Statewide Wildfire Hazard Map Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC)
A rulemaking advisory committee has been established to provide input to the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) on review and amendments to several administrative rules adopted after the passage of Senate Bill 762 (2021). ODF, in collaboration with Oregon State University (OSU), is responsible for developing and maintaining a comprehensive statewide map of wildfire hazard that includes wildland-urban interface boundaries and wildfire hazard zones. It requires that the map be publicly accessible and for ODF to provide technical assistance as needed.
The passage of Senate Bill 80 (2023) made several changes to the original requirements of a statewide wildfire hazard map under SB 762 (2021, including:
- Established a purpose statement for the map:
- Educate Oregon residents and property owners about the residents' and property owners' wildfire exposure by providing transparent and science-based information.
- Assist in prioritizing fir adaption and mitigation resources for the most vulnerable locations.
- Identify where defensible space standards and home hardening codes will apply.
- Changed the name of the map from a “risk" map to a “hazard" map clarifying that the map is illustrating environmental hazard to wildfire, and not an individual property assessment of risk.
- Reduces classifications of properties from five “risk" classes to three “hazard zones."
- Notices to property owners will only be sent to those both in high hazard and within the wildland-urban interface boundaries, limiting confusion on who is subject to defensible space standards or home hardening codes.
RAC meeting discussions will inform ODF on how additional changes may be included in map revisions within the direction provided by legislation.
Meeting information
All meetings are open to the public and will be held virtually via Zoom until announced otherwise. For special accommodations, please contact ODF Public Affairs at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at 503-945-7200.
Wildfire rulemaking under SB762
Senate Bill 762 provided legislative direction to the Board of Forestry regarding the wildland-urban interface; statewide fire risk mapping; prescribed fire; directed the Department to review and clarify the enforcement of rules pertaining to forestland; and baseline standards for unprotected and under-protected lands in Oregon.
The facilitated process will include several Rules Advisory Committees. Meeting information, agendas, and video recordings of past meetings will be posted as they are available.
To provide comment on any aspect of SB762 rulemaking, please use this
comment form or email
Combined Wildland-Urban Interface and Statewide Wildfire Risk Mapping Rulemaking Advisory Committees (RACs) No. 1 and 2
This process will develop and maintain a comprehensive statewide map of wildfire risk that includes wildland-urban interface boundaries and fire risk classes by June 30, 2022, in collaboration with Oregon State University, the Oregon Office of State Fire Marshal, other state agencies, local governments, tribes, other public bodies and additional information sources. It requires that the map be publicly accessible and for ODF to provide technical assistance as needed.
All meetings are open to the public and will be held virtually via Zoom until announced otherwise. For special accommodations, please contact ODF Public Affairs at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at 503-945-7200.
Meeting information
Feb. 10, 2022 Meeting
Feb. 3, 2022 Meeting
Jan. 13, 2022 Meeting
Dec. 16, 2021 Meeting
Dec. 9, 2021 Meeting
Nov. 18, 2021 Meeting
Oct. 28, 2021 Meeting
Oct. 14, 2021 Meeting
Sept. 30, 2021 Meeting
Sept. 16, 2021 Combined meetings started
Sept. 2, 2021 Meeting
Aug. 19, 2021 Meeting
Aug. 5, 2021 Meeting
July 20, 2021 Informational meeting
Committee archives
Certified Burn Manager Rules Advisory Committee
Senate Bill 762, passed in the 2021 legislative session and signed by Gov. Kate Brown, requires the Oregon Department of Forestry to establish by rule a Certified Burn Manager Program, and to consult with the Oregon Prescribed Fire Council concerning best practices for conducting the program, initiate rulemaking by November 2021, and provide a progress report to the Legislature by Nov. 1, 2021. It requires the agency to clarify cross-boundary prescribed fire permitting to allow a person to conduct a prescribed fire that burns across land ownership boundaries if the person obtains a permit, complies with its conditions, and obtains consent from relevant landowners. This rulemaking completed Nov. 30, 2022.
Meeting information
May 18, 2022 Meeting
April 20, 2022 Meeting
March 16, 2022 Meeting
Feb. 16, 2022 Meeting
Dec. 15, 2021 Meeting
Nov. 17, 2021 Meeting
Oct. 20, 2021 Meeting
Sept. 15, 2021 Meeting
Aug. 18, 2021 Meeting
Wildland-Urban Interface Rules Advisory Committee (WUI): Wildland-Urban Interface Definition
This process revises Oregon Revised Statutes 477.015 to 477.064 and directs the Board of Forestry to establish a definition of Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI). These rules must also establish criteria to identify and classify the WUI.
Meeting information
The WUI committee has completed its work for the Wildland-Urban Interface Definition rules.
Aug. 17, 2021 Meeting
Aug. 10, 2021 Meeting
Aug. 3, 2021 Meeting
July 27, 2021 Meeting
July 20, 2021 Informational meeting