After each U.S. Decennial Census, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requires states to review and update Federal Aid Urban Boundaries and Federal Functional Classifications of the public road network. Oregon is now reviewing and updating these designations following the U.S. Census Bureau’s release of data from the 2020 Census on December 29, 2022. ODOT has hired David Evans and Associates, Inc. (DEA) to facilitate the necessary updates with cities, counties, MPOs, and other jurisdictions that oversee the state’s road network. DEA will be working with local, state, and federal partners between Spring 2023 and Summer 2025 to deliver final FAUB and FCC for FHWA approval.
Federal Aid Urban Boundaries (FAUBs)
The Federal Highway Administration requires states to have approved FAUBs for federal planning and funding purposes. Areas designated as urban by the U.S. Census Bureau following the 2020 Census will be adjusted to smooth out geographic irregularities, maintain administrative continuity, and include fringe areas with residential, commercial, industrial, and/or national defense significance. In Oregon, Urban Growth Boundaries will also be used to inform the adjusted census boundaries.
The work areas with this effort include analyzing the public road network and land use patterns in Oregon communities in order to modify and amend the boundaries of areas designated urban by the U.S. Census Bureau following the 2020 Census. This requires coordination with affected local jurisdictions and other stakeholders. States have one year following the release by Census of the new urban boundaries to update their Federal Aid Urban Boundaries.
Federal Functional Classifications (FFCs)
All public roads are grouped into functional classifications according to the type of service and amount of traffic the facility carries. Local jurisdictions may classify roads for their own purposes in transportation plans, however, roads are required to have a federal classification based on federal standards as well. FFCs are used to determine federal funding eligibility and must be approved by the Federal Highway Administration.
The work areas with this effort include review of the road network and updates as needed to the federal functional classification of all federal, tribal, state, county, and city highways, roads, and streets in Oregon. This requires coordination with all agencies that own or manage public roads in Oregon. States have two years following the release by Census of the new urban boundaries to review and update their FFCs, although FCC can and should be updated whenever the function of the road changes.
Frequently Asked Questions
2020 Census Federal Aid Urban Areas List
June 28, 2023 Webinar - PDF
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