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Administrative Rules, Accreditation, and Compliance for School Libraries

Oregon Administrative Rules 

Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) are a state agency's interpretation and implementation of Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) or laws. These OARs are related to school libraries:


The Northwest Accreditation Commission, a division of Cognia, accredits schools in Oregon.

  • School library programs are no longer called out in their accreditation standards (p. 5).

  • School or district staff may point to their library program as evidence of meeting certain indicators.

  • For example, this is indicator 3.6:
    The institution provides access to information resources and materials to support curriculum, programs, and needs of students, staff, and the institition.

Continuous Improvement Plans 

HB2586 is legislation that requires Oregon school districts to plan for strong school library programs as part of their district-level Continuous Improvement Plans (CIP). As of the 2022-23 school year, CIPs have been integrated with other major iniatitives of the Oregon Department of Education, and the CIP and other sections of the integrated plan are due on March 31, 2023. CIPs are due appoximately every four years, and the prior due date was November 1, 2019.
  • Districts must account for school libraries by responding to this question, per the Well-Rounded Education section of the Aligning for Student Success Guidance document (p. 57): 

    How do you ensure students have access to strong library programs?

  • The Oregon Department of Education has not developed support materials related to the school library question. For a past iteration of the CIP process, they offered a document called Resources & Research for Oregon’s District Improvement Indicators. Information on pages 101 – 105 lists and provides context for the two formerly-required school library indicators. 

  • In addition, it could be helpful for districts to refer to the Oregon Association of School Libraries' Strong School Library Rubric and to know how a strong school library program is defined in the Oregon Administrative Rule for CIPs:

    (l) “Strong school library program” means a planned effort to ensure the instruction of students, school staff, and the broader learning community in library skills, information literacy, and educational technology; such a program promotes a rich array of literacy experiences supporting life-long reading; facilitates collaboration in lesson planning and instruction; ensures equitable access to library resources and licensed school librarians; and develops and manages current, plentiful, and diverse library collections of print and electronic resources that support classroom curricula and student interests. 

Division 22 & Compliance

Every November, school districts must submit a Division 22 Assurance of Compliance form to the Oregon Department of Education indicating whether or not they were in compliance with the standards in OAR Chapter 581, Division 22 during the previous school year. 
  • The administrative rule about school library programs is included because it is part of Division 22. 

  • If a district is not in compliance with a mandate, staff must indicate how they plan to achieve compliance.

  • Districts must share compliance information with their board and the community by November 1, which includes posting their report on the district website by that date; districts must submit the assurance form to the Oregon Department of Education by November 15. 

  • Someone who disagrees with compliance information that a district submits must file a complaint at the district level; if that is not resolved, then a complaint may be initiated with the Oregon Department of Eduction.
Jen Maurer, School Library Consultant || || 971-375-3540