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Prescribed fire

Prescribed Fire Liability Program

Introducing periodic fire to fire-adapted landscapes and reducing forest fuels has been shown to reduce the potential for high-intensity wildfires and the huge volume of smoke produced by them. Fire suppression is safer, more effective, and costs less in areas with a recent history of controlled burning. While the rates of escape and loss are very low due to the careful planning and preparation required for prescribed fire and cultural burning, there is always some residual risk when working with fire. This risk, and the resulting liability for damages due to escape if uninsured, can deter some practitioners.

In 2024, Governor Kotek signed House Bill 4016 establishing the pilot Prescribed Fire Liability Program (program). The program is intended to increase use of prescribed fire and cultural burning and support fire practitioners by providing liability coverage for burns enrolled in the program. This legislation authorizes claims covering certain losses arising from escaped prescribed fires and cultural burns. Participation in the program is voluntary.

Learn more about the Oregon law and Oregon Department of Forestry policy governing this program.


Program and general information:

Certified Burn Manager Program

In 2021, Legislators passed Senate Bill 762, requiring the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) to develop a Certified Burn Manager (CBM) program. The overall goal of this program is to reduce barriers to prescribed fire in Oregon by increasing available resources on non-federal ODF protected lands through a prescribed fire leadership training and certification program. When landowners within ODF protection districts use a certified burn manager and follow the required burn plan it protects both from civil liability. ODF is seeking applications from individuals interested in becoming CBMs and training providers who have experience with the creation and delivery of wildland fire training to deliver content based upon a detailed CBM instructor guide and final exam provided by ODF.

Initially, while training providers are entering into agreements with ODF and creating content in preparation for delivery based on ODF's CBM instructor guide, only individuals with existing National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) qualifications as a Type 2 Burn Boss (RXB2) or documentation of prior experience leading burns are eligible to apply for historical recognition. For those with experience in prescribed fire seeking to gain knowledge, skills, and abilities in leading burns, the certified burn manager course will be made available through Oregon State University Extension and other training providers in Spring 2024, with specific dates and locations posted here as they are scheduled. Once the certified burn manager course has been completed and a certificate of course completion along with documentation of prior burn experience has been received, a field certification book will be issued by ODF to be completed and submitted for certification as a burn manager.

Apply to join the advisory committee

ODF is seeking to fill a vacant advisory committee position for its Certified Burn Manager (CBM) Program. Looking for individuals with experience or expertise with prescribed fire planning, implementation, and regulation to serve on the committee, which is a diverse group representative of the full suite of interests in prescribed fire and its impacts to communities across Oregon. Statement of interest form closed on Jan. 31, 2025.

Upcoming CBM training


April 7 – 10, 2025, in Sisters, OR. To register and more information. Contact Ariel Cowan with questions.

Continuing education

Feb. 27, March 6, 13, 20 and 27, 6 to 7:30 p.m., by Zoom. 
To register and more information. Contact Jacob Putney with questions.

To apply for CBM and/or CBM training provider

  • Note: The form does not work from iOS platforms (iPhones/iPads). If using Mac OS, download the form with Adobe Acrobat Reader. 
  • Access the application using the button below, download to your computer, and complete the application. 
  • Once completed, use the submit button provided on the form or email the completed form to, or print and return to: 
    Oregon Department of Forestry
    Stacy McCarter
    2600 State Street
    Salem, OR 97310

Certified Burn Manager Application

Certified Burn Manager Training Provider Application


Stacy McCarter, Mitigation Program Manager, 503-701-0236, email