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Oregon State Flag An official website of the State of Oregon »

What We Do

Our Vision

All Oregonians have the opportunity to pursue prosperity and live free from poverty.

Our Mission

We provide stable and affordable housing and engage leaders to develop an integrated statewide policy that addresses poverty and provides opportunities for Oregonians.

What we do

Oregon Housing and Community Services is Oregon's housing finance agency, providing financial and program support to create and preserve opportunities for quality, affordable housing for Oregonians of lower and moderate income.

OHCS administers programs that provide housing stabilization – from preventing and ending homelessness, assisting with utilities to keep someone stable, to financing multifamily affordable housing, to encouraging homeownership. It delivers these programs primarily through grants, contracts, and loan agreements with local partners and community-based providers, and has limited direct contact with low-income beneficiaries. OHCS' sources of funds are varied and include federal and state resources that have complex regulatory compliance requirements, and thus stewardship, compliance monitoring, and asset management are all critical functions played by OHCS.
For more information, contact:

Public Affairs
Email: Phone: 503-986-2000