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North East Area Commission on Transportation


20 voting members
  • One member of the commission from each county (5).
  • One member representing and selected by the cities of each county (5).
  • Two representatives of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation to be appointed by the Board of Trustees of the CTUIR.
  • One at-large representative from each county (5)
  • Three representatives: one transit, one bike/ped., one freight.
  • ODOT Region 5 Area Manager.
  • Representatives of adjacent ACTs
  • Eastern Oregon member of the Oregon Transportation Commission.
  • Representative of the Oregon Department of Aviation.
  • North East Region Community Solutions Team (1).
  • State legislators representing districts in the region.
  • Local congressional aides.
  • Representatives of each county road or road district and planning departments (10).
  • Representatives of regional groups that have an interest in transportation issues, such as housing advocates, investment boards, law enforcement agencies, etc.


Meetings are scheduled bi-monthly on the first Thursday of the month at the ODOT Region 5 Headquarters Building at 9 a.m. A Teams option is also available.




*Joint meeting with South East ACT

Leadership and Work Program

Chair and Vice-Chair serve a three-year term. 
Staffing will be provided by the ODOT Region 5 Area Manager and Local Agency Program. 
NEACT Work Plan  
  • NEACT will provide a forum for local government agencies and the private sector to discuss, understand and coordinate long-range transportation issues affecting the northeast Oregon region.
  • NEACT will collaborate on the development process and application of criteria for determining transportation infrastructure, capital investments and project prioritization in the northeast Oregon region.
  • NEACT will make recommendations to the OTC on priorities for state transportation infrastructure and capital investments through the development of an implementation strategy. This will be based on staff recommendations through technical committees and appropriate state and transportation plans.
  • NEACT will advocate northeast Oregon regional transportation issues to the public, neighboring regions, area legislators and other interested organizations.
  • NEACT will advise the OTC on state and regional policies affecting the northeast Oregon region’s transportation system.
  • NEACT will provide a forum for communicating, learning and understanding transportation issues as they affect the Area’s economic opportunities and livability. Topics will include:
    • Transportation System Plan Reviews.
    • ODOT Enhance-it and Fix-it project reviews.
    • Status and content of current and future STIP projects in Baker, Union, Umatilla, Morrow, and Wallowa counties and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR)
    • Continue education on Transportation funding, programs and processes as they relate to the NEACT area.
  • NEACT will prioritize area modernization project recommendations for the Development STIP and Construction STIP based on state and local transportation plans related to the NEACT area.
  • NEACT will make recommendation to ODOT regarding special funding opportunities and programs.
  • NEACT will communicate and coordinate Regional priorities with other organizations, including the following:
    • Other ODOT Regions and ACTs
    • Community Solution Team
    • Regional Partnerships and Region Investment Boards
    • ODOT advisory committees
  • NEACT will implement the new OTC STIP Process:
    • NEACT will prioritize area Enhance-it project recommendations for the Development STIP and Construction STIP based on state and local transportation plans related to the NEACT area.
    • NEACT will make Enhance-it project recommendations to the OTC for selection.
    • NEACT will use the project application process as baseline information for deciding and recommending project to the OTC for selection.
    • NEACT will review and submit a priority project listing for Region scoping.
  • NEACT will make recommendations to ODOT regarding special funding opportunities and programs.
  • NEACT is involved in an Area Strategy Pilot Program, developing new area strategies for transportation.
  • NEACT will communicate and coordinate Regional priorities with other organizations, including the following:
    • Other ODOT regions and ACTs.
    • Region Solution Team.
    • Walla Walla Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (WWVMPO).
    • NE Oregon Economic Development District and Greater Eastern Oregon Development Commission.
    • ODOT advisory committees.
  • NEACT will continue to consider all modes and aspects of the Transportation System in formulating recommendations, taking into account the provision of elements and connections between air, marine, rail, highway, trucking, transit, bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
  • NEACT will continue to provide documentation to the OTC of the public process and resulting recommendations forwarded by the NEACT, including alternatives for solutions and outcomes of decisions.
  • NEACT will provide a report to the Oregon Transportation Commission at least once every two years.

Norht East ACT area map

Morrow, Baker, Union, Umatilla and Wallowa counties and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Charter: August 19, 2004

Sign Up for Updates


ACT Chair
Wallowa County Commissioner
101 S. River St. 
Enterprise, Oregon 97828 
ODOT Contact
Area Manager 

Operating Documents