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Oregon Manufactured Home Parks and Marinas Directory

Manufactured home parks and marinas in Oregon

The Manufactured Home and Marina Communities Resource Center program is directed by ORS 456.422 to collect information about spaces available for rent in manufactured home parks and marina communities around Oregon. Park and marina owners and managers are encouraged to provide this information for the park and marina directory.


Oregon manufactured home park* information may be viewed as an interactive map or searchable database.


The Oregon Manufactured Home Park / Marina Directory can be used to identify and display park locations registered with OHCS. The mapping tool displays basic information with general Census tract demographics about each park. It highlights areas of the state to display the highest numbers of older manufactured homes (built prior to 1980). These would potentially benefit from modern structural or energy upgrades. 

Efficiency is a primary energy concern in the Northwest. The utility service area information is another feature generated by the map to help coordinate resources. It also fosters communication for decision-makers on the region's future energy requirements. It also shows the growing need for affordable housing in Oregon.  

Searchable database

* Each park and marina listing contains information as it was reported to us. For the most current information about vacancies or for application information, please contact the individual park or marina.

DISCLAIMER: Important information about the directory.

All the data contained herein, including the Oregon manufactured home park directory and all reports derived from that data, is compiled from information provided through the mandatory park registration and training requirements of ORS 90.730. Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) can not verify the validity of all the information provided to OHCS and, therefore, completeness or usefulness for any product or process. OHCS cannot and does not guarantee there will be no errors. OHCS assumes no legal liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from the use of this information.

Photo: Manufactured Home Park Registation

Manufactured Home and Marina Communities Resource Center
Hotline: 1-800-453-5511
Phone: 503-986-2145
FAX: 503-986-2006