The Oregon Department of Agriculture's Hemp Program provides another opportunity for Oregon agriculture to grow.
Hemp means all non-seed parts and varieties of the Cannabis plant, whether growing or not, that contain an average tetrahydrocannabinol concentration that does not exceed 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis. (OAR 603-048-0010)
The program ensures that hemp growers, hemp handlers, and agricultural hemp seed producers are registered and that pre- and post-harvest testing of hemp and hemp products are conducted as required by Oregon hemp statutes and regulations.
As the department regulates hemp in Oregon, it is our goal that this program provide:
- assurance of compliance to state laws,
- continued good health, and
- safety and welfare to Oregon's citizens.
New Hemp Vendor License
Starting July 1, 2024:
In Oregon, any hemp retailers or wholesalers who store, transfer, or sell industrial hemp or hemp items for resale to another person must get a hemp vendor license from the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA), as per
OAR 603-048-0175. The vendor license costs $100 per year and is valid from July 1 – June 30. This schedule aligns with ODA's Food Safety and Weights and Measures licensing cycle, making it easier for customers who need multiple licenses to do business with ODA.