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State agency budgets cover one biennium, or two fiscal years. A biennium runs from    July 1 of an odd-numbered year to June 30 of the next odd-numbered year. For example, July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025. The budget development process has three major phases:

  • Agency Request Budget
  • Governor's Budget
  • Legislatively Adopted Budget

Agency Request Budget

Agencies start budget development early in even-numbered years to develop their agency request budget. The budget starts with the cost of maintaining existing programs, then adds, removes, or adjusts the budget with what are called packages. The agency request budget lays out finances and policies for consideration by the Governor.

Governor’s Budget

The Governor and their Chief Financial Office review the budget request and use the Governor’s priorities, budget policies, and current law to make budget decisions, revising what the agency requested. The Governor’s Budget gets presented to the Legislature for consideration. The 2025-2027 Governor's Budget will be posted upon completion.

2025-27 Biennium: Governor's Budget

Legislatively Adopted Budget

During legislative sessions in odd-numbered years the Governor’s Budget is presented to the Legislature. Legislative committees review the proposed budget and hold public hearings to hear from the agency and the public. Each agency budget has a budget bill that gets voted on by the legislature. Budget bills that are enacted into law make up the legislative adopted budget. Agencies carry out, or execute, the budget over the two-year budget period. The budget can be adjusted during legislative sessions of even-numbered years or by meetings of the legislative emergency board. The Legislatively Adopted Budget along with these changes makes up the Legislatively Approved Budget. The 2025-2027 Legislatively Adopted Budget will be posted upon completion.

Previous Biennia

2023-25 Legislatively Adopted Budget
2021-23 Legislatively Adopted Budget
2019-21 Legislatively Adopted Budget
2017-19 Legislatively Adopted Budget
2015-17 Legislatively Adopted Budget
2013-15 Legislatively Adopted Budget


James D. Short
Chief Financial Officer

Tara Sell
Deputy Chief Financial Officer

Budget Manager