unauthorized or unqualified persons and from unprofessional conduct..."  ORS 677.015

When the Oregon Medical Board receives a complaint about the care provided by a licensee, we look at the “standard of care," which Oregon law says is “that degree of care, skill and diligence that is used by ordinarily careful physicians in the same or similar circumstances in the community or a similar community." We also look to see whether the licensee's practice is “contrary to medical ethics [that] does or might constitute a danger to the health or safety of the public."

On very rare occasions, evidence will show that a provider's continued practice poses an immediate danger to Oregonians. When that happens, we are required by law to take action to protect existing and future patients from harm. This is when the Board orders an Emergency Suspension.

You can view recent Board actions or search for a specific doctor or other provider.

When conflicting health information appears online, patients are often frustrated. Your health care provider can help you discern what information is valid, and what is merely unchecked and unsubstantiated information posing as valid “health" or “medical" information. We recommend: