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Oregon Health Authority

Hospital Reporting Program

The Hospital Reporting Program collects, maintains, and analyzes hospital financial and utilization data to inform policymaking. The program maintains three datasets: Databank, a database of self-reported hospital financial and utilization information; Audited Hospital Financial Data; and Hospital Community Benefit Data. This data informs four regular reports:

  • The Hospital Financial & Utilization Quarterly Summary summarizes recent trends in a short report and interactive dashboard.
  • The Audited Financials Annual Report looks at trends in hospital's audited financial data.
  • The interactive annual Hospital Payment Report examines amounts hospitals were paid for common procedures.

The program also administers the Hospital Community Benefit Minimum Spending Floor program. Please send inquiries to

​The Hospital Reporting Program maintains several interactive dashboards. Click the buttons below for more information.

Oregon Hospital Payment Report Dashboard

Finger pointing to dots on a map

Oregon Hospital Financial & Utilization Dashboard

Finger pointint to dots on a map

Oregon Hospital Financial & Utilization Individual Hospital Dashboard

houses with letters

Oregon Community Benefit Dashboard

House with red cross symbol

To navigate to the Hospital Index webpage, click on this link for Hospital Profiles​. ​

From the list of hospitals, listed in the Hospital Index, select a hospital by clicking on its hyperlinked name. 
Each hospital page provides the following information: a brief hospital profile description; location; 
links to the hospital's website; and links to hospital documents which were submitted to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), processed, and then stored in the Hospital Document Library.

OHA collects a variety of financial and community benefit data from hospitals. These hospital documents include the following: 

    • Audited Financial Statement (AFS)

    • Capital Projects Reporting (CPR-1) Form

    • Community Benefit Report 1 (CBR-1) Form

    • Community Benefit Report 3 (CBR-3) Form

    • Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)

    • Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)

    • Financial Report 3 (FR-3) Form

    • Hospital Facility and Clinic Report (HFCR) Form

    • Hospital Financial Assistance Report (HFAR) Form *new*

    • Narrative Report

    • Notification of Community Benefit Minimum Spending Floor (MSF) and calculations

    • Other financial documents

    • Public comments

​Additionally, the Hospital Index page provides short descriptions of the hospital documents (mentioned above); click on the link for more information.  

​​For bla​nk forms, click to expand the "+ Forms" section (below).

​Note: not all hospital information may be currently available; OHA strives to make the hospital's information/documents available as soon as possible. 

In the 2015 legislative session, the Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 900, mandating the annual reporting of median payments from commercial insurers to hospitals for common inpatient and outpatient procedures. This annual report uses data from ​Oregon's All Payer All Claims database. Historic reports can be found below. 

2022 Hospital Payment Report data [xlsx]

2022 Procedure codes look-up file [xlsx]

2021 Payment Variation Among Nearby Hospitals

2021 COVID Paymen​ts Report 

2021 COVID Procedure codes look-up file [xlsx]​​

2021 COVID data file - Commercial [xlsx]​

2021 Hospital Payment Report data [xlsx]

2021 Procedure codes look-up file [xlsx]

2020 Comparing Commercial and Medicare Payments

2020 Hospital Payment Report data [xlsx]

2020 Procedure codes look-up file [xlsx]

2019 Hospital Payment Report data [xlsx]

2019 Procedure codes look-up file [xlsx]

2018 Procedure codes look-up file

2018 Hospital Payment Report data

2017 Radiation and Chemotherapy Report

2017 Pregnancy Related Procedures Report

2017 Outpatient Surgeries Report

2017 Inpatient Procedures Report

2017 Imaging Report

Acute care hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs) in Oregon are required to publically report information about capital projects by posting information on their websites and submitting information to the Oregon Health Authority. Reports to OHA must be submitted no more than 30 days after a project has been approved, ​using the CPR-1 form below. The statute and rules listed below provide additional details about​ this program. The program was established in 2009 by HB 2009.

