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Landlord Training

Oregon requires manufactured park and floating home marina managers to receive ongoing training. Oregon statute applies to at least one person for each manufactured dwelling park or floating home facility. 

The training applies to the person who has authority to manage the premises. It requires the manager to complete four hours of continuing education relating to the management of the facility every two years.

Training focuses on operating according to the codes, laws and government directives that apply to rental properties. It also offers tried-and-true practices aimed at minimizing conflict and damage in area neighborhoods.

The Manufactured Home and Marina Communities Resource Center (MMCRC) offers continuing education classes at least once every six months. Instructors are affiliated with a statewide nonprofit trade association. And that association represents manufactured housing interests. OHCS approves the instructors.

Photo: Landlord Training for Manufactured Home Parks

Manufactured & Marina Communities Resource Center
Hotline: 1-800-453-5511
Phone: 503-986-2145
Fax: 503-986-2006

Training details

Manufactured Housing Communities of Oregon (MHCO)

Legal Briefs with Warren Allen, LLP

Legal Briefs are presented in four one-hour sets. All four sessions are required for you to receive credit with OHCS. Registrants must be present for the full hour of each session for MHCO to certify the training hours required by OHCS.

Trainings are held the second Tuesday of the month in 4-part sessions:

  • First Session: February – May
  • Second Session: September – December

All Legal Briefs are held on Zoom. $185 for a 4-part session.

Landlord-Tenant Law Training Seminars

MHCO 4-Hour Seminars will be offered both in person and online via Zoom. Check the schedule for details and registration links. $185 for 4-hour session.

2025 Annual Conference

The conference is held in person and via Zoom on October 27-28, 2025, at the Graduate Hotel in Eugene. Registration information will be available in late summer 2025. Pre-registration required for all trainings.

Contact Erica Davidson: 503-391-4496 or email

Training schedule