After submitting your request you will receive a confirmation email with information about any additional steps that you need to complete to process the request. These may include:
Consultation with staff. Communication between our staff and data requesters is important to ensure that we can deliver a high-quality product that meets your needs. After receiving your data request, we may need additional information or request to meet with you to discuss your needs and scope out your requested deliverable.
Data Review Committee. If your request involves Protected Health Information (PHI) or other identifiable information, it will need to be reviewed by OHA’s Data Review Committee (DRC). The DRC meets monthly and may have follow-up questions about your request, so this means your request will take longer to process. The staff person who responds to your request will initiate this process if needed. Datasets that may require DRC review (depending on the nature of your request): APAC, MMIS, Hospital and ED Discharge, MHSIP, CAHPS.
Data Use Agreement. If your request includes any potentially sensitive information, then you will need to sign a Data Use Agreement (DUA). The staff person who responds to your request will initiate this process if needed.
How quickly your request can be fulfilled depends on many factors, including the complexity and sensitivity of your request, and staff capacity. For example, standardized or public use datasets can be provided more quickly than custom datasets.
Note: Requests for custom identifiable (“Limited”) APAC data can take 3-6 months to fulfill.
Cost: Most datasets are provided free of charge. Exceptions are APAC and Hospital and ED Discharge Data.