Statute / Rule

Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 442.361, 442.362, 442.991
Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 409-024

Capital Project Reporting Form

CRP-1 Form

Submitted Reports


Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center - CT Scanner Replacement
OHSU Hospital - Achieva Nova MRI Replacement
OHSU Hospital - Brilliance CT Scanner Replacement
Salem Health System - Hospital IV Pump Replacement
Salem Health West Valley Hospital - Defibrillator & AED Replacement
Salem Hospital - Electronic Fetal Monitoring System
Salem Hospital - X-Ray and Fluoroscopy Replacement


OHSU Hospital - Cardiology Bi-Plane System Replacement​
OHSU Hospital - Radiation Oncology Equipment Replacement​
OHSU Hospital - ​Radiation Therapy Equipment (Elekta Synergy) Replacement
OHSU Hospital - Radiation T​herapy Equipment (Elekta Versa) Replacement
Kaiser Interstate Medical Office - Nuclear Medicine Department Expansion


Grande Ronde Hospital - Hosp​ital Campus Expansion
Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center - CT Scanning Machine
Legacy Emanuel Medical Center - Catheterization Labs
Mercy Medical Center - Hospital Campus Expansion


As​​​ante Three Rivers Medical Center​​​ - GP Cancer Center Expansion
Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center​ - Patient Pavillion
Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center - Regional Cancer Center
Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center​ - Cardiovascular Lab​​
OHSU Hospital - Hospital Expansion Project​










Send forms and data to:​​

Hospital Financial & Utilization Dashboard

Click on the State of Oregon Hospital Financial & Utilization Dashboard to see trends aggregated by statewide and hospital type.

Hospital Financial and Utilization Dashboard button v2.png

Hospital Financial & Utilization Individual Hospital Dashboard

Click on the State of Oregon Hospital Financial & Utilization Dashboard to view individual hospital level data.

 Individual dash button.png

One of the overarching goals of Oregon's health system transformation is improving transparency through quality, efficiency, outcome and financial data that is available to the public. Public reporting is a key element in Oregon's work to transform Oregon's health care system to be more transparent to patients, stakeholders and the public. Similar to the Health System Transformation Quarterly Reports that track Coordinated Care Organizations' performance, quarterly reporting on Oregon's acute care hospitals assists policymakers and the public in monitoring the impact of state and federal health reforms on hospital care and financial stability. This report tracks key measures of hospital finances and utilization including profitability, charity care, bad debt, and inpatient, outpatient, and emergency department visits.

​See the Hospital Financial & Utilization Appendix dashboard​​ for individual hospital data.

Oregon Acute Care Hospitals: Financial and Utilization Trends


Hospital Quarterly Report 2024 Q1


Hospital Quarterly Report 2023 Q1
Hospital Quarterly Report 2023 Q2
Hospital Quarterly Report 2023 Q3
Hospital Quarterly Report 2023 Q4 and Year-End Summary​​​​


Hospital Quarterly Report 2022 Q1
Hospital Quarterly Report 2022 Q2
Hospital Quarterly Report ​2022 Q3​
Hospital Quarterly Report 2022 Q4 and Year-End Summary


Hospital Quarterly Report 2021 Q1
Hospital Quarterly Report 2021 Q2
Hospital Quarterly Report 2021 Q3​
Hospital Quarterly Report 2021 Q​4


Hospital Quarterly Report 2020 Q2
Hospital Quarterly Report 2020 Q3
Hospital Quarterly Report 2020 Q4 and​​ Year-End Summary​​


Hospital Quarterly Report 2019 Q1​
Hospital Quarterly Report 2019 Q2​
Hospital Quarterly Report 2019 Q3​
Hospital Quarterly Report 2019 Q4​


Hospital Quarterly Report 2018 Q1​
Hospital Quarterly Report 2018 Q2
Hospital Quarterly Report 2018 Q3​
Hospital Quarterly Report 2018 Q4​


Hospital Quarterly Report 2017 Q1​
Hospital Quarterly Report 2017 Q2​
Hospital Quarterly Report 2017 Q3​
Hospital Quarterly Report 2017 Q4

For Hospital Financial & Utilization Quarterly Reports from 2014 - 2016, please submit a request to​

The Hospital Quarterly Financial & Utilization Summary uses data from the Databank dataset​. For more information on the measures in this dataset, see the glossary of key terms​.

