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Oregon Health Authority

Data Review Committee


The Data Review Committee (DRC) is an advisory body convened by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) that evaluates requests for OHA data sets that contain Protected Health Information (PHI), including limited data sets as defined under HIPAA, and data sets that contain direct identifiers. The DRC helps determine whether requests comply with state and federal guidelines for using PHI data. The DRC does not review request for public use datasets, but may provide input on materials and processes for requesting public use datasets.

The DRC reviews applications for the following data sets when PHI is requested:

  • Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS)
  • Measures and Outcomes Tracking System (MOTS) and Client Process Monitoring System (CPMS)
  • All Payer All Claims (APAC) – limited and custom data sets
  • Oregon Patient Resident Care System (OPRCS)
  • Hospital inpatient and outpatient discharge data
  • Oregon Health Insurance Survey (OHIS)
  • Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS)
  • Physician Workforce Survey
  • Student Wellness Survey
  • Medicaid Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
  • Mental Health System Improvement Project Survey for Adults (MHSIPS)
  • Youth Services Survey for Families (YSS-F)
  • Other ad hoc data

Review Process

The DRC meets monthly and reviews requests in the order received. The DRC may ask the requester for additional information before completing their review. OHA strongly encourages requesters to thoroughly complete applications as soon as possible to account for unanticipated delays.

At a minimum, the DRC evaluates requests for whether:

  • Proposed project purpose is allowable under OHA policies and state and federal laws;
  • IRB documentation is required and if submitted, sufficient;
  • Proposed privacy and security protections are sufficient;
  • Minimum amount of data necessary to complete the project is requested;
  • Further clarification is needed.

Pending Requests

6440 APAC NERA Material Change Transaction (posted 12/5/24)

6432-HCMO-economic-analysis (posted 12/3/24)

6434 APAC Childhood routine care and immunizations (posted 12/3/24)

6304 Spatial inequalities pharmacy access (posted 10/14/24)

6242 Dental comorbidities GMU (posted 10/8/24)

All applications for APAC Limited data sets are posted for public comment for at least two weeks prior to DRC review. If an application is received within two weeks of the next DRC meeting, it will not be reviewed until the next month's DRC meeting.

Please send comments on pending APAC data requests to prior to the next DRC meeting. The DRC will review and consider all public comments as part of the data review process.

Next Meeting

 Upcoming Meetings

Below is the schedule of DRC meetings and minutes.

Meeting Archive


For questions please contact:
Chris Coon
Data Integration Manager