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Fire prevention

Prevention at home, work, and playRoasting marshmellows around campfire.

Oregon Department of Forestry's mission to protect, manage and promote stewardship of our forests begins with fire prevention. Make fire prevention a priority in your life by following rules and regulations and being good stewards of the land. Stay up-to-date with fire restrictions by visiting our fire restrictions map. Browse the rest of our site below for additional fire prevention and safety tips whether you're at home, at work, or play. Let's Keep Oregon Green for this generation and generations to come.

Grant opportunities

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​What is it?

Implementation of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) to provide $1B over a 5 year period ($200M per year) to communities at risk of wildfire to 1) develop/revise their Com​munity Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP)​ and/or 2) implement mitigation activities identified within their CWPPs.​​

Who is eligible to apply?

Communities at risk of wildfire, including local governments, non-profit organizations, HOAs, Tribes and state f​orestry agencies.

How to apply?

The 2024 application period (Round 3) is now open for applications.​ Application deadline is Feb. 28, 2025 March 14, 2025, at 8:59 p.m. PST.​ We will post updates to this page when available. Applicants will need to submit an online grant proposal through Contact Shauna Morris at to request a unique application link for each grant proposal. Check the USDA Forest Service - CWDG page for guidance as well as informational webinar dates.

Update as of Feb. 14, 2025: The criteria that determine eligibility for a cost-share waiver for CWDG have been updated to only include communities that meet the "Low-Income" criteria. Indian tribes, Alaskan Native Corporations, Pacific Islanders, and the USVI also remain eligible to request a match waiver.

Helpful tools for the application process:

Oregon Department of Forestry webinar and office hours

Forest Service Applicant Webinars

​​​​​​​These federally funded grants help fire agencies meet their firefighting and emergency response needs. Links provide guidance on VFC grants along with instructions and forms to apply.

The 2025 Volunteer Fire Capacity application period is open from March 14, 2025, through April 25, 2025. 

Timeframes for the VFC award:

  • Application period: March 14, 2025 - April 25, 2025
  • Fire departments receive Notice of Award: June 30, 2025
  • Purchasing period: Oct. 1, 2025 - Sept. 30, 2026
  • Reimbursement request deadline: Oct. 15, 2026
  • In-kind Match: July 1, 2025 - Sept. 30, 2026
Volunteer Fire Capacity awarded funding is subject to eligibility requirements, finalization of signed agreements, and receipt of funding from the USDA Forest Service.

VFC documents:​​​

​​These grants help communities reduce their vuln​erability to wildfire.​ Contact your local ODF field office​ to learn more.​​​​

Additional fire prevention programs/plans




Fire Prevention Program

Facebook: Fire prevention