CB logo final.png
Most hospitals in Oregon are recognized as non-profit institutions. To maintain their tax-exempt status, non-profit hospitals are expected to provide measurable benefits to the communities they serve. Community benefits generally are defined as programs or activities that hospitals provide despite a low or negative financial return. Examples of community benefits include providing free or discounted care to persons living in poverty, conducting education or research to promote community health, or donating funds or services to community groups.
In 2007, HB 3290 established Oregon's community benefit reporting law in order to document the benefits that hospitals provide to their communities. Under this law, each hospital annually submits a form to the Oregon Health Authority that reports the hospital's cost of providing community benefits in various categories.

Read the data profile​ for Hospital Community Benefit​


409-023 current rules

Hearing officer report

Guidance for Hospital Administrators for Subsidized Health Services Accounting (Posted March 16, 2022)​​

Hospital Reporting and Community Benefit Program Timeline for Hospitals (Posted July 13th, 2023)

Hospital C​​ommunity Benefit Reports


With the passage of HB 3076 in 2019, the Oregon State Legislature created a community benefit minimum spending floor program for Oregon’s 60 acute care hospitals and their affiliated clinics. The bill allows hospitals to choose the grouping the spending floor is applied to, including but not limited to:

  • ​​Each individual hospital and all the hospital’s nonprofit affiliated clinics
  • A hospital and a group of the hospital’s nonprofit affiliated clinics
  • All the hospitals that are under common ownership and control and all of the hospitals’ nonprofit affiliated clinics
The Oregon Health Authority is required to apply the spending floor every two years, and calculates the spending floor for each year, two years at a time. The first spending floors apply to hospitals’ fiscal years 2022 and 2023. For more information how the spending floor is calculated, please see the Spending Floor Announcement.

For 30 days after the Oregon Health Authority notifies a hospital or health system of its proposed community benefit minimum spending floor, members of the public may provide
comments. To see the spending floors open for public comment, see below. The Public Comment Schedule lists the expected comment period for each hospital in Oregon. 

For 30 days after the Oregon Health Authority notifies a hospital or health system of its proposed community benefit minimum spending floor, the hospital or health system may formally request a modification to the spending floor. For more information on the process of requesting a minimum spending floor modification, please see the Spending Floor Modification Guidance Document.

The Oregon Health Authority may amend the Minimum Spending Floor formula, if necessary, based on review of community benefit reports and feedback from stakeholders and the general public.​

Hospitals with assigned Minimum Spending Floors for FY 2024-2025

Documentation for the following hospitals with assigned Minimum Spending Floors is available on each hospital's individual hospital profile page​:

​Group 1: FY from April 1 to March 31

​Group 2: FY from May 1 to April 30

​​Group 3: FY from July 1 to June 30

​​​​​Group 4: FY from October 1 to September 30

​​​​​Group 5: FY from January 1 to December 31

Oregon hospitals submit monthly utilization and financial summaries via the electronic DataBank system. The​ Hospital Association of Oregon (HAO) makes these files available to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) at quarterly intervals.​

DataBank files contain monthly, aggregate data for each hospital,​ including utilization and financial information by primary payer for a wide range of hospital services including acute, sub-acute, swing bed, distinct-part units, and home health care.

Read the data profile​ for Hospital Financial & Utilization​

Please refer to the Databank Field List for a crosswalk of data fields (variables).

To download the data, click on the file desired, then select either "open" or "save."

If you want more information about hospital data or have technical questions regarding the contents/fields, please contact​​

Databank Pivot 2007-2024 (Q1)​​​​​​​​ ​​(Excel)

Oregon's hospitals are required to provide information on annual financial performance to the Oregon Health Authority. Specifically, hospitals must submit an audited financial statement and FR-3 form for each fiscal year that includes information on revenues, expenses, margins, and uncompensated care.

