To grow hemp, you need a license, and these are the key points:
- Hemp growing licenses expire on December 31 each year. Fees are not prorated.
- You must submit your grower application (renewal or new) to the ODA by May 31 of the year you plan to grow.
Late submissions, received by the Department no later than July 31, are subject to a $250 late fee for each grow site application.
- You must have your license number before you start growing.
- Make sure your application is complete and error-free. Incomplete applications won't be processed until they are fixed.
- Growing hemp without a license can lead to not getting a license and possible fines.
- If you plan to produce agricultural hemp seed, you'll also need an agricultural hemp seed license.
Reminder on background checks
In Oregon since 2022, all hemp growers must go through a background check. This means all key participants need to get checked, including fingerprinting. Only those without recent felony drug convictions (in the last 10 years) can get a license to grow hemp.
If you've submitted a complete application to the ODA, they'll email you with instructions on what to do next. So, remember to check your email. If you don't see that email, get in touch with the hemp program directly.
For more information on what a key participant and ownership interest are, visit the hemp rules and
read the definitions
New Hemp Vendor License
Starting July 1, 2024:
In Oregon, any hemp retailers or wholesalers who store, transfer, or sell industrial hemp or hemp items for resale to another person must get a hemp vendor license from the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA), as per
OAR 603-048-0175. The vendor license costs $100 per year and is valid from July 1 – June 30. This schedule aligns with ODA's Food Safety and Weights and Measures licensing cycle, making it easier for customers who need multiple licenses to do business with ODA.
Note that if you submit your grower application after the initial deadline of May 31 but before July 31, you will incur a late fee of $250 for each grow site application. Additionally, to complete the submission process, ensure you check the designated box on the final page and include payment for the late fee. This step is crucial to avoid any delays or complications in obtaining your hemp grower license.
Cannabis waste and disposal form
Cannabis waste, determined by hemp grower, includes plants that lost market value due to mold, pest, disease or that will not be processed, sold, or transferred. Grower must request ODA approval within 10 days of determining something is waste and at least 7 days before disposal. For crop failure, determined by a failed preharvest test or presumptive marijuana, hemp growers must request ODA approval at least 7 days before disposal.
Hemp key participant change of status report form
Hemp license change of status report form - Fee required
Use this form to change a business name, add or remove a production area on an existing hemp license, or to notify ODA that you will not be growing hemp. Change of status report form
Pre-harvest sampling and testing request form
Use this form to request an official sampling from the ODA or an accredited laboratory.
Request to cancel hemp registration
Use this form to cancel your hemp license.
Update contact information form for hemp license
Use this form to change contact information on an existing hemp license. For handlers and growers.