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Agency Request Budget

2025-27 Agency Budget

Agency Budget documents for the 2025-27 biennium are available.

2025-2027 Governor's Recommended Budget (large PDF file)

2025-2027 Agency Request Budget (large PDF file)

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Request overviews

Agencywide requests

Affordable Rental Housing Division requests

Homeownership Division requests

Housing Stabilization Division requests

2025-27 Agency Request Budget Engagement

In the last two legislative sessions, the Legislature allocated nearly $1.6 billion in housing and homelessness initiatives across multiple state agencies. Since then:

  • 70,000 people provided with homeless services in just one year
  • 10,200 affordable rental units created or preserved
  • 500 new homeownership units created
  • 1,100 households kept out of foreclosure through the Homeowner Assistance Fund
  • 5,000 people helped with financial education and counseling via local homeownership centers
  • 985 new homeowners through the Oregon Residential Loan program


OHCS staff provided a brief preview of the 2025-27 Agency Request Budget (ARB) during a webinar Tuesday, Aug. 20 for partners and legislators.

The ‘25-27 ARB, which will be released Sept. 1, details our intent to protect progress, increase resources to prevent and end homelessness, strengthen investments to permanent supportive housing, increase the supply of affordable and middle-income housing, secure pathways to economic and social mobility through homeownership, and invest in rural Oregon.

Download the webinar slides or watch the recording.

Feedback Sessions

To kick off the 25-27 Agency Budget Request process, we hosted a series of virtual town halls, where staff heard from partners about topics including shelter, preservation, permanent supportive housing, and homeownership. Nearly 230 partners from around the state, including developers, service providers, mortgage lenders, Tribes, advocates, culturally specific organizations, and other state agencies, participated in the town halls.

Following the town halls, we sought partner feedback through three surveys and a form for Continuum of Care and Community Action Agency partners to provide estimated funding needs for the 25-27 biennium.Thanks to partner input, we identified themes such as the need for increased administrative funding and stable, long-term program funds, increased collaboration, data standardization, financial investment in culturally specific organizations and services, and more. The OHCS Agency Request Budget Engagement summary provides additional information, including themes for each engagement topic.

Staff continues to analyze partner feedback. Along with all state agencies, our request budget will inform the Governor’s Request Budget (GRB), which will ensure the continuation of core programs and services while prioritizing issues of top concern for Oregonians, reflected in the Governor’s three initiative areas: housing and homelessness, education and early learning, and behavioral healthcare.

Access the ARB Engagement Summary

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Past agency budget requests

​Budget Documents:

2019-21 Legislatively Adopted, OHCS

2019-21 Governor's Recommended, OHCS