Read the data profile for Hospital Audited Financials 

Hospital and Health System Financial Snapshots
(2021-2022 Q3)

Asante​​​ Health Systems

Legacy Health

Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU)

​Providence St. Joseph Health

Samaritan Health Services​

St. Charles Health System​

Hospital Financial Data Pivot Table (2006-2024)

Hospital Financial ​Data for 2006 - 2024​​ (Excel)​​

Annual Hospital Financial Single Year Summary

2023 Hospital Financial Summary Table​​​​ (Excel)

2022 Hospital Financial Summary Table​​​ (Excel)

2021 Hospital Financial Summary Table​​ (Excel)​

2020 Hospital Financial Summary Table​ (Excel)

​2019 Hospital Financial Summary Table​ (Excel)

2018 Hospital Financial Summary Table (Excel)​

Annual Hospital Financial Report

2018 Audited Financials Report
2017 Audited Financials Report
2016 Audited Financials Report

Statute / Rule

Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 442.400 to 442.463
Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 409-015

FR-3 Reporting Form

For the current reporting year, please download, fill out, and email the FR-3 form and the hospital's audited financial statement to the Oregon Health Authority. Each hospital has 120 days following the close of its fiscal year to file audited financial statements and FR-3s with the Oregon Health Authority.

Form FR-3 Additional instructions are included on the FR-3 form.
FR-3 Audited Financial Extension Request

Send FR-3 forms and audited financial reports​

Statute / Rule

Oregon Revised Statute (ORS): 442.370
Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR): 409-022

Instructions on Ordering Inpatient Hospital Discharge Data

The Office of Health Analytics makes public use files of patient hospital discharges available for a variety of purposes. The data has been de-identified using the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule's Safe Harbor standard for de-identification. As a result, full 5-digit zip code information is not available in public use files.

Annual data files are available in comma-delimited format, accompanied by documentation, for calendar years 2007 through the most recent year available - currently 2021. The cost is $250 per year or $75 per quarter of data requested. The numbers of discharges varies by year, but are generally in excess of 350,000 records per year.

Read the data profile​ for Hospital and ED Discharge ​

Public datasets

To obtain public use datasets please do the following:

  1. Please review our FAQ document.
  2. Review the inpatient hospital discharge layout and example data sets for inpatient and/or emergency department​ discharges to ensure the variables are sufficient for your needs. The Office of Health Analytics will not refund fees.
  3. Download and complete Form D-1. In order to submit your information, download the public use data request D-1 form to your desktop. Do not complete this form while you are on the web, the data will not be saved.
  4. Enclose payment in check form (we cannot accept credit cards) and send it along with form D-1 to the address below. The cost is $250 per year of data. Please make checks payable to Oregon Health Authority.

After the request has been approved and full payment has been received, the data order will be sent out.

Research datasets

More detailed information for research and analysis purposes can be obtained from Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Central Distributor

HCUP datasets are not fully de-identified and will require a data use agreement, study proposal and plan for maintaining confidentiality for access. Be aware that:

  1. The cost is $750/year of data requested.
  2. Researchers and all other persons with access to the data are required to read and sign an agreement with HCUP.
  3. Please refer to the HCUP website for further information on ordering, payments and data use requirements.

Send forms and payment to:

Oregon Health Authority​​
Office of Health Analytics
Attn: Data Fulfillment Officer
500 Summer St NE, E-64
Salem, OR 97301

If you have further questions, please contact​

The Hospital Reporting Program maintains multiple datasets. See below for dataset descriptions and access information.


The Databank Dataset contains monthly data for Oregon’s 60 acute care hospitals on a multitude of hospital financial and utilization key indicators. The Databank Dataset contains data from January 2007 to present, and is updated quarterly, approximately three months after the end of the quarter. See the Hospital Financial & Utilization section for more information on Databank data. 

Click here to access the Databank Dataset: Datab​ank Data 2007-2024​​​ (Excel)​​​​​​

Audited Financial

The Audited Financial Dataset is comprised of self-reported, audited financial data from Oregon’s 60 acute care hospitals. Audited financial data is reported to the Oregon Health Authority by hospitals 120 days after the end of their fiscal year. The Audited Financial Dataset is updated once a year, usually in May, but may be updated later, depending on circumstances that impact reporting. The Audited Financial Dataset contains data from 2000 to present but only fields from 2007 to the present are complete. See the Audited Financials & FR-3 section for more information on audited financial data.

Click here to access the Audited Financial Dataset: Audited Financial Data​​ (Excel)​​​​​​​​

Community Benefit

The Community Benefit Dataset is comprised of self-reported data on community benefit activities from Oregon’s 60 acute care hospitals. Community benefit data is reported to the Oregon Health Authority by hospitals 240 days after the end of their fiscal year. The Community Benefit Dataset is updated quarterly, and contains data from 2010 to present. See the Community Benefit Reports section for more information on community benefit data.

Click here to access the Community Benefit Dataset: Community Benefit Data​ 2010-2023​​​​​​​​​ (Excel)​​

The Community Benefit Minimum Spending Floor Dataset is comprised of self-reported minimum spending floor data from Oregon's 58 nonprofit hospitals. State law requires OHA to assign a minimum spending floor to each of Oregon's nonprofit hospitals and their affiliated nonprofit clinics. Hospitals and their affiliated nonprofit clinics may choose how to be grouped to meet their spending floor, including but not limited to, as individual hospitals, or grouped together as a health system. The Community Benefit Minimum Spending Floor Dataset contains data from 2022 to present and is updated quarterly. See the Community Benefit Minimum Spending Floor section for more information on minimum spending floor data​.

Click here to access the Minimum Spending Floor Dataset: Community Benefit Minimum Spending Floor Dataset​ 2022-2025​​​​​​​​​​ (Excel)​​

All Payers All Claims Database

The Hospital Reporting Program utilizes APAC data but does not to maintain. For more information on APAC data, including how to access, please see the APAC main website: All Payers All Claims​


Here you can find a consolidated list of all the forms that the Hospital Reporting Program maintains

Audited Financial & FR-3

Community Be​nefit

Capital Projects Reporting

Data Request Forms

​Hospital Facility and Clinic Report Form

House Bill ​3320

Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) Meetings

Purpose: The Oregon Health Authority Office of Health Analytics is developing rules for the Community Benefit Reporting Program regarding hospital financial assistance to patients [HB 3320 (2023)]. OHA is amending Oregon Administrative Rule chapter 409-023, adding rules for prescreening for presumptive eligibility, an appeals process, and data reporting. The Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) that define the hospital financial assistance policies are ORS 442.602, 442.612, 442.618 and 442.624.

HB 3320 Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) Members List​

RAC #1: 1/16/2024 (rescheduled to 1/23/24)

Update January 15, 2024: Due to inclement weather, power outages, school closures and the forecast for additional freezing rain, OHA cancelled the January 16th RAC meeting and moved meeting materials and agenda to the January 23rd meeting. 

​​RAC #1: 1/23/2024 (1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.)

Topics: Prescreening, presumptive eligibility, and appeals.


ZoomGov Meeting 

​​RAC #2: 1/30/2024 (1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.)

Topics: Appeals and data reporting.


ZoomGov Meeting 

​​RAC #3: 2/6/2024 (cancelled)


Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: new OAR 409-023 proposed rules to screen patients for financial assistance, provide for appeals, and report new data.

Final rules for HB 3320:

OAR 409-023 final rule redline (5/6/24)

HB 3320 Rules Hearing and Public Comment Report Final (5/6/24)

OHA held a public rules hearing for HB 3320 on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 2pm via a Zoom virtual meeting

Its purpose, to allow attendees, interested parties, including the public, to provide or listen to spoken comments related to the rules as drafted. 

HB3320 public comment period: April 1, 2024 to April 22, 2024 (5 p.m.)

The public comment period for HB3320 is now closed. 

OHA participated in a virtual webinar reviewing HB 3320 implementaion details, hosted by the Hospital Association of Oregon, on Wednesday, June 4, 2024.

Slide Deck: HB 3320 Implementation Webinar for the Hospital Association of Oregon (Powerpoint)

​​​HB 3320 Sub-Regulatory Guidance on Prescreening and Appeals Language

OHA Guidance to Hospitals Regarding Patient Interested in Declining Financial Assistance​​

House Bill 4020

As per House Bill 4020 from the 2018 Oregon Legislature, OHA is making available to hospitals and the general public a uniform financial assistance application. This application was developed by the Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems and may be used in any hospital in Oregon to request financial assistance.